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Drill oil in Baluchistan

If so then Iran should have no problem. We can drill even a few inches from the border.

Iran has no problem with drilling in Balochistan please go a head and drill. Are you sure there is oil there? :)
All Iranian oil fields are in west so why would Iran have problem with drilling in Balochistan? lol This is a very strange logic of Iran. If Iran has any problem just F them and drill if there is oil but in Mirpur khas just few kilometers from biggest Indian oil field there is oil why not first start there?

I can tell you a better location where there is more chances of oil why not drill there?
Iran has no problem with drilling in Balochistan please go a head and drill. Are you sure there is oil there? :)
All Iranian oil fields are in west so why would Iran have problem with drilling in Balochistan? lol This is a very strange logic of Iran. If Iran has any problem just F them and drill if there is oil but in Mirpur khas just few kilometers from biggest Indian oil field there is oil why not first start there?

I can tell you a better location where there is more chances of oil why not drill there?
Well, normally such surveys are carried out by the companies and only then you can say.. mostly it is paid by the govt or sometimes the company itself invests on certain conditions. Like Eni and Exxon Oil are doing..
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Iran has no problem with drilling in Balochistan please go a head and drill. Are you sure there is oil there? :)
All Iranian oil fields are in west so why would Iran have problem with drilling in Balochistan? lol This is a very strange logic of Iran. If Iran has any problem just F them and drill if there is oil but in Mirpur khas just few kilometers from biggest Indian oil field there is oil why not first start there?

I can tell you a better location where there is more chances of oil why not drill there?

Every darn location with proven reserves needs to be tapped. This is the time to do it. Our energy bill is a problem. We cannot wait another decade because certain nations have objections. Whether there is oil in Baluchistan or in Mirpur shouldn’t make an iota of difference.
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Tried in mirpur khas some success going to do more IA this year.KPK ka pata nahi.THose are safe bets

Why are we not drilling in Mirpur Khas Indias biggest oil field is just few kilometers away. Why are we not taking our share from India? If there is oil in Balochistan what are we waiting for? Lets get over this myth.
Why are we not drilling in Mirpur Khas Indias biggest oil field is just few kilometers away. Why are we not taking our share from India? If there is oil in Balochistan what are we waiting for? Lets get over this myth.

We know the answer to that. We have been acting very very feeble throughout history. We never had the leaders who had the courage to put Pakistan first. This is the real reason. We buckle under pressure and are too accommodating to the concerns of other nations. This awkward pathetic behavior needs to end very quickly now.
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We know the answer to that. We have been acting very very feeble throughout history. We never had the leaders who had the courage to put Pakistan first. This is the real reason. We buckle under pressure and are too accommodating to the concerns of others nations. This awkward pathetic behavior needs to end very quickly now.
Yes Nawaz did not drilled in Mirpur to favor India but now we can do it so why are we not doing it? This Govt needs to fire all in many posts trust me this is what Pakistan needs now.

We should do at both places..especially in Balochistan close to the border.
Who is stopping us? Please tell me?
Yes Nawaz did not drilled in Mirpur to favor India but now we can do it so why are we not doing it? This Govt needs to fire all in many posts trust me this is what Pakistan needs now.

Exactly. These filthy hyena leaders are the reason.

Not anymore. I expect Imran Khan to look into this matter swiftly because we need to curb the energy bill. Every little bit is going to help. Baluchistan or Timbuktu. I don’t care. Get in there and start looking for the precious liquid and gas.

Imran Khan should be doing much much more in lesser time. I don’t like the pace of progress.
@war&peace do you think we give a hell about Iran? We are a Nuclear power and we can destroy countries in seconds so why are we not drilling? Iran has oil fields is west not in east Iran has no concerns here so why are we lagging?
Who is stopping us? Please tell me?
Some turds in bureaucracy. We need to get rid of those traitors also need to see if there is any such secret understanding. The news article is very accurate about the numbers in Baluchistan. Sui is the largest discovered gas reserves in Pakistan so definitely there would be a lot of oil as well since both go hand in hand.
We don't have any major oil reserve in Baluchistan. Let's focus on off-shore, there we can find some.
Exactly. These filthy hyena leaders are the reason.

Not anymore. I expect Imran Khan to look into this matter swiftly because we need to curb the energy bill. Every little bit is going to help. Baluchistan or Timbuktu. I don’t care. Get in there and start looking for the precious liquid and gas.

Here all you need to know use google maps to see their location
The Mangala Area, located in Block RJ-ON-90-1 (the Rajasthan Block), is a major oil field located in the Indian State of Rajasthan. The Mangala area consists of over 16 separate oil and gas fields of which the majority of the reserves are located in the three fields of Mangala, Bhagyam and Aishwariya.

Security is the big issue, Iran is friend of India who is friend of Israel and USA. Just recently 2 company employees who were working in oil for drilling got shot today.

That is the intriguing part and exposes Iran, on the surface it is hostile to Israel and USA but deep in the core it is strongly tied with both USA and Israel through India as a proxy, that is how Iran is fooling Pakistan and many other countries.
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