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Dreaming India super power by 2020

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Quanity is not important anymore in modern warfare.
its about skillz and quality.
something india has far away from it.
also how do you it will have most scienist doctors and stuff?
how do you know bollywood and stuff will be the most popular?
i really wonder where you get these informations

This is stupidity at its heights.
Quanity is not important anymore in modern warfare.
its about skillz and quality.
something india has far away from it.
also how do you it will have most scienist doctors and stuff?
how do you know bollywood and stuff will be the most popular?
i really wonder where you get these informations

And i really wonder from where u get that information that it will not.

Ok i will explain it for u.

1. We are already a nuclear power. :cheers:

2. We will have network centric military with separate satellites for each of army, navy, air force, spy satellites and secure fiber optical network. :cheers:

Indian army, Air Force and Navy are going for a huge modernization drive. Where we will have quantity as well as quality.

With many aircraft career, nuclear submarine stealth warships, p8-Poseidon our navy will be best in class.

Air force will get 5th gen aircraft, MMRCA, LCA, AWACS, latest heavy and light attack helicopters, World's best heavy lift aircraft and helicopters.

We will also have ICBMs and missile defense shield.

2. Indian companies are already making news all over the world we will have more and more companies that will be truly MNCs. Because we are growing and our companies will also grow as govt is investing huge sums in economy the cycle of demand and supply will generate more and more jobs and companies. :cheers:

3. India still has the World's 4th largest pool of Scientist, doctors and engineers. Now there are hundreds of new institutes, colleges and universities are opening. Govt. is also allowing foreign universities to build campus in India so we will have more and more engineers, doctors and scientists. :cheers:

4. Bollywood is getting more and more popular day by day. Proof is you a Turkish who knows about Bollywood and also watches it.

Indian companies are buying hundreds of cinemas in all over the world from USA to UK. And also investing billions to make films with the best of best in the Hollywood. :cheers:

Anil Ambani enters Hollywood, signs $825m deal with Spielberg - India Business - Biz - The Times of India

Anil Ambani group signs deal with Julia Roberts :: Julia Roberts

Brad Pitt signs deal with Anil Ambani - Bollywood Mantra - Action Replay | Neeta Ambani | Anil Ambani

I think u get ur answer.
3. India still has the World's 4th largest pool of Scientist, doctors and engineers. Now there are hundreds of new institutes, colleges and universities are opening. Govt. is also allowing foreign universities to build campus in India so we will have more and more engineers, doctors and scientists.

More info on this, please? =]
And i really wonder from where u get that information that it will not.

Ok i will explain it for u.

1. We are already a nuclear power. :cheers:

2. We will have network centric military with separate satellites for each of army, navy, air force, spy satellites and secure fiber optical network. :cheers:

Indian army, Air Force and Navy are going for a huge modernization drive. Where we will have quantity as well as quality.

With many aircraft career, nuclear submarine stealth warships, p8-Poseidon our navy will be best in class.

Air force will get 5th gen aircraft, MMRCA, LCA, AWACS, latest heavy and light attack helicopters, World's best heavy lift aircraft and helicopters.

We will also have ICBMs and missile defense shield.

2. Indian companies are already making news all over the world we will have more and more companies that will be truly MNCs. Because we are growing and our companies will also grow as govt is investing huge sums in economy the cycle of demand and supply will generate more and more jobs and companies. :cheers:

3. India still has the World's 4th largest pool of Scientist, doctors and engineers. Now there are hundreds of new institutes, colleges and universities are opening. Govt. is also allowing foreign universities to build campus in India so we will have more and more engineers, doctors and scientists. :cheers:

4. Bollywood is getting more and more popular day by day. Proof is you a Turkish who knows about Bollywood and also watches it.

Indian companies are buying hundreds of cinemas in all over the world from USA to UK. And also investing billions to make films with the best of best in the Hollywood. :cheers:

Anil Ambani enters Hollywood, signs $825m deal with Spielberg - India Business - Biz - The Times of India

Anil Ambani group signs deal with Julia Roberts :: Julia Roberts

Brad Pitt signs deal with Anil Ambani - Bollywood Mantra - Action Replay | Neeta Ambani | Anil Ambani

I think u get ur answer.

bla bla bla bla bla how about turkey?
Turkey is 4th strongest.
india is 4th LARGEST which doesn't do ****.
Also.. Turkey has and still have a modernization of about 300billion us dollars.
last time i heard about movies when the turkish cinema won awards in USA california.
bla bla bla bla bla how about turkey?
Turkey is 4th strongest.
india is 4th LARGEST which doesn't do ****.
Also.. Turkey has and still have a modernization of about 300billion us dollars.
last time i heard about movies when the turkish cinema won awards in USA california.

4th largest of what?? why are burning inside mate??
bla bla bla bla bla how about turkey?
Turkey is 4th strongest.
and still treated by middle easterners as unislamic and europeans treat dont give a **** about you. in this side we have a saying dhobi ka ***** na ghar na ghar ka
india is 4th LARGEST which doesn't do ****.
Also.. Turkey has and still have a modernization of about 300billion us dollars.
last time i heard about movies when the turkish cinema won awards in USA california.

bla bla bla bla bla how about turkey?
Turkey is 4th strongest.
india is 4th LARGEST which doesn't do ****.
Also.. Turkey has and still have a modernization of about 300billion us dollars.
last time i heard about movies when the turkish cinema won awards in USA california.

he means 4th largest and important american state...:rofl::rofl::rofl:
behind canada , britain and japan
I think it really depends on the opponent you're thinking of when considering a war. In a real war against a strong opponent, it easily degenerates into a war of attrition. In that situation, buying stuff from other countries simply isn't a valid option, you need to be able to produce your own. Why? Because all the vendors know that you're desperate for new equipment, they'll jack up the prices so that even if you win, you'll bankrupt yourself.
hi brothers i post my detail comment on here tonite or tomorrow morning.
Superpower means different for different people. Yes India cannot probably take over the world in the next 100 years probably and while you may disagree with the liberal usage of the word Super - India is and if it continues will become a Power.

It's power projection would definitely adversely affect Pakistan and on a much lesser scale China.

Our foreign policy or India policy makers should give this Indian dream some respect so the future can be managed accordingly.

Man!! You are the kind of people who I am afraid of. All these yahoos, 'boast more do less' guys I don't care. Only people who think like you can affect India's interests and for that matter Pakistan's interests. BTW apt avatar. You keep thinking. We will watch out.


Useless info, the future cant be predicated. And this one is written by a Nobel economy award winner-Robert. So, which one is real? Do you think they really can predicate the future? Oh, come on, only time can make a decision.:lol: Be mature, guy.;)


Why China's Economy Will Grow to $123 Trillion by 2040 - By Robert Fogel | Foreign Policy
In 2040, the Chinese economy will reach $123 trillion, ornearly three times the economic output of the entire globe in 2000. China's percapita income will hit $85,000, more than double the forecast for the EuropeanUnion, and also much higher than that of India and Japan. In other words, theaverage Chinese megacity dweller will be living twice as well as the averageFrenchman when China goes from a poor country in 2000 to a superrich country in2040. Although it will not have overtaken the United States in per capitawealth, according to my forecasts, China's share of global GDP -- 40 percent -- willdwarf that of the United States (14 percent) and the European Union (5 percent)30 years from now. This is what economic hegemony will look like.

Most accounts of China's economic ascent offer little butvague or threatening generalities, and they usually grossly underestimate theextent of the rise -- and how fast it's coming. (For instance, a recent study bythe Carnegie Endowment for International Peace predicts that by 2050, China'seconomy will be just 20 percent larger than that of the United States.) Suchaccounts fail to fully credit the forces at work behind China's recent successor understand how those trends will shape the future. Even China's own economicdata in some ways actually underestimate economic outputs.

It's the same story with the relative decline of a Europeplagued by falling fertility as its era of global economic clout finally ends.Here, too, the trajectory will be more sudden and stark than most reportingsuggests. Europe's low birthrate and its muted consumerism mean itscontribution to global GDP will tumble to a quarter of its current share within30 years. At that point, the economy of the 15 earliest EU countries combinedwill be an eighth the size of China's.

This is what the future will look like in a generation. It'scoming sooner than we think.

What, precisely, does China have going so right for it?

The first essential factor that is often overlooked: theenormous investment China is making in education. More educated workers aremuch more productive workers. (As I have reported elsewhere, U.S. data indicatethat college-educated workers are three times as productive, and a high schoolgraduate is 1.8 times as productive, as a worker with less than a ninth-gradeeducation.) In China, high school and college enrollments are rising steeplydue to significant state investment. In 1998, then-President Jiang Zemin calledfor a massive increase in enrollment in higher education. At the time, just 3.4million students were enrolled in China's colleges and universities. Theresponse was swift: Over the next four years, enrollment in higher educationincreased 165 percent, and the number of Chinese studying abroad rose 152percent. Between 2000 and 2004, university enrollment continued to risesteeply, by about 50 percent. I forecast that China will be able to increaseits high school enrollment rate to the neighborhood of 100 percent and thecollege rate to about 50 percent over the next generation, which would byitself add more than 6 percentage points to the country's annual economicgrowth rate. These targets for higher education are not out of reach. It shouldbe remembered that several Western European countries saw college enrollment ratesclimb from about 25 to 50 percent in just the last two decades of the 20thcentury.
^ It's interesting that Chinese members will believe Western media when it's pro-China, but whenever it's anti-China it's labelled as bull **** etc etc
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