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Double Bombing in Karachi

this sectarian attacks on Imam bargahs , mosques and other religious started happning in early 90's there was no black or blue water than!? this all has started because of millions of un-accounted afghan presence in khi. Now biger question is it there on purpose ?
this sectarian attacks on Imam bargahs , mosques and other religious started happning in early 90's there was no black or blue water than!? this all has started because of millions of un-accounted afghan presence in khi. Now biger question is it there on purpose ?

i dont think so, they are desparate and wherever they see an opportunity they go there. perhaps they are in karachi because it is a great city with more job opportunity. hope this great and civilized city finds its calm back.
i dont think so, they are desparate and wherever they see an opportunity they go there. perhaps they are in karachi because it is a great city with more job opportunity. hope this great and civilized city finds its calm back.

huge number of Afghans have migrated to european countries and there are a lot of them+ many others from difrnt war zones are living, But they have an accountable system thats why you dont hear any thing . In Pak we had open borders from past 30years and most of Afghans were allowed to settle in khi , their number are in excess of million in khi , rest of the pakistan i dont know ,where they live are no go areas police army cant dare to set foot. Its a criminal heaven, guns or drugs you name it sir , its like waziristan a tribal area "a foreignor state within our state ! I am not blamin all of them they are very hard workers but to be realistic as most of them support or were taliban or extermist they can littraly hide any one no one will know a thing,there is no writ of the state!
huge number of Afghans have migrated to european countries and there are a lot of them+ many others from difrnt war zones are living, But they have an accountable system thats why you dont hear any thing . In Pak we had open borders from past 30years and most of Afghans were allowed to settle in khi , their number are in excess of million in khi , rest of the pakistan i dont know ,where they live are no go areas police army cant dare to set foot. Its a criminal heaven, guns or drugs you name it sir , its like waziristan a tribal area "a foreignor state within our state ! I am not blamin all of them they are very hard workers but to be realistic as most of them support or were taliban or extermist they can littraly hide any one no one will know a thing,there is no writ of the state!

you are right that you cant blame everybody. lets just hope that pakistani gov catch every single Talib(the figher ones) and hang them in the public.
Kashmir is disputed, those that limit their attacks to Indian occupation forces have no ideological issue that needs to be dealt with. Those that do attack innocents, as in Mumbai, have been arrested and are being tried in court.

The Afghan Taliban are primarily in Afghanistan, dealing with them is primarily NATO's job. The issue of 'dealing with' the Taliban that might be carrying out cross border attacks from NW has been dealt with in its own thread.

Thats still war, Kashmir is not the world's only disputed territory, using such war methods has a price, and you will pay it.

RIP to those who died, we only have words but god only knows what the victims families go though!
just news on kamran show ...Another 20 kg device recovered from inside Jinnah Hospital.....some had plan to demolish the hospital.....
What a brainwashed people. No words to condemn these animals.....watch it

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We have to improve our security systems in big cities..the dogs which were brought on the spot by the police were not even capable to detect anything we need to improve n improve it fast ....RIp thouse who died
R..I.P to the dead

these f uckers are truly evil attacking hospitals now whats wrong with them ? theres no limit to how low they can stoop these sectarian groups and all their followers should be rounded up and beaten to death.
We had nothing to do with this attack in Karachi and I've expressed both my pain and sympathies earlier. However, it should be clear to all those here and need no reminding from a catholic American that the shia-sunni schism has been exploited by the cynical before my nation was even FOUNDED.

It continues today and both sides are manipulated by the past prejudice brought to the present. So too once with catholics and protestants and was there for all to see as recent as the "troubles" in northern Ireland.

Karbala is a prime example of such. If Iraq expects to raise its head above water after we are gone it's THIS ISSUE of sunnis and shias living together and bonding against the beasts in their midst that shall save them. If not, they'll walk the path back to the hell used by Saddam and his baathists to hold them divided.

I hope the saner minds here will see the truth and resist those who use America as the scapegoat for this sectarian warring.

First of all my condolences to the families who are suffering the most from this terrorist attack. May the departed rest in peace and may the wounded get well soon.

Now to the main point. To take part in what's being discussed here I quote pak-marine.

huge number of Afghans have migrated to european countries and there are a lot of them+ many others from difrnt war zones are living, But they have an accountable system thats why you dont hear any thing . In Pak we had open borders from past 30years and most of Afghans were allowed to settle in khi , their number are in excess of million in khi , rest of the pakistan i dont know ,where they live are no go areas police army cant dare to set foot. Its a criminal heaven, guns or drugs you name it sir , its like waziristan a tribal area "a foreignor state within our state ! I am not blamin all of them they are very hard workers but to be realistic as most of them support or were taliban or extermist they can littraly hide any one no one will know a thing,there is no writ of the state!

I am in full agreement to what this quote refers. In 90's, 1987 to be more specific the sectariol riots started and basically they were because of the Russian influence against Pakistan and unfortunately Afghans became their tools. In Karachi, in those days a single terrorist attack took lives of 300 people.

I am sorry if I get harsh but I think we already have suffered a hell lot because of these Afghans, and those who for $$$$ let them in to ruin our peace and order. Its time to with honour let them go to their own country, good or bad they should face it. Its their country and a bit hostile towards us also. So I don't see any moral or tactical reason to let them stay here.

Their camps are wide spread on the map of Pakistan in all provinces. Even in Karachi there are more than one camps. I also agree that they have a hell of ammunition and weapons, and they are using it against the interests of Pakistan.

I think if we get rid of these Afghans we'll handle 75% of these terrorist attacks cause the terrorists who come to our cities need a place to settle in for some days before D-Day and mostly these Afghans provide shelter to their brothers. If we can get rid of the shelter-providers we can get the terrorists themselves.

Kashmir is disputed, those that limit their attacks to Indian occupation forces have no ideological issue that needs to be dealt with. Those that do attack innocents, as in Mumbai, have been arrested and are being tried in court.

Frivalrous argument. What ever amount of dispute there could be, there is no justification of violence and killing of innocents, anywhere. There certainly is an ideology and that is, political gains by means of violence. You cannot overlook this under the pretext of the matter being disputed.

If pakistan continues to encourage this ideology then it must be prepared to get bitten in as* by the same dog who was once fed to bite the neighbour. History defends my argument in this case.
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Thousands attend funeral as death toll rises to 31
Saturday, 06 Feb, 2010 Pakistanis attend a funeral prayer of the victims of Friday's bombing in Karachi, Pakistan on Saturday, Feb. 6, 2010. – AP Pakistan
Government must target militants in Karachi: MQM Government must target militants in Karachi: MQM KARACHI: Thousands of people Saturday attended the funeral of 14 people killed in Friday's double bomb attack in Karachi, as the death toll from the assault rose overnight to 31.

“Six more people died overnight, raising the death toll to 31,” provincial government spokesman Jameel Soomro told AFP.

He said at least 170 wounded people were being treated at various hospitals around Karachi.

At a funeral Saturday for some of those killed, thousands of mourners beat their chests and cried loudly as the bodies of 14 victims were brought to a Karachi sports field.

Pakistani TV channels broadcast live footage from the venue, showing men and women clad in black and carrying black flags, beating their chests and chanting slogans of “Ya Hussein, Ya Hussein.”

“More than 10,000 people attended the funeral of the 14 deceased,” said a local police official, Javed Mehr, who was deployed at the ground.

Mehr told AFP that “the entire area was sealed off by police and paramilitary rangers to avoid any untoward incident.”

Police and paramilitary rangers patrolled streets and sensitive areas and Mehr said security had been stepped up at all hospitals and sensitive areas around Karachi, which has been swept by political violence in recent months.

Most shops in the sprawling city of 18 million people were closed and public transport was off the roads as several thousand mourners gathered at funerals of some of the victims of the two bombs.

Paramilitary spokesman Maj. Aurang Zeb said security forces were on maximum alert at the funeral in the Malir area of the city.

The first attack on Friday killed 12 Shias, followed hours later by a blast at a hospital where the wounded were being treated which killed 13 people.

“It looks like there's no government in Pakistan,” said Syed Shabbir Hussain, who lost a cousin in the first blast on Friday.

“They always say that there are militants here, and that they will attack. And then they attack, but the police and the government do nothing,” he said at his cousin's funeral.

Police had initially suspected that the two attacks in Karachi were carried out by suicide bombers but later said the devices were planted. A third bomb, defused at the hospital, was similar in type, indicating just one group was involved.

Senior police investigator Raja Umer Khattab said the Jundullah (Army of God) militant group was behind the attacks.

“This is the same group that carried out the Ashura attack,” he said, referring to a bomb attack at a Shia procession in late December that killed 43 people.

Khattab said some arrests had been made after the December attack but police were hunting for more members.

“We have arrested four members of this group but there are still 12 to 14 militants of this group left, who are planning these attacks,” he said.

The MQM has announced three days of mourning to remember those who lost their lives in the double bombing.

The Jaffria alliance has also called for a citywide strike against the horrifying incident.

The head of the Jaffria Alliance, Allama Abbas Komeli has demanded that the government provide compensation to the victims' families.

Poltical parites, including the MQM and the ANP have urged the people of Karachi to exercise restraint following the carnage.

Ulema from different schools of thought have strongly condemnned the blast and also announced a mourning period.

The Shia Ulema Council gave a call for mourning soon after the second blast at the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, and appealed to the masses to keep their mourning peaceful and not to get provoked by the

31 Dead now , i hope that the blind & deaf who are sitting in the govts and law enforcemnt does some thing about this.... !Ashura blast is lost and forgoten

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