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Double standards': Erdogan blasts Europe's silence on Bangladesh leader's execution

We too, majority in Turkey believes that religion is private issue, its just our polititians using it for gains, not only AKP (even thought most) but also all oppositional parties.
we know about Turkish sufi tradition, this is why I brought it up as you did not about Bangladesh :)
tell you few stories:
1. Shias some times pray side by side in our Sunni mosque as Shia mosque are not much here.
2. Christain, Hindu or Buddhist friends call us at their house during festival and same thing we do with them.
Oh please, you islamists are champions of Democracy, freedom of speech and human rights only till you get the power, better stop judging others hypocrite sack of sh*t.

No, it's quite opposite in BD. Once your suckular buddies got power they destroyed the system that brought them to power. Now people have only one choice. Ein reich ein volk ein führer, you should be familiar with this, it happened in your neighbourhood not too long ago.
we know about Turkish sufi tradition, this is why I brought it up as you did not about Bangladesh :)
Funny thing is all those foreing islamists think Erdogan is going to bring sharia to Turkey thats why they are supporting ever single thing he is doing for the cost of our national interests.

What they dont know is ministry of religion did a survey last year that stated that 90% supports secularism, 60 or 70% stated that they believe only laicism can grant religious freedom, thats why Erdogan, despite being on power for 15 years, didnt bring a single religious law.
As a disclaimer. Xenon and Sinan i respect your opinions and views, in all earnesty i think we can learn from each other, you are both my elders (i think) remaning respectful is of utmost importance for me.
No, it's quite opposite in BD. Once your suckular buddies got power they destroyed the system that brought them to power. Now people have only one choice. Ein reich ein volk ein führer, you should be familiar with this, it happened in your neighbourhood not too long ago.
Opposite is happening in Turkey, AKP was champion of democracy but now even toppling its own prime minister that got elected.

As a disclaimer. Xenon and Sinan i respect your opinions and views, in all earnesty i think we can learn from each other, you are both my elders (i think) remaning respectful is of utmost importance for me.
Sry but i see red when hypocrite islamists bring up democracy for their gains and start name callings, i have no respect for hypocrites.
As a disclaimer. Xenon and Sinan i respect your opinions and views, in all earnesty i think we can learn from each other, you are both my elders (i think) remaning respectful is of utmost importance for me.
well I did not agree with your view but i am really happy to see that Turks respect each other even though their views are different.
@Sinan @xenon54
Salam from Bangladeshi Nationalist :)
@T-Rex learn from him and them, you called me moron but i never did name calling.
i hope one day you behave like this. peace
My main point is this abilerim. If we look at the entire picture of Turkey since the inception of AKP's throning. We've progressed in the realms of economy, infrastructure, education, industry and military complex.

It's entirely true that Erdogan has autocratic tendencies and he curbs the rights of many in his endavour for dominion. Yet i view this as a necessity for a nation whose interests have been ignored for far too long and whose potential has been wasted for far too long. In the interest of my nation i believe 100% that we need to continue on this route, however harsh it may seem. As Sinan rightly underlined, the interest of Turkey comes before everything else.
Opposite is happening in Turkey, AKP was champion of democracy now even toppling its own prime ministed that got elected.

Wasn't the PM from AKP? So, that makes it internal affair of AKP. The same happened in BD during this suckular regime's rule, nobody claimed it was a coup.
Well to be honest only Erdogan has the balls to condemn certain things. The same happened in 2013 with the massacres committed by the Egyptian army. While the rest of the world remained silent Erdogan condemned these massacres. No wonder why he is quite popular despite the negative press
My main point is this abilerim. If we look at the entire picture of Turkey since the inception of AKP's throning. We've progressed in the realms of economy, infrastructure, education, industry and military complex.

It's entirely true that Erdogan has autocratic tendencies and he curbs the rights of many in his endavour for dominion. Yet i view this as a necessity for a nation whose interests have been ignored for far too long and whose potential has been wasted for far too long. In the interest of my nation i believe 100% that we need to continue on this route, however harsh it may seem. As Sinan rightly underlined, the interest of Turkey comes before everything else.
And the whole point of this conversation in my opinion is that Erdogan making enemies left and right doesnt serve our national interests, nor does a leader who desires the absolute power.

As a reminder:


Wasn't the PM from AKP? So, that makes it internal affair of AKP. The same happened in BD during this suckular regime's rule, nobody claimed it was a coup.
We had this conversation, Erdogan is President, he should be party-less and should have no say in party internal issues but he does.
And toppling a elected prime minister is basically a coup doesnt matter if his own people did or not.
Israel=amassing popularity in Arab world + Turkey.
Popularity on Arab world (which deteriorated recently) didn't brought anything on the table for us.

Russia=showing them they can't violate our airspace, thereby protecting our nation.
Losing a large proportion from our Tourism industry and exports...Yes, we did the right thing to shoot their jet which violated our airspace but all the faulty Syria policy of AKP, escalated things there.

Egypt=this will appear clearly in time.
None as of yet....we are just betting, like we bet on our Syria policy. You don't run state like this.

As a disclaimer. Xenon and Sinan i respect your opinions and views, in all earnesty i think we can learn from each other, you are both my elders (i think) remaning respectful is of utmost importance for me.
Mate, we are all brothers who love our country. We all love our country, we just have different opinions.
And the whole point of this conversation in my opinion is that Erdogan making enemies left and right doesnt serve our national interests, nor does a leader who desires the absolute power.

As a reminder:


Why is it that when people of your liking get absolute power you do not recite this proverb? If you want to know about people having absolute power go to the land of sisi the thug or come to BD. And these despots are all suckular champs like you.

We had this conversation, Erdogan is President, he should be party-less and should have no say in party internal issues but he does.
And toppling a elected prime minister is basically a coup doesnt matter if his own people did or not.

Yes, we said the same thing when our suckular PM selected a party member as the President , your suckular buddies in BD argued that the PM had the authority and she exercised it. Now this President strictly follows his party line and pardon's convicted murderers according to the wish of the PM. I think by now you know little bit about our suckular regime in BD and remember everything is being done for the sake of suckularism because that's what our big neighbour wants.
Well to be honest only Erdogan has the balls to condemn certain things. The same happened in 2013 with the massacres committed by the Egyptian army. While the rest of the world remained silent Erdogan condemned these massacres. No wonder why he is quite popular despite the negative press
Don't praise Erdogan because currently mad at him lol
otherwise I will tell my Greek friend to put artificial nail and he will give you scratch lol
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