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Dr Qadir - A national hero or traitor

The same people who say this say their were WMD's in Iraq.

What Saddam did not have or use WMDs ? Please tell that to the survivors of more than 5,000 killed by poison gas in a 1988 attack on the Kurdish Iraqi town of Halabja.

WMD does not mean only nukes.

What Saddam did not have or use WMDs ? Please tell that to the survivors of more than 5,000 killed by poison gas in a 1988 attack on the Kurdish Iraqi town of Halabja.

WMD does not mean only nukes.


True, but the misconception was created by US that Iraq would have nukes.
Both Iran and Iraq had demonstrated capability of having biological and chemical weapons.
AQ Khan may have been a hero for the Pakistanis for his nuke program but the moment he and his other friends started doing same with North Korea he let down Pakistan. The US may not have been very charitable if that same bomb would have been used against their soldiers in South Korea. Anyway the country comes before oneself and now he should retire and enjoy his retirement. It was a brave task of sacking him carried out by Gen M.

What Saddam did not have or use WMDs ? Please tell that to the survivors of more than 5,000 killed by poison gas in a 1988 attack on the Kurdish Iraqi town of Halabja.

WMD does not mean only nukes.


Hmmm..........? No Saddam did not have WMD's. He might have used poison gas but not WMD.

WMD were the main reason why US went into war with Iraq. But WMD theory was proved wrong.

There are parallels to Saddams ruthlessness there were never invaded.
Hmmm..........? No Saddam did not have WMD's. He might have used poison gas but not WMD.

WMD were the main reason why US went into war with Iraq. But WMD theory was proved wrong.

There are parallels to Saddams ruthlessness there were never invaded.

Sorry but your wrong. The defination WMD is given below for your info and poison gas is included.


A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is a weapon which can kill large numbers of humans and/or cause great damage to man-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains) or the biosphere in general. The term covers several weapon types, including nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC) and, increasingly, radiological weapons. There is controversy over when the term was first used, either in 1937 (in reference to the aerial bombardment of Guernica, Spain) or in 1945 (with reference to nuclear weapons)
Sorry but your wrong. The defination WMD is given below for your info and poison gas is included.


A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is a weapon which can kill large numbers of humans and/or cause great damage to man-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains) or the biosphere in general. The term covers several weapon types, including nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC) and, increasingly, radiological weapons. There is controversy over when the term was first used, either in 1937 (in reference to the aerial bombardment of Guernica, Spain) or in 1945 (with reference to nuclear weapons)

Poison Gas is WMD or not can be debated. My reply was for invason of Iraq for WMD's.

read below page for facts.

Iraq WMD Lies: The Words of Mass Deception
If indeed he's such hero, let him fall on his sword and let his act of "herosim" serve as a model for other would be "hero" types:pakistan:

"Ordinary" WMD other than nukes would never give US the required support to go to war with Iraq. US' media palyed active role in creating misceptions about Iraq's nuclear capability.

Here's an article from Novermber 1990, no mention of WMD other than nukes:

Taking Out Iraq's Nukes

Published: November 25, 1990

The prospect of Saddam Hussein brandishing an arsenal of nuclear weapons is the nightmare of all who oppose him. Just imagine if his invasion of Kuwait had been backed by a nuclear punch that could decimate the forces now massed against him and devastate Israel, among other countries.

Is that reason enough to go to war now, before Iraq gets nuclear weapons? Some experts and commentators urge a prompt military strike, either as the surest way to eliminate the emerging nuclear threat or in the belief that Iraq is close to a crude nuclear weapon that could threaten allied forces in the Persian Gulf. President Bush has picked up the theme, warning American troops that the nuclear threat is grave and urgent.

The American public may also be ready to wage pre-emptive war. A New York Times poll shows that significant majorities oppose war against Iraq to protect the world's oil supplies or restore the government of Kuwait. But a solid majority supports military action "to stop Saddam Hussein from developing nuclear weapons.

The concern is justified. He has been trying for years to acquire nuclear bombs, and some day he will succeed unless firm action is taken to stop him. But military action should be the last resort, not the first and certainly not the best.

Allied forces in the Persian Gulf seem in no immediate danger. In an illuminating report in The Times last Sunday, Malcolm W. Browne cited intelligence estimates that Iraq would require 2 to 10 years to develop a nuclear arsenal.

The Iraqis could pursue two routes to nuclear weapons, neither of which seems a present danger. One would use a small batch of highly enriched uranium fuel salvaged from a reactor destroyed by an Israeli air raid in 1981. This uranium has been inspected regularly by the International Atomic Energy Agency, but it is always possible that Iraq could build a bomb or two between inspections, too few to be decisive.

More likely, Iraq will try to build a small nuclear arsenal from scratch, outside the view of inspectors. It already has crude uranium, is said to have a chemical plant to perform the initial processing and has been caught trying to import machinery and parts for centrifuges that could turn this material into weapons-grade uranium.

But even if Iraq has 26 centrifuges, as some observers speculate, that is far short of the thousand or more needed. And any centrifuge plant big enough for weapons production should be spotted by intelligence satellites, leaving time for diplomatic pressure and military action if necessary.

The Iraqi nuclear threat does not, in itself, justify a military strike now. It is not even clear how much military action could accomplish. In 1981, the Israelis disrupted Iraq's nuclear drive by bombing a crucial reactor. But today Iraqi capabilities are harder to cripple. There is no central plant yet, just a handful of centrifuges, stores of crude uranium and knowledge in the minds of technicians.

The only long-term solution, short of unending military occupation, must be diplomatic. In the final resolution of the gulf crisis, the nuclear issue must be high on the agenda. All shipments of bomb-making material to Iraq should be embargoed, international inspections should become far more aggressive and Iraq should be pressed to forgo building facilities that could be rapidly converted to bomb production.

American troops are not likely to face an Iraqi bomb in the current crisis. Military action now to "take out" presumed nuclear facilities would satisfy emotion more than good sense. But sooner or later the world will face a nuclear-armed Iraq unless it takes firm diplomatic steps to head off that nightmarish prospect.

Taking Out Iraq's Nukes - New York Times
. .

"Ordinary" WMD other than nukes would never give US the required support to go to war with Iraq. US' media palyed active role in creating misceptions about Iraq's nuclear capability.

Here's an article from Novermber 1990, no mention of WMD other than nukes:

I totally agree with you that the US media and public including people on this forum feel that WMD's means nukes but to me and world treaty on WMD's it also means a lot of other nasty items like chemical warfare etc so hence my take on the gas issue.

Poison gas is a WMD and there can be no debate about that just as there is no debate in the Western world that no evidence of WMD of any kind were found in the present invasion of Iraq.

strictly speaking poison gases also fall under classification of WMD, in such case every other nation has WMD.

However about Saddam using Poison gas here is a article quoting US Army War College.
strictly speaking poison gases also fall under classification of WMD, in such case every other nation has WMD.

However about Saddam using Poison gas here is a article quoting US Army War College.

Update: Pelletiere’s conclusions have been hotly disputed in many quarters. HumanRightsWatch concluded that it was mustard gas and sarin, which the Iraqis did possess, which killed the inhabitants of Halabja. (The main pillar of Pelletiere’s argument is that hydrogen cyanide — supposedly part of the Iranian, but not Iraqi, arsenal at the time — was used in the attack.) And, even if Pelletiere is right about Halabja, it is almost certain that Saddam’s subsequent murderous campaign against the Kurds included the use of poison gas against other — less famous — targets.

This is an important point: the Administration is not arguing that we should go to war because Saddam killed 100,000 Kurds. The argument (which, when stated plainly, may sound a little callous) is that we should do so because he used WMDs (poison gas) to kill some fraction of them. So “details,” like what exactly happened in Halabja, matter.
Still I think the update was for Public consumption, However that certainly does not justify Iraq war.

About WMD- I guess this term was used to Invade Iraq as US thought Iraq had Nuclear weapons. Using WMD terms covers many things otherwise they would have invaded Iraq saying they have poison gases.

See Iraq it is in total mess. During Saddam time their were no ethnic war inside Iraq. Iraq was prospering. however I don't justify Saddam's treatment of Kurds.

Also could one justify deaths of several lakhs of iraq's after the war ? It is comparable to use of WMD ?
Blain the article you provided is from AHMED QURAISHI a well known idiot. What are you trying to prove just bullet point them, I rather agree or disagree on what you say than read an Idiots article, who blatantly supports the establishment.
It is unfortunate but a fact that heroes are also made of flesh and blood and thus given to the weaknesses and faults. IMO, Dr AQ Khan has been influenced by the media which has portrayed Nawaz Sharif as his friend and Musharraf as his enemy. Thus with the flow of the times, he has also taken a swipe at Musharraf. It is much easier to kick the fellow when he is already down.

However, what AQ Khan has done is wrong. By accusing Musharraf he is harming Pakistan state. If whatever he did was in the best interest of Pakistan, he should have kept quite even now for the same reason.

Regret to say that more he comes out with statements, more he will fall from grace. For Gods sake Dr Khan, please keep your mouth shut.

Influenced by the media, the man has been under house arrest for 8 years, I remember seeing those pictures when Musharraf ordered house arrest on AQ, his wife and children were holding up play cards saying "free AQ Khan", and some Anti-Musharraf comments, national hero or not who labeled him as the ring master. Musharraf revealed him to the world and we all saw that video where AQ reading the establishments script.

I want an investigation on the claims of Musharraf's government, who ordered the Nuclear program to come into institutional control, I fear AQ has been denied the right to be even a human, when he was confined to a house arrest, how can one have no trail and be accused for doing all that!!! That Musharraf propaganda machine put on him.

I am for an investigation, who ever was behind this must be brought to light, is it any good if our Nuclear program for that matter our government system being sold or perverted by others. NO!!!

The Media aint against Musharraf the whole country is against Musharraf along with the media, his actions have brought great humility to the nation.

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