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Drone was IRAN MADE

why the Israelis would let an Iranian drone go so far into Israeli airspace before destroying it ???

If the Israelis really detected it over the eastern Med, why let it get so close ???

Maybe to study it? to figure out what kind of control, is it real time control or programmable flight path, etc....

as you can clearly see the UAV was closely escorted by F-16, and if it had done something suspicious it could be quickly destroyed.

Different ways to down a drone:



If Israel had something to do with the explosion in the south lebanon that killed 3 hezbollah's members then this is hezbollah's response,and about the long time israelis took to shut down the drone they say that the israelis were trying to hack into the drone's system like Iran did with the RQ-170 but they couldn't.

Iran hacked nothing, Persian imbecile.
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Different ways to down a drone:



If Israel had something to do with the explosion in the south lebanon that killed 3 hezbollah's members then this is hezbollah's response,and about the long time israelis took to shut down the drone they say that the israelis were trying to hack into the drone's system like Iran did with the RQ-170 but they couldn't.

1) You can see that Israel tracked and filmed drone before shooting it down.
2) However Iran does not have any footage of RQ-170 before it fell on the ground.

Drones are new technology, they tend to crash time to time. There is no any proof that Iran downed it.
1) You can see that Israel tracked and filmed drone before shooting it down.
2) However Iran does not have any footage of RQ-170 before it fell on the ground.

Drones are new technology, they tend to crash time to time. There is no any proof that Iran downed it.

does not have any footage ???

so ! WTF is this in one piece ??? :lol:


for all those who tend to boast Izraeli :partay: capabilities without evidence backing as a default :

Fighter jet reportedly missed its first shot at spy drone

Fighter jet reportedly missed its first shot at spy dronePilot managed to shoot down the UAV on his second tryBy MICHAL SHMULOVICH October 10, 2012, 6:43 pm 0
This image made from video released by the Israeli Defense Forces shows the downing of a drone that entered Israeli airspace in southern Israel on Saturday. (photo credit: AP/Israeli Defense Forces via AP video)RELATED TOPICS
The air force required two shots to bring down the drone that penetrated deep into the country’s airspace Saturday, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Wednesday, suggesting the operation was not the major success initially proclaimed.

The report, which cited an unnamed official, said that in addition to the drone flying around “for some 30 minutes,” while F-16 fighter jets trailed it, the pilots missed their first attempt to hit the target.

According to Yedioth Ahronoth’s account of the events, after the initial warning systems detected the drone flying over the Mediterranean Sea into Israeli airspace, two F-16 fighter jets were scrambled to intercept it.

A pilot trailed the drone, and fired a panther missile – considered the most advanced in the IDF arsenal — towards the drone. Shortly afterwards a second missile was shot at the drone — this time successfully hitting the target — while it was flying north of Beersheba.

Hours after the incident, Defense Minister Ehud Barak congratulated IDF Chief of General Staff Benny Gantz and head of the Israel Air Force, Amir Eshel, on a job well done.

“We had monitoring contact from the ground and from the air. We alerted jet planes that escorted the unmanned aerial vehicle and due to some operational considerations we decided to intercept the unmanned aerial vehicle in the northern Negev area, where there are no residents,” IDF Spokesperson Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich said.

According to the report, this was the first time the IAF had missed hitting an enemy drone. Hezbollah has flown drones into Israeli airspace a few times in the past, though not for several years.

However, a senior IAF official told the paper that small targets such as drones are extremely difficult to hit with precision every time, adding that “other countries with such advanced air defense systems [like Israel's] would not be able to shoot every drone down, without error.”

The IAF said it would conduct an investigation into the incident, but the particular findings would not be divulged publicly.

After an initial investigation, military officials said the drone was likely dispatched from Lebanon.

Iran claimed that the drone managed to capture images from Israel’s Negev nuclear facility in Dimona, according to an al-Arabiya report. However, Israeli reports indicated that the drone was relatively primitive and incapable of relaying real-time information back to its dispatchers.

Fighter jet reportedly missed its first shot at spy drone | The Times of Israel

Report: Iran's fear of Israeli strike in 2008 led to series of air defense mishaps - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

I imagine a few more were not even detected and finished their mission to test zionists radars and to perhaps take pictures of zionists nuclear site and military installation; I think another very important thing would be for our brothers and sisters in hezbollah to take pictures of zionists iron dome and other air defence systems and where they are stationed so they can targeted by Iranian anti-radiation ballistic missile which we supplied to hezbollah. I hope you guys remember the news when Iran said they have a anti radiation ballistic missile which can target iron dome and other air defence systems.
does not have any footage ???

so ! WTF is this in one piece ??? :lol:



Footage of interception, Persian imbecile.

I guess the "glued" wings is evidence of Iranian successful hacking into UAV wings zippers... :lol:
Irannuc.ir says some military sources in Tehran have told them that the flight of Hezbollah drone over occupied Palestine hasn't been the first and there has been few hundreds of such flights before it too. this military source has told to Irannuc.ir such flights over occupied Palestine is routine and perhaps now that I am talking with you there is a drone flying over occupied Palestine specially over northern areas and Golan.

Military source has added these flights seeking some goals:
first goal is to test the effectiveness of air defense systems of Zionist regime,
second goal is to gather information and reconnaissance
third goals is increase of operational capabilities of offensive forces by successive practicing inside enemy territory and environment.

Irannuc.ir says some sources told them that there are few of such flights every day.
Irannuc.ir says sources told them that resistance groups could to draw a perfect map of terrain and fortification of Zionist regime in depth of few hundreds kilometer inside occupied Palestine territory by using UAV's.
does not have any footage ???

so ! WTF is this in one piece ??? :lol:


Cant you read? Thats what I wrote:

However Iran does not have any footage of RQ-170 before it fell on the ground.

Israel filmed Iranian drone while it was in the air. Iran filmed US drone only AFTER it fell on the ground. So most probably Iranians were not even aware of the US drone before it crashed on them.
Delusional Persian, so it is true, one of the sanction on Iran is that they cannot import IQ points... :lol:
Well as a summary to the whole drone issue from various sources...

Hezbollah launched the drone from Lebanon. It flew over the sea and entered Palestine at some point close to Gaza. On its root over the sea, it flew in the Israeli air space (70 km from land) and Israeli operational space(150 km from land). It took photos of Israeli navy ships and installations as well as Gas drilling sites. The Israelis still do not know from which point it entered the land. They give 3 possible points. There it flew over sensitive areas such as command of air force, some air bases... In total it flew over 300 km for more than 3 hours ... Israeli radars were not able to detect it all ... only an Electro Optical system was able to detect it ... Israel had to shoot 2 :woot: missiles to hit it.

The drone is larger and better than Mirsad-1 drone used before. It is made in Iran and assembled in Lebanon ... It can transmit images in real time... The path it took over the sea and over the land means it has an accurate navigation system

The drone is now called Ayub after the name of prophet Ayub and Shahid Ayub whose photo is shown above. He was martyred in 1996 at the age of 24 .. he was one of the founders of the air wing of Hezbollah and the commander of this wing until his death.

His name (and his soul) will keep hovering over beloved Palestine until that known day

Cant you read? Thats what I wrote:

However Iran does not have any footage of RQ-170 before it fell on the ground.

Israel filmed Iranian drone while it was in the air. Iran filmed US drone only AFTER it fell on the ground. So most probably Iranians were not even aware of the US drone before it crashed on them.

Read your own post :

AFTER it fell on the ground ???

fell ??? ooo Really !? :woot:
It can transmit images in real time.

were are the images of 3 hour flight over Israel? the signal is still making its way to Lebanon? :lol: delusional
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