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Does Pakistan have a future ?

I would have suggested democracy if the Pakistani public was more literate and egalitarian. But for a tribal, illiterate society with serious challenges, you need a leader who can take tough decisions. I believe mushraff is lesser of the evils you got.

Yes because Indian public has no tribes, fully literate, and very modern :lol:
The Ottoman empire imploded from within when the Arabs revolted.

The people living in modern day Pakistan at the time was just an outpost, we were considered a remote part of the empire that not many cared about. It was just there to project their ego.

The concept of Khilafat is dead, society has evolved to the point where it is necessary to organise human capital along with a representation of their wishes and demands. The only thing Khilafat offers is centralised power in the hands of a few, located thousands of miles away who do not care what happens to us as long as their empire is safe.

Like with Communism, Khilafat's byproduct is fascism and totalitarianism.

Democracy's byproduct is corruption.

Now tell which concept works best for our interest?

A fascist foreign regime which we have no say over who controls it, dictating to us, treating us like a remote outpost.

Or democracy, where power is shared, people are organised and the only thing to worry about is corruption which can be contained easily.

Because of democracy and nationalism we have an identity, a voice in the world. While the whole "ummah" slept, we built the nuclear bomb and armed ourselves so we can protect our freedom and ensure our voice in the world is heard even louder.

All people in the world want whats best for themselves, there is no such thing as a perfect Khilafat utopia, simply does not exist.

So either you are a Ghadar, or you are not Pakistani going by the ideology you adhere to.

This is 2013, the era of nation states, and in the dawn of the nuclear age Pakistan dominance will prevail. You can go join your "ummah" who are busy in killing themselves, living off oil that foreign companies pump from them, no intelligence, no industry, no morality, no harmony, pathetic. They are regressing as a society.

As Pakistan is doing now, becoming closer to China, warming to Russia, we have to ensure our future is secure because nobody else gives a sh*t about us and we don't give a sh*t about them.
Dont forget the last line,nobody cares about you so you shouldnt care for others.
Care only about your country your future work together build a bright future only for you.
I would have suggested democracy if the Pakistani public was more literate and egalitarian. But for a tribal, illiterate society with serious challenges, you need a leader who can take tough decisions. I believe mushraff is lesser of the evils you got.

Considering you just said the most absurd thing ever, it has proven to me that you really have no idea what you're talking about. First off, tribal, illiterate society? The FATA region and Tribal population make up less than 10% of the entire population. Second, Literacy is a problem with Pakistan, but considering that Pakistan has been making recent gains in terms of educating the youth, this is a ridiculous comment to make.

Let's compare some statistics,

Pakistan has 54.89% and India has 62.75% literacy rate (link)

As you can see, India isn't so much higher than Pakistan, should India also succumb to dictatorship? No, and it's ridiculous to even suggest such a thing.

As for the claim that Pakistan is not egalitarian, it depends on what you mean by egalitarianism, as it tends to refer to multiple things. Are you referring to racism, religionism, sexism, or simply class-equality?

Regardless, I would refute your claims and present you with the following...

A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries (llink)

The article speaks for itself.

With your logic, since India clearly doesn't fit into your pre-requisites of democracy, it should be ruled with a dictatorship, which I clearly doubt that you want. Only a fool demands dictatorship over freedom.

The damage a dictatorship would do to Pakistan's social, government and judicial systems would be immense, and could very well end up breaking Pakistan apart. Pakistan has had enough of dictatorships, Musharraf being the worst out of them, Pakistanis have no desire to be under military rule any longer. Only a fool advocates dictatorship over democracy.

Either you're a troll, or you're talking out of your ***.
Stupid question, most world countries would have broken if went through half of what Pakistan have been going through. If any country has a future, it's Pakistan.

Many countries have. Modern example of success would be Germany handling the Versailles treaty. Terrorism though, is something pakistanis brought upon themselves. You simply do not nurture homegrown terror outfits and expect to come out unscathed.

Fair enough - you are entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.

Lets hope you and I are around in next few decades to see whose Prediction came true....:D

The probability of you being a professor of anything except "janitorial affairs" diminishes with every new post of yours. "predictions" included.
Yes because Indian public has no tribes, fully literate, and very modern :lol:

And the defensive mechanism kicks in. what does this have to do with India? any way, the massive problems that India faces have chances of getting solved eventually even under democracy ,though a benevolent dictatorship might fasten the process.But I don't see solutions for Pakistan's problem from its politicians in the current system.
No pak dont it would not be in world map in 2020……
wait same was said for 2012 and 2004 and 1996……:unsure:
but i am very afraid……:chilli:
Considering you just said the most absurd thing ever, it has proven to me that you really have no idea what you're talking about. First off, tribal, illiterate society? The FATA region and Tribal population make up less than 10% of the entire population. Second, Literacy is a problem with Pakistan, but considering that Pakistan has been making recent gains in terms of educating the youth, this is a ridiculous comment to make.

Let's compare some statistics,

Pakistan has 54.89% and India has 62.75% literacy rate (link)

As you can see, India isn't so much higher than Pakistan, should India also succumb to dictatorship? No, and it's ridiculous to even suggest such a thing.

As for the claim that Pakistan is not egalitarian, it depends on what you mean by egalitarianism, as it tends to refer to multiple things. Are you referring to racism, religionism, sexism, or simply class-equality?

Regardless, I would refute your claims and present you with the following...

A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries (llink)

The article speaks for itself.

With your logic, since India clearly doesn't fit into your pre-requisites of democracy, it should be ruled with a dictatorship, which I clearly doubt that you want. Only a fool demands dictatorship over freedom.

The damage a dictatorship would do to Pakistan's social, government and judicial systems would be immense, and could very well end up breaking Pakistan apart. Pakistan has had enough of dictatorships, Musharraf being the worst out of them, Pakistanis have no desire to be under military rule any longer. Only a fool advocates dictatorship over democracy.

Either you're a troll, or you're talking out of your ***.

India has a much stronger idea of nationhood than Pakistan. In spite of a much more diverse population, I believe our leaders succeeded in creating a the idea of India. India has stronger civic institutions (like civil services) that compliment and act independent of the elected government . Pakistan does not seem to have that or they are very weak. These factors combined with mass illiteracy makes Pakistan's system of government weak. Democracy is of course a better form of government. But not during period of crisis or emergency. All the countries whom we admire for rapid growth have have some from of dictatorships or authoritarian regimes before adapting democracy. Eg: Turkey, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, South Korea.

By the way, India's literacy rate was 74% in 2011. Likely higher now.

Literacy Rate for India Population Census 2011
An Endian is no more then an idiot who wrote this ..!!!!

Endia have bigger problems then looking into pakistan's future,how about some toilets in dehli ... Jairam Ramesh says toilets more important in India than temples :woot:
Don't we need it too ?..& how ?

This is one place where India stands with Pakistan

You have different problems. You are not fighting a war and the possibility of a war is remote.

Indian bureaucracy is very corrupt, but it does keeps to itself unlike Pakistani bureaucracy that is more interested in strategic affairs than internal.
An Endian is no more then an idiot who wrote this ..!!!!

Endia have bigger problems then looking into pakistan's future,how about some toilets in dehli ... Jairam Ramesh says toilets more important in India than temples :woot:

No doubt we have lots of problem.
Good thing is that we are coming out of self denial.
Strength of Indian growth and progress lies within growing middle class.
Middle class of India are much forward thinking and tolerate and so i believe in good future.
Make your goal higher for developmental, we are far behind compare to rest of the world.
India has a much stronger idea of nationhood than Pakistan. In spite of a much more diverse population, I believe our leaders succeeded in creating a the idea of India. India has stronger civic institutions (like civil services) that compliment and act independent of the elected government . Pakistan does not seem to have that or they are very weak. These factors combined with mass illiteracy makes Pakistan's system of government weak. Democracy is of course a better form of government. But not during period of crisis or emergency. All the countries whom we admire for rapid growth have have some from of dictatorships or authoritarian regimes before adapting democracy. Eg: Turkey, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, South Korea.

By the way, India's literacy rate was 74% in 2011. Likely higher now.

Literacy Rate for India Population Census 2011

what a flawed way of thinking. The reason why India has stronger civil institutions was because of the fact that India didn't fall into the trap of dictatorship and democracy was allowed to mature.

Pakistan's literacy rate should also be higher too...

Education for all: Literacy rate rising, but Pakistan needs to do more (link)

an excerpt from the article...

"The report states that female literacy currently stands at 61 per cent in the 15-24 age group but is projected to rise to 72 per cent in 2015. Adult female literacy, currently at 42 per cent, is expected to rise to 47 per cent. Dr Nagata said this showed that girls today were more educated than their mothers, which was a promising trend. Youth male literacy currently stands at 79 per cent."

Again, not that different in terms of percentage.

You're also presenting your argument by nitpicking examples. What about the US?What about Canada? What about Australia? They've all suffered major economic slumps, I would argue even worse than Pakistan is going on right now, and they got out of them without the need of dictatorships.
what a flawed way of thinking. The reason why India has stronger civil institutions was because of the fact that India didn't fall into the trap of dictatorship and democracy was allowed to mature.

Pakistan's literacy rate should also be higher too...

Education for all: Literacy rate rising, but Pakistan needs to do more (link)

an excerpt from the article...

"The report states that female literacy currently stands at 61 per cent in the 15-24 age group but is projected to rise to 72 per cent in 2015. Adult female literacy, currently at 42 per cent, is expected to rise to 47 per cent. Dr Nagata said this showed that girls today were more educated than their mothers, which was a promising trend. Youth male literacy currently stands at 79 per cent."

Again, not that different in terms of percentage.

You're also presenting your argument by nitpicking examples. What about the US?What about Canada? What about Australia? They've all suffered major economic slumps, I would argue even worse than Pakistan is going on right now, and they got out of them without the need of dictatorships.

Canada , US and other western countries did not have such a divided society to begin with. Their population is more egalitarian.They did not have the religious fundamentalism and the feudalism that Pakistan suffers from. They always had there armies and intelligence agencies under the civilian government control. What ever I have said could be true for India to some extent too. But more so for Pakistan.
its a joke to say that Pakistan has no Future ...To Me Pakistan has a bright future if it plays its cards well

as for its current state well pakistanies themselfs are to blame than any one else having said that as they say its never too late right now pakistan has a golden opporunity to set things right but for that it has do take some very very difficult dicisions which i highli dought its current elite and genral publik is willing to take

1. Root owt the evil system of feudalism so a common man can breath freeli (economicalli free)and is not living under constant fear of local whaderas and there whims

2. totalli revamp its eductaion system under one board so as the next crop of future beurocrats,police, lawyers , technocrats , teachers , doctors and others are selected on basis of merit not there political or family background and young children are made to love there fellow countrymen not hate each other on basis of sects or relegeon

3.Revamo the ARMY/Armed forces structre so there priorty becomes to take control/protect from within of all its territorry rather than feeding its caders and publick from fancies and conspiracy theories

4. kick owt the current elite and bring people from middle class to rule as they have better understanding of the ground realities and are more vocal of plight of a common man

5.make sure idiots like zaid hamid , & hamid gul are not able to intoxicate the minds of general publick about /agaist ilinformed and irrelevent fancies and notion

6.make sure mullahas and ghairat brigade is not able to hijak the national agenda for growth and peace with its naigbours

onli if pakistanies start beleaving in the greatness of pakistan and stop thinkin too much about other countries and there problems within a decade pakistan can be a major power house in asia and earn billions in trade and transit from the markets of central asia and afghanistan which they currentli see as its greatest weakness just might become its greatest streanth

Thanks and good luck

The people living in modern day Pakistan at the time was just an outpost, we were considered a remote part of the empire that not many cared about. It was just there to project their ego

First get yourself adequately informed about the subject before showing your ignorance. The Indian sub-continent and the present day Pakistan were never a part of the Ottomon empire.

The concept of Khilafat is dead, society has evolved to the point where it is necessary to organise human capital along with a representation of their wishes and demands. The only thing Khilafat offers is centralised power in the hands of a few, located thousands of miles away who do not care what happens to us as long as their empire is safe.

The concept of khilafat might be dead for secular nationalists like you but not for the vast majority of muslims. Khilafat is not some man made system rather it is an integral part of deen e islam.

A fascist foreign regime which we have no say over who controls it, dictating to us, treating us like a remote outpost

There is no concept of foreign and local in islam. These concept of foreign and local nationalities has been taught to you by your white masters of whom your ancestors where loyal and obedient subjects and vassals and so are you.

Because of democracy and nationalism we have an identity, a voice in the world. While the whole "ummah" slept, we built the nuclear bomb and armed ourselves so we can protect our freedom and ensure our voice in the world is heard even louder

Because of your faith in your bomb and not in Allah, Allah has disgraced and humiliated you through the American and NATO kuffar who bomb you every single day with drones, who carry out special forces raids on your military cantonments, who bomb your soldiers with helicopter gunships but still you are obliged to lick their boots like dogs with all your good for nothing Atom Bum and missiles . While Allah honoured and dignified those rag tag, shabby and ill equipped Mujahideen who fought and defeated the two so called 'super powers' without any atom bums and missiles but only with their faith and conviction in Allah.

So either you are a Ghadar, or you are not Pakistani going by the ideology you adhere to

If i am a ghaddar then Allamah Iqbal would be the greatest ghaddar before secular nationalists like you as he was the one who most profusely and aggressively promoted the idea of one single islamic ummah and cursed and rejected democracy and nationalism.

This is 2013, the era of nation states, and in the dawn of the nuclear age Pakistan dominance will prevail. You can go join your "ummah" who are busy in killing themselves, living off oil that foreign companies pump from them, no intelligence, no industry, no morality, no harmony, pathetic. They are regressing as a society

Even your white masters in EU have rejected the ideology of nation states by founding and creating a single European entity. Moreover its a matter of time now that capitalism also meets the same fate as that of communism Insha Allah and with it also and end to the rotten ideology of democracy and nationalism.
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