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Drill oil in Baluchistan

Bhai that's too generic and factually wrong.
Most Pakistanis are pro-Pakistan but there are some Mullahs who support KSA while their counterparts from their opposite sect support Iran.. But not all Shias in Pakistan support Iran over Pakistan and similarly not all Mullah (wahabi / deobandi) support KSA over Pakistan. But there is a minority in each camp. However, some of them are sitting at key positions and they have betraying the country. We need to get rid of them.

Agreed. However, don’t be fooled by this vocal and ugly minority. They have infiltrated important positions and are influential. It is not only KSA and Iran. It is also the US and India. These stooges act like mouthpieces of their stakeholders. They are everywhere. You see them on TV, internet and even on this forum.

We have many individuals who are willing to do the bidding of others based on their self professed belief system and loyalties.

No country on the planet can succeed when there is ambiguity regarding identity.
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@war&peace , @maximuswarrior , Off topic but important : Bros please dig in the news of 1998 , just after the indian Atom bomb tests and Pakistani tests …… You will find out some great news about it , you will find out real enemies of Pakistan !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some even make grave of Dr.AQ-Khan ...……….. I will leave the search part on you too.
@war&peace , @maximuswarrior , Off topic but important : Bros please dig in the news of 1998 , just after the indian Atom bomb tests and Pakistani tests …… You will find out some great news about it , you will find out real enemies of Pakistan !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some even make grave of Dr.AQ-Khan ...……….. I will leave the search part on you too.

The beauty is that these stooges cannot hide their frustration. It is very easy to spot one. They start throwing fits like a fish out of water.

Having said that, time has come to thoroughly cleanse this Godforsaken filth for once and for all. It won’t be easy, but the time has come. We won’t get a better opportunity. The Pak armed forces and the government are united. This puts fear in their minds. This is the time to strike. Don’t fear backlash or propaganda. There will be a lot of that if there already wasn’t. The job needs to be done without fear and remorse. The goal is to unify the people and remove cancer from society. Their tentacles run deep, but we need to cut them from the root. Cannot leave a trace for the roots to grow in future.
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Iran is India's mini-me so f#ck the brotherhood. Drill the oil and get it out.
@war&peace , @maximuswarrior , Off topic but important : Bros please dig in the news of 1998 , just after the indian Atom bomb tests and Pakistani tests …… You will find out some great news about it , you will find out real enemies of Pakistan !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some even make grave of Dr.AQ-Khan ...……….. I will leave the search part on you too.
Bro, I would request little help here ... please provide some link and rest I will find out myself.
Why should it piss off Iran? It is our land. We can collaborate with anyone we like.

We do not lecture Iran that it is not allowed to work on Chabahar with India.

Most definitely Pakistan should approach a company like Aramco to invest. It is one of the most profitable companies in the world today. They have the money and expertise. There should be no delay.

I guess our ONGC Videsh can do this job at a far littler cost. Pakistan should seriously consider since your budget is already too constrained. :-)
Drill oil in Baluchistan: Let Iran scream

Saudi @ss Licker Wahabrra Detected

Racist Title....
KPK & Sind are well surveyed and explored areas. The reservoirs found there are small because it is a 'Fractured site' region. Some discoveries are so small that further development of the field is uneconomic and the well is plugged.

Drilling, however, is going on that is why you see small discoveries ever so often.
so the drilling investment depends on the size of the expected reservoir size
NOT on making a neighbor "scream" as the author of the article suggests.
if there is an economic case then go ahead and drill in Balochistan
Chacha G hint dy du i will update those bacha party :) aap ki tarah hum bhi tu chacha G mujhe kun sa talash karna hai all in head acha time tha woh bhi.Just after nuclear test woh ugly feud start ho giya tha by Dr samar Mubarakmand bilkul idea nahi ja raha where u pointing
@war&peace , @maximuswarrior , Off topic but important : Bros please dig in the news of 1998 , just after the indian Atom bomb tests and Pakistani tests …… You will find out some great news about it , you will find out real enemies of Pakistan !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some even make grave of Dr.AQ-Khan ...……….. I will leave the search part on you too.
waiting for Pakistani defenders of Iran
I have seen many Pakistanis shamelessly saying that we cause terrorism in Iran, but when they shoot our soldiers, those same shameless Pakistanis say it must have been our fault.
to hell with everyone else, National Interest above all
drill it up
exactly these ibne haram nir jafars should be treated like the way iran treat it minorities.
Why did I missed that news? Why did I never heard that news?

Without reading any comment of this thread, just let me know if there is any authentic survey report or feasibility of availability in our territory?

The Geologist can look at the geological features of the land and can determine which areas need further study including boring holes to look at the prospective sites. Then they decide which sites need multi-million dollar drilling. This article is fake news that is why it does not appear in mainline media. You people on PDF should be smart enough to recognize fake news if you are not then please send me $10,000 and I will send you map of oil field in Balochistan with no guarantees.
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