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Duties of a Muslim towards a non-Muslim

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Why is this not closed down? It's clearly religious and against the policy of this forum, no?
I like Islam, I still believe it is compatible with the modern world. we just need to defang some Mullah's and Ayatullahs and the source of their oil based funding that makes it a vindictive, repulsive , fearful and hateful religion of pieces blown into bits every day of the week.

Of course Islam is compatible with the modern world, and indeed is capable of leading it into the future, but only if its followers learn to keep themselves and their beliefs relevant by seeking and applying knowledge of all kinds. The problem is that very few of us are looking ahead, while a majority seeks to go back into the past, if not chronologically, then at least mentally and certainly theologically. No wonder the rest of the world (yes, there is a world outside of Islam created by the same Allah) sees only a "vindictive, repulsive, fearful and hateful religion" due to the actions of its followers, because the sane minority does not speak up due to intimidation by the regressive majority.
Like non-muslims, hypocrites (Munafiqeen) also don't follow Quran so do discrimination based on religion, sects, ethnicity. Otherwise in front of Allah, everyone is equal other then those who have higher "Taqwa". And "Taqwa" is not human scale to define but Allah alone.

And again their are no "If" "Buts" and these excuses are not going to rescue anyone on the Day.

not following quran is no means of discrimination.. nearly 80% of the world is not born muslim you can't call all of them to be hypocrites or those that discriminate against Islam. I never understood how brahmic religions define themselves to be god's chosen people or there god is only true/ all those that do not follow islam will go to hell.. these are plainly stupid and illogical and then I hear people saying quran is the god sent message and no one should question it .. like seriously ??

If you tell me that everyone is equal before allah/god, irrespective of the religion that he practices then several lines in quran have to be questioned which is contradictory and shirk for a practicing muslim.

Coming to your lst line, I am from dharmic religion ( not strict in practice) we don't believe in judgement day.. Acc. to dharmic philosophy after this life, I will be paying for my sins, I don't have to wait for judgement day.
Surah At-Taubah 9:73

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ جَاهِدِ الْكُفَّارَ وَالْمُنَافِقِينَ وَاغْلُظْ عَلَيْهِمْ وَمَأْوَاهُمْ جَهَنَّمُ وَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ

“O Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate”
Surah At-Taubah 9:73

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ جَاهِدِ الْكُفَّارَ وَالْمُنَافِقِينَ وَاغْلُظْ عَلَيْهِمْ وَمَأْوَاهُمْ جَهَنَّمُ وَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ

“O Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate”

good... :tup:
not following quran is no means of discrimination.. nearly 80% of the world is not born muslim you can't call all of them to be hypocrites or those that discriminate against Islam. I never understood how brahmic religions define themselves to be god's chosen people or there god is only true/ all those that do not follow islam will go to hell.. these are plainly stupid and illogical and then I hear people saying quran is the god sent message and no one should question it .. like seriously ??

If you tell me that everyone is equal before allah/god, irrespective of the religion that he practices then several lines in quran have to be questioned which is contradictory and shirk for a practicing muslim.

Coming to your lst line, I am from dharmic religion ( not strict in practice) we don't believe in judgement day.. Acc. to dharmic philosophy after this life, I will be paying for my sins, I don't have to wait for judgement day.

Sorry about your knowledge. Islam don't say we are choose, or other are not. It simply say, this is true path. Those who choose will pass the test of world, without discrimination. It's you who want to be or not.

Basic concept of this world is, it is a place where people are sent, those who pass (by following) get away from it. Islam is not bound with ethnicity, color, or anything else. So you your so called "Choosen people" mantra don't fit in.

Frankly, i feel like a stupidity when someone is speaking about religion and forget basic reason of religion is to find the God and make him happy. When we say this religion, it's means they think this is the right path not any other. Even Hinduism, Budism, sikhism all speaks same about two types of people. Those who follow and those who don't. (Hindu & nastic) Read your books it say same. So what's illogical in it?

Only Allah sent messenger and even his companion were questioning lots of things. I don't know which people say you can't question on it. But, Muhammad (SAWW) was messenger of Allah is proven in your books, in all other religions he was mentioned. (listen to Dr. Zakir Naiq)

btw which dharmic religion say sinner don't go to hell? Can you elaborate about yours I know Buddhist speak about 6 elements of karma and hell is part of it. Many parts of Hinduism speaks about birth rebirth cycles based on the sins of yours, and after 7th permanent hell.

Anyways, it will be very awkward situation on the day of judgment, when you find whole life followings were useless, since you choose to be not part of "choosen people".

It's not what you born (Muslim or non-muslim) but what you are on the end.

Surah At-Taubah 9:73

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ جَاهِدِ الْكُفَّارَ وَالْمُنَافِقِينَ وَاغْلُظْ عَلَيْهِمْ وَمَأْوَاهُمْ جَهَنَّمُ وَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ

“O Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate”

Every Muslim knows that this Ayah was for the Hypocrite for battle of hunain.
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Sorry about your knowledge. Islam don't say we are choose, or other are not. It simply say, this is true path. Those who choose will pass the test of world, without discrimination. It's you who want to be or not.

Basic concept of this world is, it is a place where people are sent, those who pass (by following) get away from it. Islam is not bound with ethnicity, color, or anything else. So you your so called "Choosen people" mantra don't fit in. .

That was in reference to abrahmic religions. Jews consider themselves to be the chosen people.

Frankly, i feel like a stupidity when someone is speaking about religion and forget basic reason of religion is to find the God and make him happy. When we say this religion, it's means they think this is the right path not any other. Even Hinduism, Budism, sikhism all speaks same about two types of people. Those who follow and those who don't. (Hindu & nastic) Read your books it say same. So what's illogical in it?
No, it doesn't.. that is the beauty of dharmic religions. In our religion we are not judged on o ur devotion to our religon.. the deeds that we committed in this life plays an imp role in deciding if we go to heaven or hell after this life. A complete atheist, who loathes the concept of god can still go to heaven if his deeds are noble in his life. while a devout can still end up in hell... To us lord exists in all the living and non-living forms, he is ever existing ... U can't hurt an other person and expect that god overlooks it bcz u r his devotee..

Only Allah sent messenger and even his companion were questioning lots of things. I don't know which people say you can't question on it. But, Muhammad (SAWW) was messenger of Allah is proven in your books, in all other religions he was mentioned. (listen to Dr. Zakir Naiq)

I am not sure if something like that was mentioned in Hindu religious texts. There is no concept of prophets in hindu religious texts. I will be glad if you give me a credible source ( not zakir naik videos plz, he is an Idiot).

btw which dharmic religion say sinner don't go to hell?

I never said that. I only said in dharmic religions it is not your religion or religious practice but your deeds and actions in life that will determine if you go to heaven or hell after death.

Anyways, it will be very awkward situation on the day of judgment, when you find whole life followings were useless, since you choose to be not part of "choosen people".

It's not what you born (Muslim or non-muslim) but what you are on the end.

So, as per your religion I will go to hell for not being a muslim.. but what if after death you are proven wrong and god asks hw was heaven ??
That was in reference to abrahmic religions. Jews consider themselves to be the chosen people.

No, it doesn't.. that is the beauty of dharmic religions. In our religion we are not judged on o ur devotion to our religon.. the deeds that we committed in this life plays an imp role in deciding if we go to heaven or hell after this life. A complete atheist, who loathes the concept of god can still go to heaven if his deeds are noble in his life. while a devout can still end up in hell... To us lord exists in all the living and non-living forms, he is ever existing ... U can't hurt an other person and expect that god overlooks it bcz u r his devotee..

I am not sure if something like that was mentioned in Hindu religious texts. There is no concept of prophets in hindu religious texts. I will be glad if you give me a credible source ( not zakir naik videos plz, he is an Idiot).

I never said that. I only said in dharmic religions it is not your religion or religious practice but your deeds and actions in life that will determine if you go to heaven or hell after death.

So, as per your religion I will go to hell for not being a muslim.. but what if after death you are proven wrong and god asks hw was heaven ??

Sure, will try to show you the reference from your Hindu scripture, and lot more.

I guess you didn't read your Vedas, or bagwan gitta, I did read some years back, in Vedas (yajurved)(translation of course) where Krishna ask to keep trust on him, otherwise you will go away from the righteous path. Similar in other as well, but problem is Hindu themselves don't read or follow. They assume everything is God so everything can be right, but that isn't the case which your book says.

Why should I be worried as per you anyone can go to heaven just deed should be good, you have everything to loss..but again, I know I am on rightous path.
Surah tawbah verse 9:29

قَاتِلُوا الَّذِينَ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَلَا بِالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَلَا يُحَرِّمُونَ مَا حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ وَلَا يَدِينُونَ دِينَ الْحَقِّ مِنَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ حَتَّىٰ يُعْطُوا الْجِزْيَةَ عَن يَدٍ وَهُمْ صَاغِرُونَ

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His apostle nor acknowledge the religion of truth (even if they are) of the People of the Book until they pay the Jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued".
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, in Vedas (yajurved)(translation of course) where Krishna ask to keep trust on him, otherwise you will go away from the righteous path. Similar in other as well, but problem is Hindu themselves don't read or follow. They assume everything is God so everything can be right, but that isn't the case which your book says.
there is not a single mention of Krishna in Vedas. Vedas came much before Krishna.
Why should I be worried as per you anyone can go to heaven just deed should be good, you have everything to loss..but again, I know I am on rightous path.

good for you.. :enjoy:
Please close this thread. No Discussion is allowed regarding any Religion...@Jungibaaz
The minimum rate for Jizya was 20% and went as high as 80% in some instances.
There is no punishment for not paying zakat, however failure to pay the jizya by a dhimmi was punishable by death in an Islamic state.
Only the Muslim poor and the needy would get welfare from the money collected by zakat and jizya.

The rate of jizya and Kharaj tax, head tax and land tax respectively, exceeded 20% for all non-Muslims, and payable by new moon. In the western Islamic states, for dhimmis who were Christians and Jews of Egypt and Morocco, these taxes were often graded into three levels with minimum rate being 20% of all estimated assets and any sales. The highest rates ranged from 33% to 80% of all annual farm produce on land inside the Islamic empire. In the eastern Islamic states, for dhimmis who were Hindus and Jains, the tax structure were similar, with non-Muslims paying jizya and Kharaj tax rate at least twice the zakat tax rate paid by Muslims. The discriminatory and high tax rates led to mass civil protests of 1679 in India, these protests were crushed by Aurangzeb. In some regions, such as Lebanon and Egypt, jizya was payable collectively by the Christian or the Jewish community, and was referred to as maktu - in these cases the individual rate of jizya tax would vary, as the community would pitch in for those who could not afford to pay.

In return for the tax, those who paid the jizya were permitted to keep their religion, practice it in private without offending Muslims, but were not allowed to build new Churches, Synagogues or Temples.

You will get better understanding of Jizya if you read the opinions of Islamic scholars instead of non stop selective copying pasting stuffs from Islamphobe sites or wikiepdia

jizya tax is a tax placed on non-Muslims that live under the Islamic state, according to Islamic texts and Islamic scholarship, the jizya tax provides protection, security, and safety for the non-Muslim. As we read from Islamic sources:

'In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful. This is the written statement of God's slave Abu Bakr, the successor of Muhammad, the Prophet and Messenger of God. He affirms for you the rights of a protected neighbor, in yourselves, your lands, your religious community, your wealth, retainers, and servants, those of you who are present or abroad, your bishops and monks, and monasteries, and all that you own, be it great or small. You shall not be deprived of any of it, and shall have full control over it.' (Abu Yusuf, Kitab al-Kharaj, p. 79)

"The ruler of the Muslim community is bound to protect the non-Muslims and to save them from aggression. Should they fall into captivity, the Imam must martial all the resources to secure their release and punish the transgressors against their lives and properties even if they were the sole non-Muslims living in a remote village." (Ibn Al Najaar Al Hanbali, Matalib Ula An-Nuha, Volume 2, p. 602-603)

So the jizya tax provides the non-Muslim with protection and safety, as well as the right to practice their faith. The Muslim state becomes obliged to protect the non-Muslims from any threat, and if the Muslims are not able to do so, then the jizya tax is not to be paid as we read in one example:

We have returned your money to you because we have been informed of the gathering of the enemy troops. You people, according to the conditions stipulated in the contract, have obliged us to protect you. Since we are now unable to fulfill these conditions, we are returning your money to you. We will abide by the conditions as agreed upon if we overcome the enemy. (Related by Abu Yusuf in Al-Kharaj)

So as we read, in this case the Muslims told the non-Muslim inhabitants that they didn’t have to pay the jizya, as the Muslims could not ensure their safety, and this happened when the Byzantines were gearing up to attack the Muslims in Syria.

So the jizya is a contract agreement between the Muslim state and it’s non-Muslim inhabitants, the Muslim state is obliged by the contract to look after the protection and welfare of it’s non-Muslim citizens, if it’s unable to do so then it has failed in its obligations and the non-Muslim citizens are not required to pay the tax.

In summary, once the non-Muslim citizen pays the jizya tax they are granted all of the following:

-They become rightful citizens in the Islamic state

-Their personal well-being becomes protected by the state

-Their property becomes protected by the state

-They are free to practice their faith, and their places of worship become protected by the state

-The Islamic state is required and obligated to fight for their non-Muslim citizens should they be under threat or attack

-Should the Islamic state be unable to fulfill such requirements, then the jizya tax is no longer to be paid

In essence, it’s like a modern state where you as a citizen are protected by your government from any harm. The jizya is a tax, just like in many modern day countries, governments impose taxes on its citizens, and in return for paying those taxes we get benefits from the government. Benefits such as being protected, benefits such as healthcare and so forth. A tax at the end of the day is a payment you make for services to be provided back to you by the government, services that protect your well-being, and this is exactly what the jizya tax is.

Now as to the rate of the jizya tax, while there was never any fixed rate established, the consensus was that the jizya tax should not be too high or too overburdening on the non-Muslim citizens:

Saheeh Bukhari

Volume 2, Book 23, Number 475: Narrated 'Amr bin Maimun Al-Audi: I recommend him to abide by the rules and regulations concerning the Dhimmis (protectees) of Allah and His Apostle, to fulfill their contracts completely and fight for them and not to tax (overburden) them beyond their capabilities."

In the above hadith the 2nd caliph of Islam, Umar al-Khattab told the Muslim community to make sure that the non-Muslims do not have to pay a high rate of jizya tax.

The jizya tax is also not placed on every non-Muslim citizen, several persons are exempt from the jizya tax, as we read

Women and children are excused absolutely

Handicapped, blind and old men, even if they are rich

Needy and mad-men

Day laborers, servants or wageworkers

A chronically ill-man even if he is rich

Religious people who keep themselves free for praying and worshipping, i.e. men of churches, cloisters and oratories

If a non-Muslim voluntarily participates in military service for protecting the country.

If the Islamic state becomes unable to protect non-Muslims, then they are legally exonerated from paying the tax. (See Ibnul Qayyim, Ahkam Ahlul Dhimma, Volume1, pp.8, 15 and al-Shafi', al-Umm¸ pp. 172-1)

So as we read, several persons are exempt from the jizya tax, the main persons who have to pay the tax are men of age and who are able to afford it.

Now some will still argue that the jizya tax is unfair, after all, Muslims don’t have to pay it, so isn’t that discrimination? While Muslims do not pay a jizya tax, they are obligated to pay the Zakat, which is a charity tax.

So each group has their own tax to pay, the non-Muslims the jizya, and the Muslims the Zakat of which the non-Muslims are not required to pay. The Zakat is one of the main pillars of Islam, so Muslims are obligated to pay it, the Zakat is also extends to Muslim assets in property, agriculture produce, livestock-food, and their jewelry.

So will people now argue that the Zakat tax is discriminatory, as only Muslim citizens have to pay it, while non-Muslim citizens are not obliged?

In conclusion, the jizya tax is neither oppressive, nor is it discriminatory. Most people with common rational sense will read most of what we have quoted, and will not be able to find anything wrong or oppressive with it.
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