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Doors open for negotiation with US on F-16 deal: Foreign Office

You said "we common Pakistanis want US to leave us alone". Surely common Pakistanis can can vote in a govt who will do the requisite as@Desertfalcon said

The problem lies with Pakistani Military who for all purposes is the defacto power running Pakistani FP on behalf of a rubber stamp govt. They misguide Pakistani people by giving anti-US statements all the while running off to US every now and then to ask for more money to save their economy, more weapons to fight their wars etc

All said and then, China hype aside - Look at the data - Major proportion of Pakistani trade is with west and not China. It is the US controlled IMF and WB which is effectively financing Pakistani budget deficit and debt repayments without which they would default and go bankrupt.
Common Pakistanis don't know this and are driven by deep state propaganda which makes US a convenient villain and China the angelic savior.

Put simply if US makes IMF and WB pull the plug - Pakistan will collapse without a whimper but US cannot do that because of the risk of nuclear weapons in hands of Jihadis. Pakistani military for all it's faults is invested in survival of Pakistan and by extension won't seek to blow up the world which the extremists won't hesitate to4

Indian dream will b a dream and will be, till the judgement day about collapsing Pakistan.... come something with better idea if u Indian have any ....... and try to poke ur nose in evry matter of us
No, because I don't take any post or poster seriously who plays the oh-so-tiresome, "all our problems are big, mean, ole', America's fault!" They day our CIA stops infiltrating those that seek America's destruction and conducting operations against them and the day that our military decides not to strike at my country's enemies, is the day the American people will throw them out on their ears.

Yet you arm and support rebels, one of such groups later becoming ISIS that kills countless innocent civilians, wages countless wars and invasions on lies of WMD's while you yourself arm other countries like Israel who actually have nukes, instead of pressuring them to reveal their weapons and maybe put sanctions on them like you did with Iran, on one hand you sign nuclear weapons deals with India, provide more sophisticated weapons to them while on the other hand you want to limit our own military and nuclear capabilities, why so that you can convert us into another Iraq?.

United States of America has been at war 222 out of 239 years of it's existence, that is a 93% of war time and only 7% of peace, this is a humble request to you that you PLEASE take your war mongering somewhere else and fvcking LEAVE US ALONE.
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No, because I don't take any post or poster seriously who plays the oh-so-tiresome, "all our problems are big, mean, ole', America's fault!" They day our CIA stops infiltrating those that seek America's destruction and conducting operations against them and the day that our military decides not to strike at my country's enemies, is the day the American people will throw them out on their ears.

I don't expect anything different from Pakistan's ISI or their military, regarding their country.
they think your some kind of representative or somthing which is strange. how is it that they are going to the point that they are venting there anger at the usa to you?

as for the f16 saga john mccain has a lot of eight and say behind him. i have a strange feeling things will go through. why? the afgans. at one point they said they will get rid of them but recently there stay has been extended and this happens. the usa does not want the afgans to go back because they will make there way else where (europe) and that will be a tidal wave and they already have their own problems with syrain refugees and with us lot leaving them. the usa is in a difficult position here i think they will bend this time and the pakistanis have 3 million more reasons why they need them.
its a dirty game but if the india can play dirty then so can they.
they think your some kind of representative or somthing which is strange. how is it that they are going to the point that they are venting there anger at the usa to you?

as for the f16 saga john mccain has a lot of eight and say behind him. i have a strange feeling things will go through. why? the afgans. at one point they said they will get rid of them but recently there stay has been extended and this happens. the usa does not want the afgans to go back because they will make there way else where (europe) and that will be a tidal wave and they already have their own problems with syrain refugees and with us lot leaving them. the usa is in a difficult position here i think they will bend this time and the pakistanis have 3 million more reasons why they need them.
its a dirty game but if the india can play dirty then so can they.
Can you substantiate your argument on the emboldened part?
Good if happens.. we should not put our all eggs in one basket, we need US stuff along with Chinese..

and dont know why we always talk on war and related equipment only, especially when US investors are leaving country despite better security situation.. Pakistan should convince US to invest in Pakistan instead of sending aid to corrupt politicians..
It's hard to tell what Trump would actually do and what is just his over-the-top bombastic rhetoric but relations with almost all Muslim countries would turn very cold, under a President Trump. He is very, very, anti-Muslim. I can't imagine a President Trump celebrating Eid al-Fitr in the White House which the current and past American presidents have done.

My question was more inline with post number 21 about closing the embassies and sending the ambassadors of countries you think are hostile back to their countries, Would you think even a leader like Trump can do who;s voters want it and hence their preference of voting for a Right wing extremist?
enough with the f-16 fetish
The world is moving onto 5th gen fighters and PAF is still obsessed with f-16. Instead of f-16 pakistan should join the Turkish 5th gen fighter program or the chinese fc-31 hell even start looking into the f-35a. The price for f-35 is suppose to come down and the aircraft is finally showing potential to be a worthwhile program
Yet you arm and support rebels, one of such groups later becoming ISIS that kills countless innocent civilians, wages countless wars and invasions on lies of WMD's while you yourself arm other countries like Israel who actually have nukes, instead of pressuring them to reveal their weapons and maybe put sanctions on them like you did with Iran, one one hand you sign nuclear weapons deals with India, provide more sophisticated weapons to them while on the other hand you want to limit our own military and nuclear capabilities, why so that you can convert us into another Iraq?.

United States of America has been at war 222 out of 239 years of it's existence, that is a 93% of war time and only 7% of peace, this is a humble request to you that you PLEASE take your war mongering somewhere else and fvcking LEAVE US ALONE.

Like I said; Ignored. I could regale you with link after link, post after post, of Pakistan's involvement in it's ISI operations in other countries, Pakistan's support for the Taliban, other militant groups, Pakistan's long history of warfare...but I have learned that with people of your sort, it does absolutely no good. You are part of the whiny, "blame America for everything!" crowd and it is pointless to engage you, so have a nice day and goodbye. :wave:

they think your some kind of representative or somthing which is strange. how is it that they are going to the point that they are venting there anger at the usa to you?

Because with many, it's the favorite pastime, even before soccer or cricket! In that, they always get to win and be the good guy, and America always loses and is the continual, always blameable, bad guy! :lol:
Like I said; Ignored. I could regale you with link after link, post after post, of Pakistan's involvement in it's ISI operations in other countries, Pakistan's support for the Taliban, other militant groups, Pakistan's long history of warfare...but I have learned that with people of your sort, it does absolutely no good. You are part of the whiny, "blame America for everything!" crowd and it is pointless to engage you, so have a nice day and goodbye. :wave:

Because with many, it's the favorite pastime, even before soccer or cricket! In that, they always get to win and be the good guy, and America always loses and is the continual, always blameable, bad guy! :lol:
its football not soccer
To take the words of a famous US President Abraham Lincoln

Though passions may have strained but we are not enemies
My question was more inline with post number 21 about closing the embassies and sending the ambassadors of countries you think are hostile back to their countries, Would you think even a leader like Trump can do who;s voters want it and hence their preference of voting for a Right wing extremist?

Like I said, I don't think a President Trump can and would necessarily do that. For one thing, he has deep opposition in the Republican Party in Congress who view him (rightly!), as not really one of us, who has just hijacked our party. I do think though, that relations with most Muslim countries would worsen under a President Trump. As I said, he is very, very, anti-Muslim in general.
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