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Does India need a stealth bomber?

keep dreaming:azn:

Someone rightly said "Dream big to achieve big"(me)...“Dreams are like stars...you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.”(some wise guy).. and a small thing : What are we(Indian's) dreaming is that which you("variable input") cannot even think in your dreams....
if in case we do develop or purchase a stealth bomber we would only produce and use 15-20 of them because they would cost several hundred million to 1 billion dollars each
The most logical way to go about is to operationalize the AMCA asap. The stealth bombers can be spun off as supplementary tech.
The most logical way to go about is to operationalize the AMCA asap. The stealth bombers can be spun off as supplementary tech.

yeah we could modify AMCA to become a medium or heavy bomber i am seriously liking the idea of a JV with Israel on a stealth bomber
Dontchu guys anything else to discuss which is feasible and reality.. why would India want stealth bomber ?when its advesaries living next door..I request to mods to close these types of thread ..
Yes if enough of us stand up and be counted. No average pakistani indian or chinese wants war. we need to sort out corrupt people who dont care.

We ourselves are corrupt dude.. We need to change ourselves, we need to educate others that we have humans across the borders who have the same blood which runs through our nerves.. If we stand united then the world would tremble.
yeah we could modify AMCA to become a medium or heavy bomber i am seriously liking the idea of a JV with Israel on a stealth bomber

i am looking at your irrational statements on different threads for while now lets analyse a bit

B2 spirit at the moment cost 2 billion dollars .....has a payload of 40000 lbs
with 2 billions, and approx 100 millions price tag, you can get almost a whole squadron(read 20 planes) of pakfa.... payload of single pakfa is around 16000lbs ......now multiply that by 20..you get 320,000 lbs payload with 2 billion ,not to mention if a single plane gets shot down or crashes,your 2 billion donot go down in drain...

simply put india doesnot need a strategic bomber......unless you wanna carry a single 30000 lbs massive ordnance penetrator in the plane ...which apparently india does not have...
LOL but Japan was not a nuke power in ww2 the reason why I made that statement is that we can turn a conventional war to a nuke war by such an action. Maybe not in the case of China but PAK definitely as they are loosing advantage in conventional warfare.

Ok, i completely agree with you my friend but i would also like to tell you about 'THE' ABM(Anti Ballistic Missiles) and the IBMDP(Indian Ballistic Missile Defence Program) and that India is only the fourth(after US,Russia and Israel) to develop such a missile and a defence program which gives India a 'SECOND STRIKE CAPABILITY' which means if "someone" tries to use its nuclear power on India it can well intercept it and destroy the BM's or ICBM's in the atmosphere itself... This is popularly called the Prithvi Air Defence or the PAD with a range of 1500 km, apogee of 80 km,speed of Mach 5 and an Accuracy of thrilling 99.8 percent.
I think that's enough for those who think they have big and powerful missiles.
Dontchu guys anything else to discuss which is feasible and reality.. why would India want stealth bomber ?when its advesaries living next door..I request to mods to close these types of thread ..

I agree this is the opposite of intellectual masterbation
We ourselves are corrupt dude.. We need to change ourselves, we need to educate others that we have humans across the borders who have the same blood which runs through our nerves.. If we stand united then the world would tremble.

Very noble sentiment. Sadly some do not agree and have no intention to learn...
Very noble sentiment. Sadly some do not agree and have no intention to learn...

Sadly the ones that dont agree are a minority in both sides biut they make the most noise.
i am looking at your irrational statements on different threads for while now lets analyse a bit

B2 spirit at the moment cost 2 billion dollars .....has a payload of 40000 lbs
with 2 billions, and approx 100 millions price tag, you can get almost a whole squadron(read 20 planes) of pakfa.... payload of single pakfa is around 16000lbs ......now multiply that by 20..you get 320,000 lbs payload with 2 billion ,not to mention if a single plane gets shot down or crashes,your 2 billion donot go down in drain...

simply put india doesnot need a strategic bomber......unless you wanna carry a single 30000 lbs massive ordnance penetrator in the plane ...which apparently india does not have...

So what you mean is strategic bombers are absolutely useless ? If you dont realize the need of it then no point in arguing furthur.
But I would agree that your argument is totally valid in near/medium term.
Ok, i completely agree with you my friend but i would also like to tell you about 'THE' ABM(Anti Ballistic Missiles) and the IBMDP(Indian Ballistic Missile Defence Program) and that India is only the fourth(after US,Russia and Israel) to develop such a missile and a defence program which gives India a 'SECOND STRIKE CAPABILITY' which means if "someone" tries to use its nuclear power on India it can well intercept it and destroy the BM's or ICBM's in the atmosphere itself... This is popularly called the Prithvi Air Defence or the PAD with a range of 1500 km, apogee of 80 km,speed of Mach 5 and an Accuracy of thrilling 99.8 percent.
I think that's enough for those who think they have big and powerful missiles.
Yeah I 've heard about it but it is still 5-10 years away BTW.
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