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Drill oil in Baluchistan

How everyone works for Indians???ok let assume you are right but point is raised why not search for oil in BAlochistan as on shore is way cheaper and more success ratio than off shore so why not?
You will see many scumbags who worship other countries than Pakistan. That's what he is.
Only one way to rectify this. If we can get CPEC underway there should be no issue exploring gas and oil reserves in our region. The sooner we start the better.
There is heaps of oil and gas on this side and we know it.
We to start in parallel because all govt has to do is to let the oil exploration companies search.
Not possible until we fence iran border completely and keep a close eye there.

We need to materialize our resources. Iran can cry its our soil and our resources and if we can't use it just give it to china or russia and have $100billions or so they will handle iran if we can't handle it.

Why depleting the resources?

Security is the big issue, Iran is friend of India who is friend of Israel and USA. Just recently 2 company employees who were working in oil for drilling got shot today in N.Wazirasatan.

I agree, but that shouldn’t deter us from going forward. Fencing and exploration should happen concurrently. We know for a fact that reserves are present in Baluchistan.
I beg to differ. Moeed Pirzada is quite neutral and unbiased in is reporting.
Mate, Dr Moeed Peerzada is thorough Pakistani. I differ with him on a few issues but I agree him on most.
@war&peace here is the map of Iranian oil fields take a look and decide if Iran has any problem with drilling in Balochistan?

Worry about Iran for sure. But you can hardly control Baluchistan even with so many troops on the ground. Useless to prattle on about foreign adversaries when we can't even put our own house in order. But I guess the kickbacks from any oil found would fund a new BMW for some rich, corrupt leech, somewhere, so all is good.
Not possible until we fence iran border completely and keep a close eye there.

We need to materialize our resources. Iran can cry its our soil and our resources and if we can't use it just give it to china or russia and have $100billions or so they will handle iran if we can't handle it.

Why depleting the resources?

Security is the big issue, Iran is friend of India who is friend of Israel and USA. Just recently 2 company employees who were working in oil for drilling got shot today.
Bhai we can do in parallel and we can handle them easily. We just need to change our stance and need to change a few traitors in our bureaucracy.
Dosent drilling for hydrocarbons....need a substantial amount of capital?

maybe a tie up with aramco might help...
but that would piss the iranians
Dosent drilling for hydrocarbons....need a substantial amount of capital?

maybe a tie up with aramco might help...
but that would piss the iranians

Why should it piss off Iran? It is our land. We can collaborate with anyone we like.

We do not lecture Iran that it is not allowed to work on Chabahar with India.

Most definitely Pakistan should approach a company like Aramco to invest. It is one of the most profitable companies in the world today. They have the money and expertise. There should be no delay.
Why should it piss off Iran? It is our land. We can collaborate with anyone we like.

We do not lecture Iran that it is not allowed to work on Chabahar with India.

true but that would show what cards you are playing in the big game.....which side you are on....

Pakistan and Iran have traditionally had a non agression pact with each other....
waiting for Pakistani defenders of Iran
I have seen many Pakistanis shamelessly saying that we cause terrorism in Iran, but when they shoot our soldiers, those same shameless Pakistanis say it must have been our fault.
to hell with everyone else, National Interest above all
drill it up
the iranians

They're irrelevant, the whole world hates them and it's enemies are itching for a pretext to attack them.

I've said it before and I will say it again, we can benefit greatly from antagonising Iran and supporting it's enemies.
true but that would show what cards you are playing in the big game.....which side you are on....

Pakistan and Iran have traditionally had a non agression pact with each other....

We are not playing any side. We simply want to explore oil and gas reserves. Nothing more nothing less. Pakistan desperately needs to use every resource at its disposal to cut on the energy bill.

We don’t consider Iran showing its cards when it teams up with India in Chabahar. We can’t do anything if a country starts believing in conspiracies. That is not going to deter nations to pursue their interests.
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