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Does Pakistan have a future ?

Fair enough - you are entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.

Lets hope you and I are around in next few decades to see whose Prediction came true....:D

Until this biggest farce and hoax of the century called democracy is present in Pakistan and until and unless a common Pakistani does not understand the ****** reality of this hoax and reject it outright then the future of Pakistan looks very bleak to me. The only way forward is establishment of Khilafat by the muslims on the basis of the Ottoman Empire where the caliph rules by Quran and Sunnah and which eventually includes all muslim lands from the banks of the river Nile to the mountains of Kashghar.

This democracy drama also keeps bringing in with it new characters and faces so to keep people in the hope that the new incoming entrant might become their saviour and messiah just like this recent farce of Naya Pakistan, Tsunami Badnami garbage which is all based around the personality cult and hero worship of a former khiladi and entertainer so to keep the masses involved with this democracy drama.
Yesterday I read about @Abu Zolfiqar coming back to Pakistan after getting his MBA in the US.

That is a good sign.

But the posts of the others trying to help him, in terms of their despondency with regard to good jobs, employability, salaries, wastay, etc. left a worrying aftertaste.

That's not a good sign.

you do realize that some of them perhaps were still in school and/or hadnt completed their masters right?

anything is achievable in Pakistan if you work hard and are creative and different....yeah the economy is slow and there's a lack of investment so indeed job shortages but where there is creativity and hard work, there will be success

youre acting as if the common man in indian is rolling in dough :laugh:
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you do realize that some of them perhaps were still in school and/or hadnt completed their masters right?

anything is achievable in Pakistan if you work hard and are creative and different....yeah the economy is slow and there's a lack of investment so indeed job shortages but where there is creativity and hard work, there will be success

youre acting as if the common man in indian is rolling in dough :laugh:

I just don't understand why the rich friendly states don't invest in Pakistan, it's investments in which the two parties benefit, not to mention the strategic importance of Pakistan in creating a balance with India and keeping it a friendly state, that's if they want to ignore the brotherly relations between the people and their responsibility to help if they can.
see, what i find particularly amusing is the indians swarming as usual on such 'sensational' topics.

Please keep your deluded views to yourselves. Dont you have anything better to do than obsess over every Pakistan article published?

Who can forget the prediction in 2007 that Pakistan would only last 6 months. :laugh:

simply put - Pakistan will be on a more healthy path if there's a strong drive to root out corruption at all levels; we have a large and young workforce -- invest in all of them throughout the provinces and allot more funds for healthcare and improved public education....the results would be seen immediately

lets just pray that the situation next door in Afghanistan improves as it directly impacts us -- our economy and national security; and also lets pray there are no more natural disasters which cause major re-routing of funds (beyond our control of course)

I just don't understand why the rich friendly states don't invest in Pakistan, it's investments in which the two parties benefit, not to mention the strategic importance of Pakistan in creating a balance with India and keeping it a friendly state, that's if they want to ignore the brotherly relations between the people and their responsibility to help if they can.

well they are investing.....in telecom, real estate and some other sectors (mostly services)

what we need to do is industrialize - the way we were in 1950s/60s
IMO Pakistan has a future. A rather bright one, PROVIDED it is willing to change from the way it is going currently.

It has a good future provided it takes drastic steps to do the following:


That's the way to go.

Excellent analysis and advice. Sometimes I wish some of Pakistan's politicians and leaders were on this forum and read these posts. It would have changed their outlook and policies exponentially.
Until this biggest farce and hoax of the century called democracy is present in Pakistan and until and unless a common Pakistani does not understand the ****** reality of this hoax and reject it outright then the future of Pakistan looks very bleak to me. The only way forward is establishment of Khilafat by the muslims on the basis of the Ottoman Empire where the caliph rules by Quran and Sunnah and which eventually includes all muslim lands from the banks of the river Nile to the mountains of Kashghar.

This democracy drama also keeps bringing in with it new characters and faces so to keep people in the hope that the new incoming entrant might become their saviour and messiah just like this recent farce of Naya Pakistan, Tsunami Badnami garbage which is all based around the personality cult and hero worship of a former khiladi and entertainer so to keep the masses involved with this democracy drama.

The Ottoman empire imploded from within when the Arabs revolted.

The people living in modern day Pakistan at the time was just an outpost, we were considered a remote part of the empire that not many cared about. It was just there to project their ego.

The concept of Khilafat is dead, society has evolved to the point where it is necessary to organise human capital along with a representation of their wishes and demands. The only thing Khilafat offers is centralised power in the hands of a few, located thousands of miles away who do not care what happens to us as long as their empire is safe.

Like with Communism, Khilafat's byproduct is fascism and totalitarianism.

Democracy's byproduct is corruption.

Now tell which concept works best for our interest?

A fascist foreign regime which we have no say over who controls it, dictating to us, treating us like a remote outpost.

Or democracy, where power is shared, people are organised and the only thing to worry about is corruption which can be contained easily.

Because of democracy and nationalism we have an identity, a voice in the world. While the whole "ummah" slept, we built the nuclear bomb and armed ourselves so we can protect our freedom and ensure our voice in the world is heard even louder.

All people in the world want whats best for themselves, there is no such thing as a perfect Khilafat utopia, simply does not exist.

So either you are a Ghadar, or you are not Pakistani going by the ideology you adhere to.

This is 2013, the era of nation states, and in the dawn of the nuclear age Pakistan dominance will prevail. You can go join your "ummah" who are busy in killing themselves, living off oil that foreign companies pump from them, no intelligence, no industry, no morality, no harmony, pathetic. They are regressing as a society.

As Pakistan is doing now, becoming closer to China, warming to Russia, we have to ensure our future is secure because nobody else gives a sh*t about us and we don't give a sh*t about them.
The Ottoman empire imploded from within when the Arabs revolted.

The people living in modern day Pakistan at the time was just an outpost, we were considered a remote part of the empire that not many cared about. It was just there to project their ego.

The concept of Khilfat is dead, society has evolved to the point where it is necessary to organise human captial along with a representation of their wishes and demands. The only thing Khilfat offers is centralised power in the hands of a few, located thousands of miles away who do not care what happens to us as long as their empire is safe.

Like with Communism, Khilfat's byproduct is fascism and totalitarianism.

Democracy's byproduct is corruption.

Now tell which concept works best for our interest?

A fascist foreign regime which we have no say over who controls it, dictating to us, treating us like a remote outpost.

Or democracy, where power is shared, people are organised and the only thing to worry about is corruption which can be contained easily.

Because of democracy and nationalism we have an identity, a voice in the world. While the whole "ummah" slept, we built the nuclear bomb and armed ourselves so we can protect our freedom and ensure our voice in the world is heard even louder.

All people in the world want whats best for themselves, there is no such thing as a perfect Khilfat utopia, simply does not exist.

So either you are a Ghadar, or you are not Pakistani going by the ideology you adhere to.

This is 2013, the era of nation states, and in the dawn of the nuclear age Pakistan dominance will prevail. You can go join your "ummah" who are busy in killing themselves, living off oil that foreign companies pump from them, no intelligence, no industry, no morality, no harmony, pathetic. They are regressing as a society.

As Pakistan is doing now, becoming closer to China, warming to Russia, we have to ensure our future is secure because nobody else gives a sh*t about us and we don't give a sh*t about them.

You nailed it my friend..

In my opinion, (though I may be wrong, which I often am in most cases), things are going to get better for Pakistan simply because they probably can't get much worse than they already are. I read somewhere that it is only in the hour of destruction, in times of catastrophe, that the human race utilises its potential for greatness.

From a realistic point of view, in spite of all the bad governance and widespread, unchecked corruption, some things have definitely improved, albeit gradually. For example, although the recent elections were, undoubtedly, somewhat plagued by rigging and fake votes, we have come a long way from the time when military or political leaders could expect to win the elections simply by mass rigging and no one could raise a voice against them. In spite of all the rigged votes, I still think the present government was more-or-less chosen by the people.

Pakistan's democratic infrastructure, too, has improved slightly. The parliamentary government has gradually become more confident and the role of the military in Pakistani politics seems to be decreasing.

Terrorism is, admittedly, increasing. However, I think, for Pakistan, terrorism is somewhat like a viral infection. It has to get worse before it is cured. Also, compared to, say, a decade ago the attitude of the government and the people towards terrorism has seen some radical changes. They say acceptance is the first step towards improvement. At least the people and the present government are now willing to accept terrorism as a major problem for the country, and are making plans to eradicate it. Whether their plans are properly implemented or not is another question.

The fate of the economy still seems uncertain however. Our GDP growth rate has somewhat improved and risen from the horrifying 1.9% seen in 2011 (I think? or was it 2010?). The government seems to be taking some measures, I hope they work.

My analysis is somewhat naive and underinformed, I admit, but I think at least the gist of it holds true. I look forward to you guys providing a better insight and clearing some of my misconceptions.

Update: Relations with India, too, seem to be getting better. With the exception of occasional LOC misbehaviour, I don't think any major conflict is imminent.
My personal opinion is, political Islam is very destructive for Pakistan. More you move towards political Islam, more destruction it will cause to the country since political Islam is also represented by a group of people who use religion for their own political gains. I don't think democracy works for developing countries. At this stage, the biggest challenge is to defeat terrorism. If terrorism is defeated, investments would drive the country into a brighter future since Pakistan is strategically important. I also think instead of focusing on power, it is time for the country to focus solely on economy. Apologize if I offended anyone. Good luck for Pakistan! :pakistan:
Pakistan will have a bright future when it is forced to reinvent itself. I believe it will happen when a benevolent dictator like Musharraf comes to power. He is only Pakistani leader who seems to have the balls to take on some of pakistan's toughest challenges..
Pakistan will have a bright future when it is forced to reinvent itself. I believe it will happen when a benevolent dictator like Musharraf comes to power. He is only Pakistani leader who seems to have the balls to take on some of pakistan's toughest challenges..

You have no idea what you're talking about, the amount of damage Musharraf has caused is only third to Zardari's (1st) and Zulfiqar's governments (2nd).

He neither benevolent, nor good for Pakistan.

Dictatorship is what was destroying Pakistan, it is what allowed the destruction of democracy in the country and brought multiple wars to Pakistan.
You have no idea what you're talking about, the amount of damage Musharraf has caused is only third to Zardari's (1st) and Zulfiqar's governments (2nd).

He neither benevolent, nor good for Pakistan.

Dictatorship is what was destroying Pakistan, it is what allowed the destruction of democracy in the country and brought multiple wars to Pakistan.

I would have suggested democracy if the Pakistani public was more literate and egalitarian. But for a tribal, illiterate society with serious challenges, you need a leader who can take tough decisions. I believe mushraff is lesser of the evils you got.
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