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Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan (Allah's mercy on him), Pakistani hero passes on. Tributes.

آج دل بہت اداس ہے، دکھ ڈاکٹر عبد القدیر خان صاحبب کی رحلت کا بھی ہے مگر زیادہ غم اس بات کا ہے کے من حیث القوم ہم نے محسن کی قدر نہ کی۔ ڈاکٹر صاحب حکمرانوں اور عدالتوں سے اپنے بنیادی حقوق کی بحالی کی درخواستیں کرتے اس دنیا سے چلے گٔے اور اب ریاست ان کو سٹیٹ فیونرل دے گی؟

اقبال تیرے دیس کا کیا حال سناؤں

Dr Qadeer moves SC for enforcement of fundamental rights

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انا للہ و انا الیہ راجعون 😢

Thank you for making Pakistan a nuclear state. May ALLAH grant him Jannat ul Firdous. Ameen Sum Ameen
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

We shall never forget your contributions, may you rest in peace:pakistan:
Inna LILLAH e wa Inna ELLAIH e raji’oon

May GOD rest his soul & reward him with the Highest rank in Jannat
A great man Died Today. I know that God has a good special place for him. He was unjustly and illegally detained by those in the Pakistan Establishment including the Military Elites who simply made him a scapegoat to hide their own activities. A great man who was treated so terribly and so wrongly.
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan ky Ahsan ! Mufti Tariq Masood | ڈاکٹر عبدالقدیر خان کے احسانات

My condolences to the family. RIP in peace sir - you can be asured all your hard work has helped to secure Pakistan and protect her from the evils that were bestowed on Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan.

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