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Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread

A nice and neutral view.

Dear friends
"last year a Christian guy who collects garbage from streets ,gave my aunt a complete Quran and said I found it on the road"
so what can be done with that?
We Muslims are very emotional,nothing more

since that guy was innocent nobody accused him and ur aunt also didnot have any doubts either, but that girl did something and meant to anger the others

Nahi yaar,
I have found them to be very liberal.
Can't say much about their family laws etc ...

You should hear Mirza Tahir in post #11. He makes his views very clear. Also just watch the women on their television station when it comes on, you will find their women very very oppressed, as shown in the letter by the above sister to the current Ahmadi head Mirza Masroor
well there are several factions of the Ahmedi movement; for example you have Qadiani jamaat (from india) and you have factions like Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement and Ahmadiyya Muslim Community --- they have some similar beliefs but also some clashing ones, and some different practices....

i dont know about Lahori movement, but Qadiani walas are known to be very strict on ''purdah''

in fact, i heard that it was Qaddianis who were as vocal and angry about the burqa ban in France as the salafist/wahhaby types. . . . .on the subject of purdah and 'womens rights' , Ahmedis and Salafis are quite similar.
That is true, the Ahmadis/Qadianis were the most vocal in France as it effected the very fabric of women within Ahmadiyyat and as such protested loudly.......

It is too much control with the women abuse to facebook bans in place........ it is oppression, especially when one wishes to leave the Ahmadiyya, they are ex-communicated, humiliated with the names read out in Jummah Khutbahs and disassociated with......hence women suffer in silence for the sake of their families
That is true, the Ahmadis/Qadianis were the most vocal in France as it effected the very fabric of women within Ahmadiyyat and as such protested loudly.......

It is too much control with the women abuse to facebook bans in place........ it is oppression, especially when one wishes to leave the Ahmadiyya, they are ex-communicated, humiliated with the names read out in Jummah Khutbahs and disassociated with......hence women suffer in silence for the sake of their families

well let's not kid ourselves -- no matter how educated or progressive we are, we wouldnt think the same of somebody who was Muslim (forget sect) and then he/she chose to leave Islam.....me personally, i wouldnt wish death on them, i wouldnt humiliate them (i would show at least outward respect) --but i wouldnt 'look at them' exactly the same either. That's just the truth.

religion is a personal thing though, that's my belief
1) The ban has been reversed.
2) That was probably a mistake or an attempt to end the "Jesus *swear word* Christ!" expression.
3) How can you even possibly relate that to Christians not having equal rights ? Your just looking for an argument, regardless of where it stems from, taking a non-issue and over-inflating it like that is a sad example of trolling.

1. Okay...I know the ban has been reversed...but you didn't read the whole article I think....Now as the damage has been done....the officials of PTA who made that list....must be punished under the Blasphemy Law of Pakistan!

2. How can they make a mistake like that? Jesus Christ is a very holy personality for both Christians and Muslims...how can they even think about doing that? and for your kind information....No one uses the "Jesus *Swear Word* Christ" expression here in Pakistan" Because Christians and Muslims live in Pakistan along with Hindus and other religions and we all respect Jesus Christ a lot.

3. How can I relate that to Christians not having equal rights? Well because "Jesus Christ" is everything for Christians....We are NOTHING without Jesus Christ...so if anyone tries to ban Jesus Christ....they are trying to ban our identity.....and their is absolutely NO compromise on Jesus Christ.....NO ONE can DARE to disrespect Jesus Christ. That maybe not an issue for you.....but its a matter of life and death for Christians. And to be honest.....I dont really have time to troll.

And wouldn't you feel angry if that same PTA tries to ban the name of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? Try to put yourself in our shoes.....you will understand then!

---------- Post added at 12:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 PM ----------

This has nothing to do with christians or their religion.

It is used as an obscene word often.

The ban has been delayed and a review is being taken by PTA. The words like 'get on' 'pick me' are also banned, so is it against human rights as well.

Take a break.

I dont know why its not a big deal for all you guys.....I mean come on.....Muslims also respect Jesus Christ....why dont you guys get angry on PTA? HE is your Prophet too....come on guys show some respect here!!!
So now an Indian will tell us who and who doesn't have equal rights. My mother and her family are Catholics and never have they once been discriminated or felt threatened inside Pakistan. My first name is a "Christian" name and I too have never been discriminated on the basis of religion.

Indian media at its finest.

Your location flag tells that you are now living in Canada...how can you be discriminated in Pakistan when you don't live here. And you cant say that every news which shows that Christians are being discriminated in Pakistan is generated by Indian media...many news are also true. And when you sent me a private message....I told you that you are not a Christian thats why you dont feel discriminated. For example.....PTA is trying to ban "Jesus Christ" Now you dont care about Jesus Christ because you are an Agnostic....and not a Christian.....so you wont feel bad or discriminated.

---------- Post added at 12:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 PM ----------

How many Christians are there in Pakistan? ALL information agencies say 1.6 % while some extremist Christians I know of claim that they are 15% of total Pakistani population:cheesy:

Yes we are more than 15% in Pakistan....go out and see...in Punjab.....every second house is a Christian house!

Hate campaign against the Ahmadiyya Community

Just a few days before Eid-ul-Azha, I visited The Holy Family hospital in Rawalpindi to see my friend who was admitted there. During this visit, I witnessed something very odd and alarming. It was a hate campaign against the Ahmadiyya Community. Initially, like most others, I saw and ignored. However, as the days passed, I felt that this hate campaign was turning into a full-fledged movement against the Ahmadiyya community that resides in this part of the city.

This hate campaign was carried out quite visibly, in the form of banners placed in different areas of the E-block, threatening the Ahmaddiya community to stop their “un-constitutional” activities in the area. Incidentally, right after Eid, a set of new banners with a stronger message replaced the old ones. The word “protest” changed to “movement” in these banners which were again placed in various parts of E-Block, Satellite Town, including Holy Family Road, College Chowk, Hyderi Chowk and even in Commercial Market. It also announced boldly that, an “action committee” has been formed. On being enquired about the real faces and brains behind this campaign, the residents of the area, were unwilling to talk.

Apparently, the city administration is almost intentionally waiting for an untoward incident to occur and yet, not willing to take action against this religious hatemongering.

Shiraz Hassan: Hate campaign against the Ahmadiyya Community.
since that guy was innocent nobody accused him and ur aunt also didnot have any doubts either, but that girl did something and meant to anger the others


How about that Hafiz e Quran who was burnt alive in Gujranwala few years back? How about that Jamaat-Islami supporter factory owner who was killed on false charges because the local Mullah accused him over the loud speaker of the local mosque? How about those burnt alive in Gojra including children? What was there fault? Just a few examples. All blasphemy charges are false so far. There is no credible evidence of any blasphemy claims. However the incitement to violence by extremists is there and allowed by authorities as the case in COMSATS. No chance is left for the victim of hate. And if the victim of hate tries to remove hate material, viola, he/she is dead now. What a hateful, bigoted and violent religion. "We will get you, by hook or crook" is the theme.

Compare it to this incident;

Arrest over video of 'racist rant' on Croydon to Wimbledon tram

A woman has been arrested after an online video apparently showed a woman abusing ethnic minority passengers on a packed south London tram.

You religion has a BIG problem and proof is in the pudding. Accept that.

Yes,I have seen such banners in my home town.
I do not know if someone is observing his/her religion then why we Muslims need to worry.
At least these Ahmadi people are not killing anyone, as the so called true Muslims are doing in terrorist attacks and sectarian violence.

---------- Post added at 02:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ----------

Yes,I have seen such banners in my home town.
I do not know if someone is observing his/her religion then why we Muslims need to worry.
At least these Ahmadi people are not killing anyone, as the so called true Muslims are doing in terrorist attacks and sectarian violence.
since that guy was innocent nobody accused him and ur aunt also didnot have any doubts either, but that girl did something and meant to anger the others

Friend this is not about that christian guy,its about Quran,who threw Quran on the road?
Every year when the canals are flow less in winter for cleaning,its common to see paper of Quran and some times complete Qurans in the mud,who does this?
We Muslims use Quranic verses in "Taveez" and Jado Tona and carry the same verses all the time(in bathroom or bathing),who is responsible?
Actually the matter is perception,we Muslims think ourselves as owners of Islam,we do not see ourselves but point to others.
No one has harmed Islam other than Muslims,
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