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Double standards': Erdogan blasts Europe's silence on Bangladesh leader's execution

And we say india is supplying IED explosives to those ISIS terrorists.

Your claims against material evidence with made in india engraved on them. So, stop your crap about Turkey buying oil from ISIS when they are firing rockets at Turkish towns.

What you are saying is not worth a toilet paper. Those things that you are calling IED are standard building and mining material. Take it to UN and see what they tell you.

Turkey's oil smuggling from ISIS has been proved by Russia, not by some random guy with internet connection.
Do you think two drops of cheap quality oil is gonna help the huge Turkish demand in any way, not to mention the lost taxes by smuggling it, in a country like Turkey that has one of the highest taxes on fossile fuel doesnt really make sense, its like shooting in your own foot, but i forgot this is PDF, nobody needs logic here.
Bingo. :tup:
What you are saying is not worth a toilet paper. Those things that you are calling IED are standard building and mining material. Take it to UN and see what they tell you.

Turkey's oil smuggling from ISIS has been proved by Russia, not by some random guy with internet connection.

Yes, Russian government controlled media displayed the photos of some trucks on highways claiming that they were Turkish trucks carrying oil purchased from ISIS. Anybody can show some photos of trucks and claim that they are from the planet Mars. People with sense do not call them credible evidence.
on highways claiming that they were Turkish trucks carrying oil purchased from ISIS.
Yet the border crossings showed in the video are in Iraq.....not in Syria. That border is controlled by KRG and we are purchasing oil from KRG...

What Russians' claim is, Peshmerga collaborating with ISIS to give safe passage via their lands.... People from other side of the planet who has zero knowledge about the region, might buy the Russian propaganda, i dunno.
Yet the border crossings showed in the video are in Iraq.....not in Syria. That border is controlled by KRG and we are purchasing oil from KRG...

What Russians' claim is, Peshmerga collaborating with ISIS to give safe passage via their lands.... People from other side of the planet who has zero knowledge about the region, might buy the Russian propaganda, i dunno.

Well, most of your indian buddies are way over their head with those silly 'Russian' evidence against Turkey. Every now and then they cry about the so-called nexus between Turkey and ISIS while supplying those ISIS thugs with IED explosives. Why do you think your indian buddies are so hyped up against Turkey? The reason is same, the reason that prevents EU from allowing Turkey to enter EU, fear and prejudice.
Well, most of your indian buddies are way over their head with those silly 'Russian' evidence against Turkey. Every now and then they cry about the so-called nexus between Turkey and ISIS while supplying those ISIS thugs with IED explosives. Why do you think your indian buddies are so hyped up against Turkey? The reason is same, the reason that prevents EU from allowing Turkey to enter EU, fear and prejudice.
-Most of the Indians in this forum are trolls.....i don't care about their posts at all.

- EU is another story...Membership of the Turkey would disturb the balance in the EU parliament due to 80 million population of Turkey. It has potential to end the German-Franco alliance which is ruling EU for years.

- The funny thing is you don't see Turks talking about membership and similar stuff about EU. It's always the foreigners in this forum who talk about the EU-Turkey relations....:rolleyes:
-Most of the Indians in this forum are trolls.....i don't care about their posts at all.

- EU is another story...Membership of the Turkey would disturb the balance in the EU parliament due to 80 million population of Turkey. It has potential to end the German-Franco alliance which is ruling EU for years.

- The funny thing is you don't see Turks talking about membership and similar stuff about EU. It's always the foreigners in this forum who talk about the EU-Turkey relations....:rolleyes:

Turks don't talk about EU-Turkey relation for it is great disappointment to them, don't you think so? A state like Romania qualifies but Turkey doesn't. There's not much to talk about, it's embarrassing for the Turks. Actually EU should be embarrassed for its double standard.
Turks don't talk about EU-Turkey relation for it is great disappointment to them, don't you think so? A state like Romania qualifies but Turkey doesn't. There's not much to talk about, it's embarrassing for the Turks. Actually EU should be embarrassed for its double standard.
Its not like Romania and Bulgaria were qualifying, not even Greece did when it joined, it was just to save them from Russian influence Turkey on the other hand is not a easy bite for Russia, otherwise it would have been EU member long ago, thats how Turkey became NATO member in the first place as an exsample.
Turks don't talk about EU-Turkey relation for it is great disappointment to them, don't you think so? A state like Romania qualifies but Turkey doesn't. There's not much to talk about, it's embarrassing for the Turks. Actually EU should be embarrassed for its double standard.
I think you are just jealous of Turkey.
We don't need anyone, just care about your country.

Yes, I care about my country that's why I don't want it to have deceitful allies like india. Erdogan speaks for those who have been denied basic human rights in BD and elsewhere and therefore it is in the interest of every decent human being to see to it that he and his country survives the onslaught of the devilish powers. I have no love for you or your likes so relax. Just as your buddies have their dirty noses in our business for the sake of suckularism we take it as our right to do whatever we can to defeat this this wicked ideology wherever it shows its fangs.
Türkiye did what our spineless rudderless govt did not do - cut off relations with this state BD for as long as that puppet whore is in power. She'll meet the same fate at the gallows too God willing. What goes around comes around
You will be able to do nothing. Just as you have been unable to stop the hanging of these genocide supporting terrorists. Empty boasts and threats on an internet forum.

As usual, we will be happy to send the dead bodies of these terrorists to Pakistan.

As far as opposition is concerned, heh..they don't even want to get close to Pakistan now, they are asking for support from Govt. of India.

There's only one thing that can tell - and that is TIME, little man.

Until then - keep propgagting the "3 million genocided" rubbish which nobody buys. Just dont cry when Kashmir and Khalistan are brought up because those are realities that aren't disappearing anytime soon - especially in the case of the former. :meeting:

In that case, Pakistan Army is in for a day of reckoning for what they did in East Pakistan.

Killing traitors? I only wish more were wiped off the earth
Oh please, you islamists are champions of Democracy, freedom of speech and human rights only till you get the power, better stop judging others hypocrite sack of sh*t.

Its a conspiracy, the most favourite excuse of islamists, because extremists are totaly known for their peaceful behavior.

True. Absolutely true.

if what you said is true, about majority of Turkish population respecting each other irrespective of others religion, I only wish for friendship between Indian and turkey. I know there are a lot of members who don't want this, but imagine.... collaborations of India and turkey in space, biotechnology, information technology, scientific research, global warming, trade and commerce, tourism, automotive field, healthcare field....a mere pipe dream i guess. Hopefully, one day we can overcome our differences and raise a glass together. Cheers!
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