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Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan (Allah's mercy on him), Pakistani hero passes on. Tributes.

زندگانی تھی تری مہتاب سے تابندہ تر
خوب تر تھا صبح کے تارے سے بھی تیرا سفر
مثلِ ایوانِ سحَر مرقد فرُوزاں ہو ترا
نُور سے معمور یہ خاکی شبستاں ہو ترا

آسماں تیری لحَد پر شبنم افشانی کرے
سبزۂ نَورُستہ اس گھر کی نگہبانی کرے

علامہ اقبال
Another sad day for Islamic world as Islamic history is full of heroes being discredited in their life and after. May Allah give him place in Jannah.

On other side he was an expert of Metallurgy, do we have experts of such level in whole Muslim world.
Wasn’t this guy considered a traitor in Pakistan? Heard he was under house arrest

Your wretched existence in this form is best part of a decade yet you failed to educate yourself on basics about Pakistan and heroes that are larger than life itself.

Pathetic excuse for a gangster wannabe Bangladeshi
May Allah Paak give him place in janah. His efforts made million of muslims safe from Hindutva. Imagine Pakistan not being a nuclear power with a genocidal scum like Modi on other side.

Seems like he passed away after complications due to corona. His lungs were badly damaged and were bleeding.
Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan .
You left all of Us, alone. إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
You saved Pakistan, Muslim world from Western countries and India, foever.
You are a great Loss. Nobody else can do so much, which you did.
We,all, love you before, now and forever. I believe you will in paradise.Aameen
Like all 'national heroes' around the world, including America's Founding Fathers some of whom owned slaves while talking about grand human visions, Dr. Qadeer was Khan was also someone with flaws. His biggest flaw I think has been a little too much self-aggrandisement. No doubt his role was crucial but he was not the only person who made Pakistan becoming a nuclear weapons power in a mere span of ten years (from 1974-1984) . And, no, it was not the Chinese help that made it possible: It was people like Dr. Qadeer and visionary leaders like Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, whom Dr. Q. Khan gives very high credits.
I remember India's Smiling Buddha nuclear explosion (of 1974?) in Pakistan's Jang newspaper. That India had just split Pakistan into two pieces in 1971 and was still pursuing nuclear weapons ran alarm bells in Pakistan. That Pakistan was then a devastated state--sort of America after the end of the Civil War in 1965-- didn't stop true leaders like Bhutto to defy the world and America and pursue the nuclear weapons. Pakistan was willing to eat the proverbial grass, per Bhutto, to make the weapons and Pakistan indeed did make the weapons, but without having to eat the grass--perhaps some lentils ;)
RIP again. For all his faults--but I don't think Dr. Q. Khan had too many, honestly, he was instrumental in giving Pakistan the kind of deterrence, which, according to report, enabled Zia to tell the Indians in 1984: Don't cross a line otherwise...
In a mere span of ten years, that kind of deterrence from a country which was such broken up and had just had its new (and abiding) Constitution is some achievement.
May he rest in Jannah.
A thing or two to learn from Dr. A.Q.Khan: never ever do a thing which serves the interests of this ungrateful nation. This thankless nation doesn't treat her heroes like they should be, be it AQ. Khan or be it Dr. Abdus Salam.
But then I recall how some of the politicians used words like "Bitch" for Fatima Jinnah.
Thank You Doctor Sahib. You turned both, a Mountain and Enemy's faces white. R.I.P


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