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Don't club us with Pakistan, Afghanistan, says Bangladesh PM's media adviser on CAB

We are not rich but ahead of average Pakistani or Indian. That’s it. Bangladesh’s target is to reach 16000 usd per capita to join advanced country’s club as soon as possible!
Lols....Both Indians And Pakistanis are the Citizens of nuclear states having abilty to wipe out whole BD like Thanos Snaps his fingers.
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Lols....Both Indians And Pakistanis are the Citizens of nuclear states having abilty to wipe out whole BD like Thanos Snaps his fingers.
View attachment 594558

Feed your poor first, stop begging to different countries and stop becoming vassal state of China, Saudi, USA etc, only after that come here to talk about something else. Pakistan is far behind than Bangladesh and no longer in the same league. Shooo go somewhere else and tell your fairy tale stories to someone else!
Do not club us with Pakistan and Afghanistan who are known for fundamentalism and terrorism. Sheikh Hasina, our prime minister, has always said that our soil will not be allowed to be used against India.

I like this outspoken words of BD official.
Feed your poor first, stop begging to different countries and stop becoming vassal state of China, Saudi, USA etc, only after that come here to talk about something else. Pakistan is far behind than Bangladesh and no longer in the same league. Shooo go somewhere else and tell your fairy tale stories to someone else!
Where r u from? Which rich state do u hail from?
Feed your poor first, stop begging to different countries and stop becoming vassal state of China, Saudi, USA etc, only after that come here to talk about something else. Pakistan is far behind than Bangladesh and no longer in the same league. Shooo go somewhere else and tell your fairy tale stories to someone else!
Pakistan is a Nuclear Capable state has the capability to Vaporize any state on the other hand even a Single US aircraft carrier has more fire power than entire BD Air Force.It has more fighter jets than BD Air Force.These fighter jet includes stealth fighter jets like 5th gen F-35 lightning II and 4th gen F/A-18 Super Hornets.Not like BD Air force few old 3rd gen rusted F-7s and less than
10 mig-29s.Even Single US Aircraft carrier Can conquer it host it flag over Dhaka.
Even Myanmar Like poor country Can coquer BD.You have become an Indian Colony.And After CPEC Pakistan is that gone forward in economy than you can't even Compare it with that of BD.Instead of living in the false Economy wizard of OZ.You should invest sth to cut the strap of india around your neck.And also Shooo tell this False stories to your own injuns defence forums.
Lols....Both Indians And Pakistanis are the Citizens of nuclear states having abilty to wipe out whole BD like Thanos Snaps his fingers.
View attachment 594558

Yeah like UK can wipe out Germany but Germany dominates EU and UK begs it for trade deal after Brexit!

You a 8 year old kid dude?

Let us look at some statistics between BD and Pakistan.

1. Date of Independence of BD was 1971 and Pakistan was 1947 > Pakistan had a full 24 years more to develop.
2. GDP per capita nominal for BD is 2000 US dollars compared to 1400 for Pakistan.
3. GDP per capita of BD is growing 7% a year compared to 2% for Pakistan
4. Total debt of BD was 28% in 2018 compared to 73% for Pakistan
Pakistan is a Nuclear Capable state has the capability to Vaporize any state on the other hand even a Single US aircraft carrier has more fire power than entire BD Air Force.It has more fighter jets than BD Air Force.These fighter jet includes stealth fighter jets like 5th gen F-35 lightning II and 4th gen F/A-18 Super Hornets.Not like BD Air force few old 3rd gen rusted F-7s and less than
10 mig-29s.Even Single US Aircraft carrier Can conquer it host it flag over Dhaka.
Even Myanmar Like poor country Can coquer BD.You have become an Indian Colony.And After CPEC Pakistan is that gone forward in economy than you can't even Compare it with that of BD.Instead of living in the false Economy wizard of OZ.You should invest sth to cut the strap of india around your neck.And also Shooo tell this False stories to your own injuns defence forums.

Thats why we are economically better off and your country is not which include pariah state like Myanmar. As our economy is getting bigger and stronger as it is projected to be trillion usd economy by 2030 just imagine if we really want how much money we can put for our defense forces? Can your bankrupt state Pakistan or vassal of China, Myanmar will even be able to think for a defense budget like that?
Pakistan is a Nuclear Capable state has the capability to Vaporize any state on the other hand even a Single US aircraft carrier has more fire power than entire BD Air Force.It has more fighter jets than BD Air Force.These fighter jet includes stealth fighter jets like 5th gen F-35 lightning II and 4th gen F/A-18 Super Hornets.Not like BD Air force few old 3rd gen rusted F-7s and less than
10 mig-29s.Even Single US Aircraft carrier Can conquer it host it flag over Dhaka.
Even Myanmar Like poor country Can coquer BD.You have become an Indian Colony.And After CPEC Pakistan is that gone forward in economy than you can't even Compare it with that of BD.Instead of living in the false Economy wizard of OZ.You should invest sth to cut the strap of india around your neck.And also Shooo tell this False stories to your own injuns defence forums.
Power is not everything.
If people respond to your troll, you will call @waz to ban them.
Please quote a single time I have ever tagged mods outside of personal attacks on me.

Thats why we are economically better off and your country is not which include pariah state like Myanmar. As our economy is getting bigger and stronger as it is projected to be trillion usd economy by 2030 just imagine if we really want how much money we can put for our defense forces? Can your bankrupt state Pakistan or vassal of China, Myanmar will even be able to think for a defense budget like that?

"Economically better off" but Pakistan still kicked your *** in poverty reduction :rofl:

A slave only sees the world in terms that he understands. Master slave terms.

That is why you keep harping on the China bit. China does not shoot our citizens for sport along the border.
It does not humiliate us by sending "refugees" our way and we have never called them our husband.

10 years ago your husband was calling us a failed state, yet here we are, husband being humiliated by us in Feb.
Wife is mocking our economy today, let's see how this ends in 10 years.

Converts who can't even read Arabic should rejoin their Mather land in every aspect. This game is not about selling underwear.
Please quote a single time I have ever tagged mods outside of personal attacks on me.

"Economically better off" but Pakistan still kicked your *** in poverty reduction :rofl:

A slave only sees the world in terms that he understands. Master slave terms.

That is why you keep harping on the China bit. China does not shoot our citizens for sport along the border.
It does not humiliate us by sending "refugees" our way and we have never called them our husband.

10 years ago your husband was calling us a failed state, yet here we are, husband being humiliated by us in Feb.
Wife is mocking our economy today, let's see how this ends in 10 years.

Converts who can't even read Arabic should rejoin their Mather land in every aspect. This game is not about selling underwear.

Lol slave of India? We are also reminding your father India their position that they are poorer. Even our ministers are openly saying it.

StanChart Bank: Bangladeshis set to be wealthier than Indians by 2030


This is 2030 projection of 7% club. But please note Bangladesh has already moved to 8% club and India down to 5% club. So Bangladesh's gdp will be much bigger than projected. Your bankrupt Pakistan is not even in the list.

"Economically better off" but Pakistan still kicked your *** in poverty reduction :rofl:

A slave only sees the world in terms that he understands. Master slave terms.

That is why you keep harping on the China bit. China does not shoot our citizens for sport along the border.
It does not humiliate us by sending "refugees" our way and we have never called them our husband.

10 years ago your husband was calling us a failed state, yet here we are, husband being humiliated by us in Feb.
Wife is mocking our economy today, let's see how this ends in 10 years.

Converts who can't even read Arabic should rejoin their Mather land in every aspect. This game is not about selling underwear.

Let us not even get into BD versus Pakistan in economy as there is simply no contest:

1. GDP per capita - BD is at 2000 US dollars versus 1400 dollars for Pakistan
2. GDP per capita growth - BD is at 6-7% and Pakistan is at 1-2%
3. Debt to GDP ratio - BD is at 28% and Pakistan is at 73%

As for industry BD domestic companies dominate the home market in terms of IT, shipbuilding, pharmaceuticals and electronics.
Pharma has been growing exports at 15% a year over the last decade and is now really starting the push into Western markets with regulator approval given.
TVs in the electronics sector are now being sold to countries such as Germany - see below of Hyundai using BD as an original equipment manufacturer to import into India:


"According to a deal signed on Monday, Walton as an original equipment manufacturer will supply 1 lakh units of refrigerators and 20,000 residential air-conditioners to Hyundai Electronics."

BD is in the midst of an infrastructure boom(circa 6% of GDP) and all the ingredients to sustain the economic growth are coming online or are being constructed - power stations, roads, railways and ports.

The whole world is beating a path to BD's door to invest in the 100 Special Economic Zones that have or are being build.

Sorry but all that Pakistan has going for it is to be propped up by China and the Arabs - of course they will extract their price for this.
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Yeah like UK can wipe out Germany but Germany dominates EU and UK begs it for trade deal after Brexit!

You a 8 year old kid dude?

Let us look at some statistics between BD and Pakistan.

1. Date of Independence of BD was 1971 and Pakistan was 1947 > Pakistan had a full 24 years more to develop.
2. GDP per capita nominal for BD is 2000 US dollars compared to 1400 for Pakistan.
3. GDP per capita of BD is growing 7% a year compared to 2% for Pakistan
4. Total debt of BD was 28% in 2018 compared to 73% for Pakistan
Like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
And Pakistan is also become Independent (from Bangalis dudes) in 1971.
And kido GDP growth of Pakistan is 5.8%
In beginning of 2019 and somewhat temporary slows to 4.2%.
US has highest debt percentage dude
Now Bangladesh never exists in front of America....:welcome:
What are you smoking?:drag:
And not like Pakistan,BDs is defenseless country.
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Like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
And Pakistan is also become Independent (from Bangalis dudes) in 1971.
And kido GDP growth of Pakistan is 5.8%
In beginning of 2019 and somewhat temperature slows to 4.2%.
US has highest debt percentage dude
View attachment 594613 Now Bangladesh never exists in feont of America....:welcome:
What are you smoking?:drag:
And not like Pakistan,BDs is defenseless country.

LOL - Comparing Pakistan with USA!!!


Pakistan cannot even afford to pay back it's foreign loans that it needs to go to Saudi and IMF for bailouts.
USA has no issues paying back it's debts just like BD.

Pakistan per capita(that is what matters as it has high population grow) was at 1.3% last fiscal as opposed to a vey healthy 7% for BD. Already BD per capita is at 2000 US dollars compared to 1400 for Pakistan and the gap is just getting larger and larger.

You gone retard if you think BD is defenceless as 18 of the below babies - the most powerful multiple-launch rocket system in Nato will be delivered to BD by Turkish brothers.


The version brought can hit targets out to 120km and BD is considering buying the 300km version. This is a signal to India to not mess with BD!

So many other major weapons system will be brought in due course as they are in final stages of discussions now like next-gen frigates and fighter aircraft.

Dude you need a very good economy to afford all these good stuff and BD has the economy and so the cutting-edge weapons systems will be flowing in on large numbers between now and 2030.
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