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Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

We need an alliance with Egypt, against Israel, Greece and Greek Cypriot for Mediterranean gas, our relationship is getting closer with them and more investment is going to the navy.

When's our exploration start in Cyprus and Mediterranean Sea. When the TF2000 comes we'll have some air cover against Israel aswell.
There has been some occasions, but not intentionally I think.

Turkish strikes kill 35 Kurdish civilians

They were smugglers whom have been targeted by an accident when they want to illegally pass the border. That was the pathway which terrorists have frequently used. By the way Turkish official as well as Turkish army accepted that it was a mistake and they take the responsibility. Do you see any sign of accepting the responsibility during and after bombing the Gaza strip?
They were Smugglers which targeted by an accident when they want to Illegally pass the border, That was the pathway which terrorists have frequently used. By the way Turkish official as well as Turkish army accepted that it was a mistake and they take the responsibility. Do you see any sign of accepting the responsibility during and after bombing the Gaza strip?

But I already said it wasn't intentional.
Israel bombing Gaza is a different matter, they do it as a means of forcing its enemy to stop fighting.They are ready to massacre whole Arabs if they see they are losing.
But I already said it wasn't intentional.
Israel bombing Gaza is a different matter, they do it as a means of forcing its enemy to stop fighting.They are ready to massacre whole Arabs if they see they are losing.

It was an attempt to ruin and troll the thread by turning the attention, and you cried in the other thread that I made a comment.
They were Smugglers which targeted by an accident when they want to Illegally pass the border, That was the pathway which terrorists have frequently used. By the way Turkish official as well as Turkish army accepted that it was a mistake and they take the responsibility. Do you see any sign of accepting the responsibility during and after bombing the Gaza strip?
pkk widely used this incident to gain support but there are some serious suspicions about these "smugglers".

It isn't practical for a gang of 35 smugglers to protect a few mules' load of merchandise. I remain skeptical but it's certain that this group was in a way associated with PKK and mules were probably carrying DShKs and RPGs
Syria and Iran are prime examples of what Erdogan's policy has accomplished. He tried to befriend Assad and went against Israel, Syria thanked him by butchering his own people regardless of what Erdogan might feel about that.

Same with Iran, they offered them friendship when the whole world was against them and we all know how Iran thanked Turkey. Threats, disregard and a few more threats. What was the latest Iranian threat against Turkey? That they would bomb Turkey if Turkey allowed NATO Patriot missiles to be stationed in Turkey.
All those dead Kurds seem to be ignored pretty well by the west. So save the hypocrisy.
Israel is targeted by Arab terrorists as Turkey is targeted by Kurdish terrorists.

Turkey is targeted by Kurdish terrorists who are being supported by Israel and Jewish Americans.
Turkey is targeted by Kurdish terrorists who are being supported by Israel and Jewish Americans.
We still don't have hard evidence for that, even if we have it's not publicized. Meanwhile Syria's support to PKK is a proven fact. And it's been going on since decades.
Syria and Iran are prime examples of what Erdogan's policy has accomplished. He tried to befriend Assad and went against Israel
Is that so now? :) Was that Erdogan's policy or your moronic flotilla assault?
All those dead Kurds seem to be ignored pretty well by the west. So save the hypocrisy.
Israel is targeted by Arab terrorists as Turkey is targeted by Kurdish terrorists.

Although we killed many Syrian, Iranian as well as Kurdish or even Turkish and German terrorists among PKK, but terrorism does not have nationality.

So do not even compare the methods of Israel and Turkey when it comes to fighting terrorism and the level of tolarance that the West showing us.
Does Turkey benefits from the Cold War with Israel ?

What Cold War ? Its a disruption of relations due to incidents in the recent past; hardly the cause to be labeled as a 'cold war' !
^If you ask me it already became an arms race. Israel's late interest in JSF program could only indicate that. We've became a threat all of a sudden :)
Although we killed many Syrian, Iranian as well as Kurdish or even Turkish and German terrorists among PKK, but terrorism does not have nationality.

So do not even compare the methods of Israel and Turkey when it comes to fighting terrorism and the level of tolarance that the West showing us.

True, Turkish methods are much more brutal than Israeli ones. Which i should commend.

We still don't have hard evidence for that, even if we have it's not publicized. Meanwhile Syria's support to PKK is a proven fact. And it's been going on since decades.

Is that so now? :) Was that Erdogan's policy or your moronic flotilla assault?
Erdogan befriended Assad before the Marmara incident in which your PM knowingly sent terrorists on board the Marmara to intentionally cause a provocation with Israel.
True, Turkish methods are much more brutal than Israeli ones. Which i should commend.

Brutality doesn't really matter when its target is a terrorist, while usually, that is not being the case with Israel.

Erdogan befriended Assad before the Marmara incident in which your PM knowingly sent terrorists on board the Marmara to intentionally cause a provocation with Israel.

Indeed, only geniuses in Israel could come up with the idea of dismissing the 'provocation' by executing 9 unarmed people in internatonal waters.
Brutality doesn't really matter when its target is a terrorist, while usually, that is not being the case with Israel.

Indeed, only geniuses in Israel could come up with the idea of dismissing the 'provocation' by executing 9 unarmed people in internatonal waters.
If a person is insane enough to come at an armed soldier with an iron bat, knife and iron chains, then he deserves the bullet which ends up in his skull, especially when they are Islamic terrorists.

True, brutality doesn't matter when its target is a terrorist, which is most of the time not the case when Kurdish journalists are tortured in Turkish prisons. On the other hand Israel does her best to avoid civilian casualties while HAMAS does their best to assure civilian casualties on their side and ours.
^If you ask me it already became an arms race. Israel's late interest in JSF program could only indicate that. We've became a threat all of a sudden :)

The JSF was an Israeli strategic interest long before the Turks turned hostile. Israel joined in 03'.
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