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DOKLAM standoff, China doesn't want peace

Only a preemptive decapitation strike on Modi with megaton yield will achieve our goals.
Bhai logo, megaton has arrived please keep your umbrellas opened.

Yes. Your Modiji is so mighty we need to nuke Delhi for him ;)
And we need to nuke your country as whole and remove it from the world map.

Modi, when he was told by his General that Chinese troops have arrived with shock & Awe type weapons:

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First change your flag cartoon. its you who took shelter on the tree.
Bhai logo, megaton has arrived please keep your umbrellas opened.

And we need to nuke your country as whole and remove it from the world map.

First change your flag cartoon. its you who took shelter on the tree.

The world can do without india but not china..

India only consumes but zero exports out hence trade deficit monies all flowing out including tax monies.

india at best if work hard can still bootlick china
How can they use us as a pawn against india, we hate you more then they do?
Hate is love my friend. We love you. Why do you hate us that much. We have similarity in our culture, we have similar food, language, way of thinking and once you were part of us. We can be a good friend/.
Dunia sadio tak misaal deti rahegi
If you think diplomats just sit on their chairs after a few rounds of negotiations, you have much to learn.

Their job continues even during a war as anything conclusive can only come on the tables and not on the battlefield.

We have taken adequate steps to ensure that things don't escalate and if they do, what is to be done.

Don't worry.

You are clueless just like your nation.

The first sign of diplomacy working is the deescalation and containment of the conflict which in this case is not happening, infact , China is now bringing this issue on Kashmir side as well.
The world can do without india but not china..

India only consumes but zero exports out hence trade deficit monies all flowing out including tax monies.

india at best if work hard can still bootlick china
The world can do without any contry but will be safe without china.
Without china, the world can produce expensive products initially but will become cheaper later.
But with china and its plastic food inventions, world is getting into a deep danger.
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Diplomacy has failed, you need to take your head out of the sand.

Unless India make a unilateral u-turn and leave the area of contention without any ifs and buts, there is clearly a military solution on the horizon. The Chinese knocking on the other side of Indian occupied kashmir in Laddak region just recently is a clear give away and China is looking to escalate things further.
Feelings of being served a bad deal and coerced into accepting it due to being leveraged for being weak is a dangerous thing to begin with!!!! India is now faced with that feelings of the Chinese folks who want to settle the matter (Tibet the palm and five fingers - Ladakh, Bhutan, Nepal, AP and Sikim)!!!!!!! I have to admit - dead interesting times ahead!!!!

Mevlâ görelim neyler,
Neylerse güzel eyler.

Let's see what Mevla makes
What ever HE makes, HE renders it beautiful
The importance of this war would be phenomenal for any eager country that would want to analyze the war prowess of two biggest countries as it may progress.

This would take place immediately after the (supposed) Chinese deadline:

India did its strategic calculus and made a bold move - to challenge the Chinese supremecy/rising leadership in Asia. The Indian strategists must be given credit for this audacity!

Have they overestimated themselves or underestimated the Chinese possible options?

Have they given a golden opportunity to China to solve many issues in the Chinese Box?

It is upto the Dragon now to solve this Indian Challenge!

If the Way teaches anything... and the entirety of the Chinese Mind and Operative Civlisation is but a product of the Way & Confusian Thought, our Indian friends must be prepared for The Great Red Dragon's response.

The Chinese response shall be multifacted, calculated and with an absolute clarity of the end game in mind.

And China Will Respond. China has to now!!!!

The Indian retreat will not be considered solution by China. This is a given.
And our Indian friends must realise, that the Concept of Time is very Elastic in the Chinese Mind.

The Dragon is the Master in Creating and Winning Time.

Sun Wukong and 500 years of Humility. Nothing less will do.

Otherwise, it will be a new game of Go. And China has a much bigger fish to fry.

Time is the Revealer of mysteries. Some advance by retreating...others retreat by advancing.
India did its strategic calculus and made a bold move - to challenge the Chinese supremecy/rising leadership in Asia. The Indian strategists must be given credit for this audacity!

Have they overestimated themselves or underestimated the Chinese possible options?

Have they given a golden opportunity to China to solve many issues in the Chinese Box?

It is upto the Dragon now to solve this Indian Challenge!

If the Way teaches anything... and the entirety of the Chinese Mind and Operative Civlisation is but a product of the Way & Confusian Thought, our Indian friends must be prepared for The Great Red Dragon's response.

The Chinese response shall be multifacted, calculated and with an absolute clarity of the end game in mind.

And China Will Respond. China has to now!!!!

The Indian retreat will not be considered solution by China. This is a given.
And our Indian friends must realise, that the Concept of Time is very Elastic in the Chinese Mind.

The Dragon is the Master in Creating and Winning Time.

Sun Wukong and 500 years of Humility. Nothing less will do.

Otherwise, it will be a new game of Go. And China has a much bigger fish to fry.

Time is the Revealer of mysteries. Some advance by retreating...others retreat by advancing.

Well first off, your premise that Indians created this puzzle is wrong.

Chinese did.

They were using their SCS strategy here as well.

Indian army surprised them. No need to feel humiliated. Just accept it and move on.

India gave Chinese the way out a lot of times. They did not. They cannot. Again, their assumption was they were coming from a position of power. All India had to do was sit the game out. And she did. Time will tell if this was a master stroke or not. Most prolly not. But Chinese foreign ministry with their daily blunders, ruined the image. India just kept quiet.

As you said china has bigger fish to fry in SCS and NK. But October once the CPC meetings are done, this will die down. No other words about it.

Even a single gun shot will turn this into a war. India china war in 2017 is not a easy pushover.

not sure what Pakistani members are spewing in every thread. This game has nothing to do with them.

Anything Pakistan does this time, India will pull their knickers down and will give a good spanking. And then they will go crying to China. But already china is busy with India. So not sure what are they getting out.

India against all reasons, is winning this game. They have nothing to gain and nothing to loose. Just sit tight.

Thank you China.
Day of reckoning for Modi.
Testing time ahead.
Before the end of September, these 2 horses must race towards the finish line.
Provided India does not withdraw prematurely.
Odds are 75% in favor of China and 25% for India for an upper hand in a war in the first 15 days.
Lets see who draws first blood.

Buena suerte
THE CHINEASE are it seems shouting a lot.
Meagtonne nukes on delhi
China will crush india with ots sophisticated military might
China is preparing
China is resupplyimg blood suppliues

AND OUR PAKISTANI friends are the only cheer leaders in the world
Jumping up and down.

MEANWHILE un be known to chinease and their little Pakistani ally india has prepared for all eventuality


china had the opportunity THIS MODI india not MAN,MOHAN SINGH

briiliant vedio on the mighty INDIAN ARMY

Away from impending war, at home in India.
The show-off PM of India is not able to stop the vast Chinese imports with a stroke of pen by signing one ordinance, the way he handled tax matters in parliament and GST without having adequate numbers in the upper house.

He is a good talker, sugar coated Machiavellian. He can do the above and can stop the Chinese imports. But he does not want to do it. Just in the same way as he does not want to revoke Pakistan's MFN status or revoking IWT, on the top, India under him is exporting beef to Pakistan. This 10th pass apprentice PM knows little. He has numbers of gaffes to his credit; The remarkable one being the following in Ahmedabad when he was CM:

Our traders are more courageous, they take more risk than our soldiers.

Now can any sane Indian tell me why they want this naive (yet corrupt) PM of India at the helm? One who insulted India's national anthem in Russia?

The world can do without india but not china..

India only consumes but zero exports out hence trade deficit monies all flowing out including tax monies.

india at best if work hard can still bootlick china

Wrong, India is a call center Supa Powa and remittance icon. Western union depends on India. H1B visa is the pillar of Indian economy.
There are more Indian Modi boot licker (active) members here than (active) Pakistani members: Taking advantage of PDF rules one or the other way. Kind of biting the same hand that feeds. They come here, insult others, engage in slur & snide remarks, hate Muslims and what not. Most of them have massive numbers of negatives. I think anyone with the limit of 15 should be permanently banned. This approach will affect these incorrigibles.

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