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Don't sell helicopters to Pakistan, India tells Russia

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You said "It could go either way, should be 70% in favor of Pakistan." The first and second part of your sentence are contradicting themselves!
So you are saying only when it is 50-50 it can go either way? So that way after 50 it should be only 100 and 0. It could go either way but chances of it going in favor of Pakistan is higher.
Ok . I am not assuming any simplicity for none exist in global politics , just trying to put the point across that arms dealers sell to any and all parties as long as they get $$ , the statement of " we do not sell to your enemies " by the Russian ambassador to India isn't true - the past proving otherwise . This protest will be treated like the last one .
I still wonder, why dont you just get AH1's from US... they gave those to you for free.... why would you want to spend money from your pocket... just tap into excess defence articles from US. They even have some OH58's tucked in tarp...

and here come the slumdog intellectuel, whom behind is on fire :)
You just proved him right by spelling intellectual incorrectly o_O
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accepted.. its more than business..after crimia ...Russia have new design in place ...but certainly not at cost of the india, as i said .. india also mature country..protest may be for tokeism ...for public india is happy till they dont sell pak Su , T -90 and brahmos ,akula likes
when they put these on docks for pak .. then its REAL GAME ....till its just piece of big game to unveil

You are correct about the last line, there is a great game in Russia's mind, no doubt about it. Also, no such thing as " at the cost of India" or anyone for that matter. Modern day politics and alliances are not built at the cost of each other. Its strategic interest combined with business and profitability.
Russia is trying to be a weapons exporter like the US. They sold you SU's and Mig-29's, they sold SU's (and some models with TOT) to the Chinese. Similarly, what makes you think that they won't sell Pakistan anything else outside of these Choppers???? I think there is a LOT more to come.
The Russians are also very smart. They can see through the Indian game. They know that India is their customer (at a larger scale) for another ten years and then it'll be like "hey man, good to see you" type of a deal. So, they will open up their arms market to Pakistan. Read this and write today's date down. In the next 5 years or so, you'll see more defense agreements between the Russians and the Pakistanis (plus add China to the mix). Just like you said, this is a small step towards a huge block.
Also, you can't blame them. The US sells Israel all kinds of weapons. But then it sells weapons to the Arab states also.......why do you think the Russians won't do it, specially when India went pro-west already and Russia can use another weapons buyer and a strategically located country.....by making friends with Pakistan, they can in the future, potentially avoid any issues from Afghanistan's end from the West or secure their borders from this end. The other side is China and Iran, so they already enjoy warm relations with them. Very long term planning indeed with this move.
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Im sorry we dont understand hinglish+nonsense ... as for dhruv... n lch... first you need the help of 32+ countries to help you with em...
so, what if we need 32+ countries...no one is self sufficient.... everyone helps and takes help from other...
if these can help u...then u can use it..thats all, i am saying...
the thing is india was never ur enemy .but u desperately made it... india has always maintained its stance on terrorism .. but u people kept denying..and now if LCA & LCH can help u ..u should use it...they are good platform...
Its a 45 year old helicopter. But Indians are born whingers.
Im sorry we dont understand hinglish+nonsense ... as for dhruv... n lch... first you need the help of 32+ countries to help you with em...

Usual BS debunked already.If you want to discuss about Dhruv,go to Indian Defense Forum.

They can't even develop modern turbo prop basic Trainer

Can't even ? When did a turboprop trainer became the pinnacle of Aerospace technology?

And the same country develops 4++ gen fighters & combat helicopters,I guess you know. And it has developed several general aviation aircrafts as well.

but now that I mentioned turbo prop some idiot is going to come over here and say we produced one in 70's-80's heh guess what it was a poor design inefficient and later turned out to be dangerous for the pilots.
Not to mention basic-to-intermediate Trainer jet took 17 years.

We have developed what we needed even back in the 50s .And our IJTs & trainers have already served us for decades.And if we get the official go ahead for making a turboprop trainer,we would still do it .And before mocking India,think about your own aerospace industry,and what it is capable of.
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Big difference the pressure for engines was from China. This time no China. Just explaining the difference.

but at the end of the day what difference it makes when clearly the end user was Pakistan....Russians needed the cash and they knew Chinese were working on the WS13s which in the long run will likely replace the former; so Russians didnt want to lose out on the deal.

and one again - if Pakistan were to go ahead with the deal, these aircrafts wont be used against india they are for counter insurgency missions. Pakistan already operating small handful of Cobras but only about half of the inventory is combat ready at any given time.

We needed them and they saw that as an opportunity to sell their military equipment to us and make lots of money. Anything wrong with that? No. The question is, do you really need these helicopters or are you just buying them to extend a hand of friendship towards Russia? Remember your nation runs on aid and it's financial situation is rather precarious.

Pakistan doesnt "run on aid" and as for the chopper deal it would come out of MoD budget - as does every single arms deal. You are sadly mistaken if you think any "aid" would go towards this hypothetical sale.

and do we need to procure more combat choppers...well hmm lets see, we're in the middle of fighting an insurgency - one in which PAF isnt always the most viable option!!
They can't even develop modern turbo prop basic Trainer but now that I mentioned turbo prop some idiot is going to come over here and say we produced one in 70's-80's heh guess what it was a poor design inefficient and later turned out to be dangerous for the pilots. Not to mention basic-to-intermediate Trainer jet took 17 years.

@Secur my man don't need to justify and give replies to every hindustani below standard posts, simply ignore them.
I'd rather say at least we tried than just ranting and criticizing others efforts :)
Obviously India will cry, the question is if Russia will cut the deal.
on the contray .. its pak media crying...more
we are mature state...
see the source of news its pak one..
let them offer you Su or brahmos then talk
russian crap is flavour of the season..
too too much predictable ..
So what

F 16 is older than that.
And Indira Gandhi got her saree in a twist even back then and more recently the purchase of Jordanian aircraft sent Indian forums into a melt down...... that's the difference between quality and quantity. !!
And Indira Gandhi got her saree in a twist even back then and more recently the purchase of Jordanian aircraft sent Indian forums into a melt down...... that's the difference between quality and quantity. !!

its usually my policy that we dont post links of indian forum on here or discuss them much since they'll always spew venom and hatred for ANYTHING Pakistan related

but do PM me a few links, i'd be curious to see what theyre yapping about in their forums
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