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Drone and missile debris proves Iranian role in Aramco attack, Saudi defense ministry says

then i will put it this way: stick this in your head.
U r getting emotional.
:usflag:god bless ammmmerica:usflag:
were you hearing the national anthem in your head writing this??
More emotions displayed here. Like I said I'm not anti Iran but if that's how u r going to justify it in ur head then go right ahead I don't really care.
and Iran will sit and watch...
How about instead of one liners u tell me exactly what Iran would do. I'm curious to know what u come up with. Keep it on topic about air to air engagements taking into account air assets of both sides and anti air systems on the ground.
as you are basing your judgment on assets would you please name iranian assets
All the fighter jets that Iranian air force has...are a generation older than what ur foes possess(4th gen and 4++ gen aircrafts). In case of US and Israel they even have 5th gen. Just recently there were news of an Israeli F35 that entered Iranian airspace a while back. Ur nationalistic fervor blinds u to the reality...nationalism doesn't win u the war.

but for now if they get to 250 km from our air space there will not be a plane in sky do you know how strong Iran Air defense is??? or our missile power? its not like we buy our missiles and Air defense systems if they manage to destroy one of our long range Air defense system and that is big IF we will simply make 2 more Air defense system to replace that 1 which was destroyed same goes for almost all of our other systems like missiles and drones.
There isn't a nation on Earth that can claim that their airspace is impenetrable bcuz of air defense systems. There are ways to defeat air defense systems. What happened to those air defense systems when Israeli F35 entered Iranian air space?

So this threads dictates only two choices for Pakistanis, either stick with the miskeen albakistani state or uphold the Aryan ego?
No the third choice is Pak doesn't do anything. If Iran and Arabs insist on fighting...let them.
We will send all @CHACHA"G" and like minded individuals to House of Saud on a one way ticket and close the border for good with shoot to kill orders for any one returning.
Sick and Tired of Arab toilet paper calling them selves Pakistani and expecting Pakistan to fight For Arabs while Arab reward Pakistan's Enemies. .

And we will send back likes of you to your original gangu homeland of India to Lucknow from where your blood came to our indus valley territory of Pakistan.
In ur dreams!!! Iran has been around for thousands of years and has survived every single event in history in that time and will remain so. Remind me again, how old is Pakistan?
Here comes another Iranian peddling that same old crap. So tell me where was Pakistan before? Floating in space somewhere before it came down and merged with earth in 1947? Or was it just an uninhabited land with not a soul in sight until suddenly millions of ppl popped into existence in 1947?

How do u define the duration a country has existed? From the date of its creation? Or r u counting the ppl...the civilization that has existed there for centuries(from one successor state to the next)?
If we go by civilization then Indus Valley Civilization predates the Persians
If we go by the official creation date of modern day Islamic Republic of Pakistan(1956) and Islamic Republic of Iran(1979)...then again Pakistan predates Iran.
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And we will send back likes of you to your original gangu homeland of India to Lucknow from where your blood came to our indus valley territory of Pakistan.

IMO, the nationality of these Mullah lovers (whose Qibla lies in Iran) should be revoked and they should be deported to Iran. It is absolutely disgusting to see that our entire foreign policy and security is being hostage to these Mullah lovers.
IMO, the nationality of these Mullah lovers (whose Qibla lies in Iran) should be revoked and they should be deported to Iran. It is absolutely disgusting to see that our entire foreign policy and security is being hostage to these Mullah lovers.

I doubt Iran will ever take in these gangu lovers of Iran from India and unfortunately from Pakistan (an unintended import from India). I have met many Iranians in Germany, they don't like the gangus irrespective of whether gangus "share" their "sect" with them or not, most of Iranians are people who believe more in their ethnic pride rather than religion, at least the non-khamenei types which are the majority of the population in Iran.
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Yes the U.S were such good friends to Iran when they were giving Saddam Satellite inteligence to Saddam and looking the other way when Saddam was using WMDs against Iran from 1983-88. Does your tiny little brain rattle in your head when you shake your head?

In your dreams!!! Iran has been around for thousands of years and has survived every single event in history in that time and will remain so. Remind me again, how old is Pakistan?
leave those conspiracy theory suckers be, Iran was known enemy of Saddam and Taliban. the fact is we fought with Saddam and we would do it with Taliban if US didn't.

How about instead of one liners u tell me exactly what Iran would do. I'm curious to know what u come up with. Keep it on topic about air to air engagements taking into account air assets of both sides and anti air systems on the ground.
why go to air, we can launch hundreds of ballistic and cruise missiles in daily bases and we can use our drones to hit enemy air bases up to 3000 km away from our borders.
All the fighter jets that Iranian air force has...are a generation older than what ur foes possess(4th gen and 4++ gen aircrafts). In case of US and Israel they even have 5th gen. Just recently there were news of an Israeli F35 that entered Iranian airspace a while back. Ur nationalistic fervor blinds u to the reality...nationalism doesn't win u the war.
against US bight be but against PGCC our f-14 fleet is enough to keep balance with the help of our AD.
Just recently there were news of an Israeli F35 that entered Iranian airspace a while back.
the fact that a Kuwaiti newspaper reported that while Israelis are jumping up of joy for bombing IRGC empty buildings in Syria should give you a hint.
There isn't a nation on Earth that can claim that their airspace is impenetrable bcuz of air defense systems.
there was a time when Iran was saying we will fight a asymmetrical war with US people were saying they mean they will hide and ambush Americans lol. while you see what they meant. as you saw in mq-4 downing case.
in the official reports of US navy they said we didn't know there was a iranian air defense in that region, this brings the a question to mind: how they will conduct air raids if they do not know were are our ADs stationed??
When KSA would be hit and it would hit back Oil prices would skyrocket,and Pak would go bankrupt.

We will see about that, so far it seems KSA is chickening out of this .. their Oil Refinery has been attacked , they know who did it, how they did it , they provide proof for it and yet nothing .. those weapons they bought from USA is just for show off .
We will see about that, so far it seems KSA is chickening out of this .. their Oil Refinery has been attacked , they know who did it, how they did it , they provide proof for it and yet nothing .. those weapons they bought from USA is just for show off .
Well you can't say anything about it,they have money next day they can hire truck load of mercenaries to fight in Yemen on their behalf.
Well you can't say anything about it,they have money next day they can hire truck load of mercenaries to fight in Yemen on their behalf.

Like that would help, if Modernized and trained Army with Tanks and Air support can't stop these attacks what will those truck load of Mercenaries will do ? ? or are you saying that Saudi's are incapable to fight on their own ?
Like that would help, if Modernized and trained Army with Tanks and Air support can't stop these attacks what will those truck load of Mercenaries will do ? ? or are you saying that Saudi's are incapable to fight on their own ?
They have air power but not ground troops.These
Mercenaries are soleless creatures.They would act as ground troops for them.But i suspect they don't have brain to think like that.
They have air power but not ground troops.These
Mercenaries are soleless creatures.They would act as ground troops for them.But i suspect they don't have brain to think like that.

They will not do that, if they did Iran might bring their and like it or not but Iran has more experience in proxies and mercenaries than GCC . For KSA its now or never kinda situation , do something about your enemy or just sit quite and accept your defeat .
US has already said that there would be more sanctions against Iran. This implies that US, and consequently KSA, are not thinking of any military retaliation. Iran is playing quite smart.
China also relieving Iran of the most painful aspects of the sanctions..

I don't give a damn about this "sectarians mess" BS, where I grew up in Gujranwala there is only one sect and that is called "Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat" and we don't give a damn about other "sects" because we don't consider them as "our people", they are for me just like hindus, sikhs, christians etc. They are NOT part of us, that is it.
Sounds like an admission you're sectarian. fully noted.
They will not do that, if they did Iran might bring their and like it or not but Iran has more experience in proxies and mercenaries than GCC . For KSA its now or never kinda situation , do something about your enemy or just sit quite and accept your defeat .
Don't take sheikhs lightely.
East and west Pakistan was carved out of India when Pakistan became its own state. Comparing the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Islamic Republic of Iran and claiming that "Pakistan predates Iran" is really silly because there was a nation state called Iran before the establishment of the Islamic Republic dating back at least 2500 years. There was no Nation called Pakistan until 1947.
U r just inventing reasons and grasping at straws to try and back up ur argument. If we look at anything tangible...a nation's creation date is based on when it declared itself as that nation state...or u can trace the history of its civilization. Based on that the FACT remains...
- In terms of civilization we predate u
- In terms of an official declaration of a nation state we predate u

A name can be x, y, z, or anything...it DOESN'T sever historical ties. If Iran today named itself X...it wouldn't change ur historic civilization. If Britain changed its name today it wouldn't change their history.

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