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DOKLAM standoff, China doesn't want peace

If you really think that our military preparations are based on the jeering comments that are made here on PDF or online, then you are so wrong. In fact, it is very surprising that both of you think that our army's decisions are based on what common civilians think; this reflects a shallow understanding of your enemy.

Preparation will always be there on both sides quietly, while diplomats do their jobs and try to negotiate a mutually acceptable way out without needless economic slowdown due to wars.

Diplomacy has failed, you need to take your head out of the sand.

Unless India make a unilateral u-turn and leave the area of contention without any ifs and buts, there is clearly a military solution on the horizon. The Chinese knocking on the other side of Indian occupied kashmir in Laddak region just recently is a clear give away and China is looking to escalate things further.

Were good!!! Kashmir is on the boil nicely, india is turning hindutva and our economic plans with our allies are our business :coffee:

We have an existing emnity with india and in reality we are fighting a pseudo war, as Pakistan grows so does our ability

You dont have allies, you have one big brother, China. They are just sing you as their pawn. Earlier you gave way Gwadar and now they are asking for whole country under CPEC.
Diplomacy has failed, you need to take your head out of the sand.

Unless India make a unilateral u-turn and leave the area of contention without any ifs and buts, there is clearly a military solution on the horizon. The Chinese knocking on the other side of Indian occupied kashmir in Laddak region just recently is a clear give away and China is looking to escalate things further.

If you think diplomats just sit on their chairs after a few rounds of negotiations, you have much to learn.

Their job continues even during a war as anything conclusive can only come on the tables and not on the battlefield.

We have taken adequate steps to ensure that things don't escalate and if they do, what is to be done.

Don't worry.
i will joing the armed struggle of tibet with my tibetan frnds
Easy, China will help the armed struggle of Kashmir. Maybe you want to claim 99% of Kashmir loves India and they join on their own will? :enjoy:
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This is more to do with their internal political posturing.

Seven of the largest CCP leaders are pitching their show of power through such maneuvers, including some former presidents as well.

Xi is eyeing for greater power through encouraging such adventurism across the neighbourhood, the most peaceful being the Indo-Tibetan and the Bhutanese borders. So it makes sense to rattle sabres in the most peaceful areas rather than risk a conflict in the more volatile SCS area.

yes i totally understand their problem but my blood just boils reading such articles of pure bullying.
Only a preemptive decapitation strike on Modi with megaton yield will achieve our goals.
That would certainly be one way to set back BOTH nations by hundreds of years......

I thought China had a NFU policy?

Excellent. Let it all out.

We recently send five of your sweethearts to hell while they bleated like dying little lambs, throwing away their AK-47s and other weapons and pleading.

More soon to be dispatched to hell.

Keep dancing in China's shadows for all we care.

In fact, nothing would please us more than you guys getting deeper into public debt with the Chinese. They already overwhelming dominance as the single largest lender to Sri Lanka. Soon you will overtake the Lankans with the completion of CPEC. Sri Lanka has a stable economy, excellent interior security and has friendly relations with all; characteristics of a nation which can afford to diversify its investments and credit borrowing portfolio.

What would you have to offer once your traders have to shut shops when they are out of work due to mass influx of Chinese factory made goods? You will become an economic colony for China. Doesn't make any difference to us.

Happy re-colonisation.
Leave them to it, they truly are celebrating being colonised by a new power. Just look at how they reacted the news that the World Bank may stop granting loans to Pakistan, almost universal jubilation at the news! Now only "good guy" China will be able to provide them loans, all out of the kindness of their hearts of course with absolutely zero conditions or profit seeking motivations.

This is some truly pathetic desperation that I have not witnessed my entire time online.
The moment one 120 MM mortar falls on the PLA all bravado will come to An END
Long may their false bravado continue, with every reiteration of the Chinese "superiority", with every "threat" to India they are only exposing themselves and undermining their own credibility.

I wonder how many in India and the region have had their eyes opened by this incident, for all the bluster coming out of China India has remained unmoved and silent. The image China has worked SO hard to build up over decades as a nation whose "rise" was inevitable has come crashing down with this very incident.
How can they use us as a pawn against india, we hate you more then they do?

Because you are a brainwashed extremist, who hates other's religion.

The moment one 120 MM mortar falls on the PLA all bravado will come to An END

Those PLA are cowards, they will not go for war, instead they will use the pawns.
India China war means Modi's political harakiri = A ritual suicide.
2019 will miss Modi, and Modi will miss his much coveted PMO chair.

My job will get done all by itself.
If you really think that our military preparations are based on the jeering comments that are made here on PDF or online, then you are so wrong. In fact, it is very surprising that both of you think that our army's decisions are based on what common civilians think; this reflects a shallow understanding of your enemy.

Preparation will always be there on both sides quietly, while diplomats do their jobs and try to negotiate a mutually acceptable way out without needless economic slowdown due to wars.

Let me disagree with you here.
Where was our millitary and intelligence when Kargil intrusions were silently happening.
We didnt know and did not start preparing at all until one common man (a shepard) dislosed the presense of Pakistani soldiers in our terrritory.
If we were prepared, the intrusions wouldnt have happened in a large scale.
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