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Does Pakistan have a future ?

My feeling is that Pakistan today is like Germany after World War II i.e. totally destroyed in terms of Economy and infrastructure and just like Germany we will rebuild our Nation to great heights.

We are basically lazy people and we let things get bad but now we are waking up slowly.

Look where China was 30 years ago.

It may take few decades but we have the potential to rise.

We are not like the Germans or Japanese - they rebuilt their country from the ground up. They have a work ethic. When you hire a German or a Japanese, you don't have to keep watching him to make sure he puts in his eight hours, or ten, if need be. You can be sure he will do the job that he said he will do.

We are not like the Chinese or Japanese or Koreans - they offer personal sacrifice for the greater communal good. They know how to work together for a common national goal.

We are not like the Israelis - they adjusted their entire society to deal with and prevent suicide attacks. Communal security became everyone's job, not just the ones in uniform.

We are not like the Indians - despite all the baggage of poverty and other ills that they share with us, they have invested in quality education. They act on social issues as a nation. They know that poverty is temporary, but their main resource is their people in whom they must invest.
If you need to learn anything about Pakistan, you must first learn that we are a very resilient bunch, baray dheet hain.

Been reading this doom and gloom shyte since I was born...and my parents tell me they've been hearing it since they were born...so Express Tribune can put this pessimism up their backside.

Thank you Express Tribune.

In fact, future vision for Pakistan should be like, you need not say the same words to your children.
Not much ahead for Pakistan until it does a total about turn and becomes a welfare state rather than a proxy war military state.
One thing you must understand, be it now, or 1000 years in the future.

Our nukes will always be pointed at India.
Does Pakistan have a future? – The Express Tribune

.... One minute Osama bin Laden is caught, the next terrorists are blowing themselves in order to kill as many of us as possible. Then, there are reports of drone attacks, targeted attacks on foreigners, an economy in blues, the Abbottabad Commission Report leak and the BBC report on the MQM and its chief. Pakistan’s integrity then is like a military academy. Parts of it keep passing out. Does it have any future then?

Should the biggest worry then be about the war on terror? ...

As for democracy, I have no doubt that it can take care of itself. We have been worrying for no reason. So, where is the doom and gloom situation? Yes, the current situation is bad but it isn’t life threateningly bad. If we maintain course, our friend will soon come out of coma.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 13th, 2013.

Pakistanis are just fine if you consider this.

come to our major cities and villages.

Vast majority has food on the table, and bed to sleep on.

so we really do not care about building a nation (sadly).

This apathy allows scumbags like Talib@stards and Altaf mota chor, to fill the gap and create death and destruction.

To add salt to the wounds, Our intellectuals are 99% Islamists and leftists, and thus keep us from becoming good global citizens.

While the media (national and international) focuses on sensational stories, they utterly fail to see that most of our major cities are so busy in daily activity of business and commerce that people just move on even after a major attack by Talib@stards.

I have been to many big cities around the world.


have yet to see 4 lane dedicated to left or right turn.

Exception is perhaps the 4-5 lane circle around Arch de triumph in Paris.

Can we do better than this?

You betcha

Can we quit being tribal beduins and turn ourselves into refined and clean Chinese, S Koreans, or West Europeans?

you betcha

But saying that our country has a future or not?

This is just another sensational question, that is being used/abused to sell blogs and news papers.

peace to you.

May you live long and prosper

May you have great spiritual experience during this holy month.

My feeling is that Pakistan today is like Germany after World War II i.e. totally destroyed in terms of Economy and infrastructure and just like Germany we will rebuild our Nation to great heights.
Nice sentiment but entirely wrong analogy. Japan and Germany post-WWII were built up thanks to enormous American economic assistance (see Marshall Plan for Europ). When this war in Pakistan comes to and end there isn't going to be a nation willing to spend hundreds of billions to Pakistan to rebuild itself. And the devastation in Pakistan isn't as total as it was for those after WW2. Pakistan still has a functioning govt and military.

The Chinese example should not be one you look to emulate nor is it one that is likely to be emulated in Pakistan.

It's going to be a damn long slog and the groundwork doesn't look like it is going to be set anytime soon.
Nice sentiment but entirely wrong analogy. Japan and Germany post-WWII were built up thanks to enormous American economic assistance (see Marshall Plan for Europ). When this war in Pakistan comes to and end there isn't going to be a nation willing to spend hundreds of billions to Pakistan to rebuild itself. And the devastation in Pakistan isn't as total as it was for those after WW2. Pakistan still has a functioning govt and military.

The Chinese example should not be one you look to emulate nor is it one that is likely to be emulated in Pakistan.

It's going to be a damn long slog and the groundwork doesn't look like it is going to be set anytime soon.

Fair enough - you are entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.

Lets hope you and I are around in next few decades to see whose Prediction came true....:D
Fair enough - you are entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.

Lets hope you and I are around in next few decades to see whose Prediction came true....:D

Indeed sir, let's wait and see!

But first tell me when will this re-building effort start in earnest as this "war" being waged in Pakistan doesn't look to be easing up anytime soon and atleast in the case of WW2 there was a definite end to the War- these CT ops never see such definite ends so that the re=building process can just begin.
Pakistanis are just fine if you consider this.

I have been to many big cities around the world.


have yet to see 4 lane dedicated to left or right turn.

Exception is perhaps the 4-5 lane circle around Arch de triumph in Paris.

They have interchanges,instead!!

It's going to be a damn long slog and the groundwork doesn't look like it is going to be set anytime soon.

Yara, what you say is correct.

Just remember that Pakistanis are sons of soil, and we live off our cultivation year after year after year.

Some city folks may be confused.

But majority of us live in villages and we know that farming and producing food and development is not an easy thing to do.

It takes years after years after years of tough work hard work to get somewhere.

And majority of us are doing that already.

Let's keep our hopes and dreams alive.

peace to you.

May you live long and prosper

May you have great spiritual experience during this holy month.


They have interchanges,instead!!

I was using that as a metaphor.

Please understand and realize it.

no need to nitpicking on words. Thank you.

peace to you.

May you live long and prosper

May you have great spiritual experience during this holy month.

Stupid question, most world countries would have broken if went through half of what Pakistan have been going through. If any country has a future, it's Pakistan.
Does Pakistan have a future? – The Express Tribune

Just imagine if a comatose patient close to you was in the intensive care unit and despite every attempt to revive him, you keep getting reports of organ failure. You have changed many doctors, medicines, methods, even hospitals, but nothing bears fruit. What do you do next? While you pray for the patient, you slowly start convincing yourself to plan for the funeral.

Many compare Pakistan’s present sorry state with the plight of this patient. One minute Osama bin Laden is caught, the next terrorists are blowing themselves in order to kill as many of us as possible. Then, there are reports of drone attacks, targeted attacks on foreigners, an economy in blues, the Abbottabad Commission Report leak and the BBC report on the MQM and its chief. Pakistan’s integrity then is like a military academy. Parts of it keep passing out. Does it have any future then?

When the Hamoodur Rehman Commission Report was published by an Indian newspaper without being officially declassified in Pakistan, there was a lot of hue and cry. Every state has some secrets and the right to keep them, or so it is believed. But that was then. Now, when the Abbottabad Commission’s pearls of wisdom are leaked to a foreign news channel, should we be worried?

Perhaps, a state’s power is not in question here. It has more to do with the relationship between new technologies, a state’s inability to master them and a workforce that can revolt anytime. Those responsible for leaking the report should be found out and punished (I say it out of pure spite. Hey, they could have sold the report to a Pakistani media organisation, but no, they had to leak it to a foreign group). But those who kept the report a secret should also be questioned. The magnus opus created by the Commission hardly merits such secrecy.

The economy again seems a big reason behind our state’s gradual meltdown. When you don’t have money, you start failing in every area of governance. Fortunately, for us, the current government and the opposition have a good understanding of the situation and hence are focusing mainly on the economy. Meanwhile, Pakistan has reached an agreement with the IMF. And while everybody keeps saying that the IMF can only create more trouble and never offer solutions, this government seems confident that this time it will work.

Pakistan’s territorial integrity and unstable democracy are often identified as a few more areas of concern. While it is true that there are two insurgencies going on in the country and Balochistan’s situation is reaching a critical level, simultaneously, there is an effort to win back the parties that want separation. The process hasn’t started yet and there is huge resistance from the status quo forces within the province but even this can be resolved. Also, it must be pointed out that Balochistan is not like East Pakistan where there wasn’t any geographical contiguity. The situation is not yet beyond repair.

Should the biggest worry then be about the war on terror? We have fought this war for over a decade and without a road map. We have to worry about its outcome and the fact that even the outcome can have a long-lasting impact. The government, our deep state and the opposition need to work together to find a solution. Imran Khan’s decision to leave the country at a time when the government wanted to bring all stakeholders on one table to try to find a solution is not encouraging. But if that changes, a focus on finding solutions will help this country a lot.

As for democracy, I have no doubt that it can take care of itself. We have been worrying for no reason. So, where is the doom and gloom situation? Yes, the current situation is bad but it isn’t life threateningly bad. If we maintain course, our friend will soon come out of coma.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 13th, 2013.

Honestly speaking, leaving aside Indian rivallry aside, Pakistan is a great nation started by Mr Jinhah. But due to early demise of him, his intention of creating a nation for Muslims of South Asia really did not pick up...And on top of that the Army gained control in the political scene....Anyway past is past..

In the 21st century and where media plays a big role to bring all the truth behind the doors, Pakistan and its public are taking on their own destiny....We already saw that Pakistan has completed a democratic GOV for full term...It is just a beginning...And I feel that India and China can really help to Pakistan to acheive of its potential what the nation is worth of...

I admit that people will be there who will have different opinion....But a nation gets developed based on idelogy and good work of few people who have good intent...

Following points are very inspiring for Pakistan to me..

1- People and Democracy is taking its root...Although I have seen that people are frustrated but still then Democractic GOV is far better than Army controlled GOV...Because now people can voice and control their will through their elected people.

2- People of Pakistan are more awakened about their due from the nation....See the example of little kid Malala....We respect her courage and will power...She is an example....

3- Political party of differnt ideology are formed and contested in the election....Imran Khan is a good leader to whom people admire....He may not win election but of course he is a person//leader who deseves respect...

4- You have an good Army chief like Mr Kiyani who understand the importance of Army doing their what it is supposed to do and letting the GOV by democratic GOV rule that nation.

5- Of late, Pakistan is increasingly getting its confidence back due to democratic set up is taking its root...

6- Now and going forward, India due to its own aspiration will sincerely try to improve its relation with Kashmir....India might compromise some of the things that might not have happened earlier....It can only happen if Pakistan continue to desupport its policy about terrorist against India...This is a good gesture by Pakistan under Musharaf and which was followed by PPP regime.

7 - If Pakistan can able to control the issues pertaining to Western part of Pakistan, then it can be a trade hub of Central and South Asia...It can earn lot of money through transit....

In a nutshell, Pakistan is a great nation if i drop out my mindset of being an Indian...I hope and optimistic that it will continue to grow like as it is trying now...
express group is owned by an agha khani man.......

a genuine namak harram guy

only in Pakistan sir were the minority spreads hate against the majority muslim population and country on a daily basis.

this is their game and their planning...........musharaf gave them licenses.......we are now reaping what he sowed......................................

jews were and are using media for brainwashing.....now agha khanis and qadianis are using media to break the morale of the nation and the young generation.......

they are using two tools right now......one is showing profane and vulgar programs and second is bringing down the morale of the youth by publishing such brainwaves.
I agree, just like cricket, ur countrys form is bad, but surely u can shine provided a proper government n lesser arm race.

Yes we do have a future, but does it matter if its a dark or bright future? Until and unless they dont change the things around, we will be sitting in the dark future, as we do today.
Every institute of the country needs to be revived and re structured as per the demands of modern society. Yesterday I was reading up on NAB, that the future of this institute is also on the edge, they have highly politicised this organization too.
Depends on how you see it. As one goes back in time, Pakistan become better which is not good.

The state of Pakistan is weakening day by day. Pakistan is being consistently reminded that it must control its own territory.

Since many Pakistanis come from reasonably well off families on this forum, they cannot comprehend how dangerous the situation has become.

Pakistan desperately needs good governance.
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