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Does Pakistan need whole Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir region?

Read the arbitral award on the Kishenganga dispute by the Hague. Educate yourself.

I already read, also I read unjust, baised hearing by International Court. also had discussion here on PDF. That didn't change my stance, i think we can leave this discussion as you (Indians) have your stance, we (Pakistanis) have ours.
Okay If GOI are willing to give or make Kashmir valley an independent state or part of PAkistan but in return GOP and ISI must hand over LET loonies and the scum Hafiz to INdia. Will PAkistan be happy with this? Or will PAkistan value the life of mullah terrorists more than normal KAshmiris?
Jammu and Kashmir is a multi ethnic state.
In Kashmir valley there live the dardic people, the Kashmiris who are muslims.
In Ladakh there live the Ladakh people who are Sino Tibetan and are mainly buddhists.
In Jammu there live the Dogras, who are some kind of punjabi/mongolian mixture, who are mainly hindus.

In my opinion Pakistan needs only the Kashmir valley because:

1. Kashmiris are dardic people and related to the dardic people of Pakistan (Shinas and Chitralis) and in extend also to Pashtuns (East-Iranian people).
2. Kashmiris always were part of Pakistan's predecessor states (like the Sikh empire, Durrani empire or Indus valley civilisation etc.)
3. Kashmiris are Muslims

In conclusion Kashmiris share ethnical, historical, religious and cultural ties with all Pakistanis.

Whereas Ladakh and Jammu people don't share these connections.
Only thing Ladakh could be relevant is the Indus river which flows through Ladakh to China.

So do we need whole IO Jammu and Kashmir or only the Kashmir valley?

Here is also a map displaying the kashmir valley:

We just want wishes of Kashmiries rather then any region. In1999 & 2001 two Pakistani government proposed 5 plans, to finish this issue. But problem is India is not interested in Peace.

First atleast start discussion, some solution will appear automatically, and something good for Kashmiri people will come up. You want to keep issue open, how exactly problem is going to resolve?

Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir are sparsely populated areas, Pakistan can ask the separatists of Kashmir Valley to come and settle there, that way these separatists get to live in "Azad Kashmir", Pakistan gets its "Kashmiri brothers" back, and India might forgo its legitimate claim over Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.

Everybody gets what they want; Problem solved.
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A dream thread of Pakistanisss................

Jaago grahak jago.......India kuch bhi offer nahi kar raha hai

Wait for few years, India will start actively claiming Pakistan occupied kashmir...
I already read, also I read unjust, baised hearing by International Court. also had discussion here on PDF. That didn't change my stance, i think we can leave this discussion as you (Indians) have your stance, we (Pakistanis) have ours.

Guess the whole world is out to get you..poor you!!
Well,we don't need ladakh as it is considered a dud territory but we would be more than willing to take the rest of IOK and if possible we should also seek land access to our strategy partner Nepal
Akhand Pakistan!! :cheesy:
What we can do, when world don't want peace. Poor Indians.

Well then it sucks to be you, that the entire world including neutral arbitration courts are stacked up against you.
Then there is not much you can do coz there is no possible scenario, where you come out on top.
whole of Kashmir is ours according to the partition plan.. but it doesn't seem that whole kashmir will be part of Pakistan.. if both countries sort out any plan it would be declaring Kashmir an Independent state
We claim Baluchistan to be part of India or to be free and if anyone disagree lets have a vote.
The Indus river originates in Ngari on the Tibetan Plateau after which it flows through occupied northern Kashmir before finally finding its way into Pakistan. Here's a simple map to help illustrate the foregoing.

So Kashmir for u is it all about water ? Is it?
The problem right now, is that a majority of Kashmiris don't want to join Pakistan. The Kashmir valley wants freedom but Jammu and Ladakh want to stay with India. So, at least for now, it doesn't seem like Pakistan is going to end up with any more of Kashmir than it already has.

I completely agree with you. Kashmiri's don't want to join Pakistan in any way.

Pakistan won't get anything more which it already has.

Kashmir could be the Switzerland of Asia with joint control of India and Pakistan having tourist resorts, international universities, and world class health centers.

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