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DOKLAM standoff, China doesn't want peace

Think about it like this, we hate you more then China. We wouldn't be wasting bullets for China but for us, but if we cab help our ally all the better.

China has always helped us but their are always limits, india has just given China more reason to push thise limits ever forward to give Pakistan greater access to what it wants

This will reveal itself over the coming months and years

After what has happen with DongLang affaire, China will certain not sit idle over Kashmir, direct or Indirect support to Pakistan that remain to be seen, we will add more difficulty for India that's for sure...and India will have no excuse to complain, we're simply return some favor back to India.
As Indian and Chinese soldiers remain locked in a two-month standoff over a border dispute in the Himalayas, some Chinese Australians decided to protest India in their flashy supercars on the India's Independence Day.
The cars revved their engines loudly outside the Consulate General of India in Sydney, to protest against India over an escalating military situation between India and China, with both sides accusing the other of territorial intrusions.
Consulate General of India in Sydney told SBS Mandarin via phone that they were neither aware nor affected by the car protest as the Consulate was officially closed on the Independence Day.
The CCP bot's are dumb as a door knob!:D

For more pic's http://sydney.jinriaozhou.com/content-101733241010010
India did its strategic calculus and made a bold move - to challenge the Chinese supremecy/rising leadership in Asia. The Indian strategists must be given credit for this audacity!

Have they overestimated themselves or underestimated the Chinese possible options?

Have they given a golden opportunity to China to solve many issues in the Chinese Box?

It is upto the Dragon now to solve this Indian Challenge!

If the Way teaches anything... and the entirety of the Chinese Mind and Operative Civlisation is but a product of the Way & Confusian Thought, our Indian friends must be prepared for The Great Red Dragon's response.

The Chinese response shall be multifacted, calculated and with an absolute clarity of the end game in mind.

And China Will Respond. China has to now!!!!

The Indian retreat will not be considered solution by China. This is a given.
And our Indian friends must realise, that the Concept of Time is very Elastic in the Chinese Mind.

The Dragon is the Master in Creating and Winning Time.

Sun Wukong and 500 years of Humility. Nothing less will do.

Otherwise, it will be a new game of Go. And China has a much bigger fish to fry.

Time is the Revealer of mysteries. Some advance by retreating...others retreat by advancing.
Indian strategist is very brave and bold. But please do not beg China and ask them not to build dam on the Yarlangpo river after this brave move
There are more Indian Modi boot licker (active) members here than (active) Pakistani members: Taking advantage of PDF rules one or the other way. Kind of biting the same hand that feeds. They come here, insult others, engage in slur & snide remarks, hate Muslims and what not. Most of them have massive numbers of negatives. I think anyone with the limit of 15 should be permanently banned. This approach will affect these incorrigibles.

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where did you get that picture...lol too funny :rofl:
This is excellent news for Pakistan, as a friend of China we are ever ready to hurt india for our own reasons but China has more reason then ever to ensure Pakistan has everything it needs to stab at indias heart
Do that. Its high time you returned the favors that you got from the chinese in 1971 war against India.
China is more than capable of defeating India in potential military conflict with its advanced weapons and air bases, analysts said on Wednesday.

According to a Reuters report on Wednesday, a source in New Delhi, who had been briefed on the military situation on the border, said soldiers foiled a bid by a group of Chinese troops to enter Indian territory in Ladakh, near Pangong Lake. Some of the Chinese soldiers carried iron rods and stones, and troops on both sides suffered minor injuries in the melee.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying on Wednesday did not directly answer a question on whether the friction in Ladakh is connected to the Doklam standoff. She reaffirmed China's position that the withdrawal of the Indian troops in Doklam is the precondition to solving the problem.

"This means that even when India withdraws its troops from the Doklam Plateau, China will not let the matter drop, because withdrawal is just the precondition, not the solution. China will still make India pay for its offensive and provocative behavior even if India withdraws its troops as China requests," Ye Hailin, director of the National Institute of International Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times.

"We don't want the upcoming BRICS summit to be disrupted. The BRICS summit should be focused on cooperation between rising economies, not an emergency multilateral meeting for conflict mediation. If India keeps its troops in Chinese territory, China's foreign and defense ministries are very likely to release an ultimatum before September," Xu Guangyu, a retired rear admiral and senior adviser to the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association, told the Global Times.

"The ultimatum will clearly tell India and the world that China will give a certain number of days to India to withdraw its troops. After the deadline, if Indian troops still remain within China's territory, India will be responsible for all the consequences. China has multiple ways of pushing India back to its own soil if India ignores the ultimatum, as a few dozen military personnel and one bulldozer [in Doklam] is a piece of cake for the Chinese military," Xu said.

China should prepare for the possibility of escalation, because Indian troops will resist, and if there is bloodshed, China needs to be fully prepared for military conflict. The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is more than capable of dealing with any escalation, Xu further said.

Military preparation

In general, the quality of Chinese weapons and military personnel is overwhelmingly better than India's, and though India has purchased some US and Russian-made weapons in recent years, the PLA's advantage remains the same, said Song Zhongping, a military expert who served in the PLA Rocket Force.

Air forces, helicopters, long-range attack weapons and light armored vehicles are very important for combat in mountainous and plateau regions. In the air, China's J-10C and J-11 fighter jets, H-6K bombers, Z-10 attack helicopters and other types of transport helicopters, no matter the quality or quantity, are all better than India's, Song said.

China's long-range rocket artillery is not only better than India's, but is the best in the world. The rocket boasts a terminal guidance function, which means it can search for its target before it strikes. Although one rocket costs 700,000 yuan ($104,555), it's still cheaper than a guided missile, and it has a range of more than 105 kilometers. With this kind of weaponry, the geographic barriers of mountains and plateaus are not an obstacle for the PLA to destroy its enemy, Song said.

India might think that the Chinese air force doesn't have enough air bases in the Tibet Autonomous Region, but they are seriously mistaken, Xu said. According to open information, China has at least five large airports in Tibet, and the furthest one from Doklam is only 1,000 kilometers away. The combat radius of J-10C and J-11 planes is more than 1,200 kilometers, so the Indian military had better abandon their illusions, he stressed.

In Tibet, civilian airports can also be used for military aircraft.

Many hospitals in different provinces are controlling the use of blood, and according to a reliable anonymous source from a hospital in Changsha, capital of Hunan Province, the blood bank has been relocated by the PLA and the local government is organizing a blood drive to replenish supplies.

The same is also true of some other top hospitals in Hubei Province, and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, according to multiple sources from these regions.

The stocks of blood were transferred before the Jiuzhaigou earthquake in Sichuan Province on August 8, and they are likely to be transferred to Tibet, the source told the Global Times.


These complete and utter fools, they really are talking themselves into a conflict. At every opportunity they have chosen to escalate rather than look for a peaceful resolution and now they are saying that even if India withdraws unilateraly that the PLA will "punish" India anyway? They are not creating a win-win opportunity, I thought the Chinese were meant to be smart?

I can't tell if the people running this in China are complete morons or so entirely consumed by their own propoganda that they really are this out of touch.

They also can't keep their story straight, one moment they claim India has deployed 100s of troops to the area now they are saying there are just a "few dozen troops and a bulldozer".

Alas, with each passing day these clowns humiliate themselves more and more.
China is tangled in Doklam. This will be change of tide for China. They have made a mistake by not being cooperative and a bully. The way I see this being played out, I think China will feel that they should have been more reasonable than being a bully. Not everytime you being powerful is the only thing matter, this is China thinking that they have become super powerful and can get away with murder.

Only a preemptive decapitation strike on Modi with megaton yield will achieve our goals.
Please go ahead and do it, I challenge China, they can forget megatons they cannot even use min nukes.

Do you see any Indians scared of China anymore?

You guys have truly blown your credibility, 55 days (and counting) and all you have done is issue countless "threats" to India. It's all just hot air.
You hit the nail on the head, China has become joke in India.
China is tangled in Doklam. This will be change of tide for China. They have made a mistake by not being cooperative and a bully. The way I see this being played out, I think China will feel that they should have been more reasonable than being a bully. Not everytime you being powerful is the only thing matter, this is China thinking that they have become super powerful and can get away with murder.

Again an hallucinating Indian :rofl:, if we're tangled why your FM and commander come to beg us to negotiate? India knew that it will have lost face with imminent humiliated retreat so it tried to beg to leave DongLand with some dignity but China has refused.
Again an hallucinating Indian :rofl:, if we're tangled why your FM and commander come to beg us to negotiate? India knew that it will have lost face with imminent humiliated retreat so it tried to beg to leave DongLand with some dignity but China has refused.

from June 16th you are only issuing warnings, and bigmouth insults. And we are hallucinated. go on, you are nothing but a -->:taz::taz::taz:
Hope u guys don't change your mind and strike us with a megastone :enjoy:
These Chinese definitely looks like the Pakistani version of Chinese. I can understand Pakistan say we will nuke you all the time as they know they cannot win the conventional war and they are always thinking of India defeating them. But why Chinese with such large army will think like this, maybe because of its a Pakistani posing as Chinese.

You dont have allies, you have one big brother, China. They are just sing you as their pawn. Earlier you gave way Gwadar and now they are asking for whole country under CPEC.
Kuch waiters ko galtfehemi hoti hai ke khana khane aaya ameer unka dost hai
These Chinese definitely looks like the Pakistani version of Chinese. I can understand Pakistan say we will nuke you all the time as they know they cannot win the conventional war and they are always thinking of India defeating them. But why Chinese with such large army will think like this, maybe because of its a Pakistani posing as Chinese.

all chinis these days want to meganuke us, suddenly they dont believe their army. you will lots of threats to nuke Delhi with megaton bomb and so on.

these guys are like -->:taz::taz: (and you know whose name i types here )

Kuch waiters ko galtfehemi hoti hai ke khana khane aaya ameer unka dost hai
Again an hallucinating Indian :rofl:, if we're tangled why your FM and commander come to beg us to negotiate? India knew that it will have lost face with imminent humiliated retreat so it tried to beg to leave DongLand with some dignity but China has refused.
Dude you have some issue with your logic. People who beg do not hold the land. Its not just about how stupid and idiotic talks you make that make you better. Your whole country has behaved like idiots. India proved to be way more mature.
where did you get that picture...lol too funny :rofl:

I have a graphic assistant in my office, I explain him what I want and he makes it.


Look who is bragging here:

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