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Does India need 8,000 Km Range missile?

Practically speaking we need a missile that can target any area on earth. However do we need it now? No.
We wait till we develop more economic heft - say 2020.

Our next ICBM-one with 8000 KM or more range- will not come before 2020 I think.

By that time we will have GDP of over 3.7 to 4 trillion $ and will be able to face sanctions
Our next ICBM-one with 8000 KM or more range- will not come before 2020 I think.

By that time we will have GDP of over 3.7 to 4 trillion $ and will be able to face sanctions

Agni-V is already around 7500-8000km but kept under wraps. DRDO has already announced next
ICBM Agni-VI to be 10000km to be tested in 2-3 years. Even 5000km range covers many NATO countries
and important cities.
^^ If Anantha Krishnan is to be believd, A 6 will have range of 6,500 KM and not 10,000 KM
I repeat my question

Does India need 8,000 Km Range missile?
I repeat my question

Does India need 8,000 Km Range missile?

Not if India has underwater assets (platforms) in good numbers, or in decent numbers.
Agnis are fine, if they are fitted with MIRVs and mated with them (Submarines).
The need of the hour is miniaturization. Make future Arihant types pregnant with them (Agnis).
Thats the crux of matter.

When the adversary knows that it is under the striking range of enemy fire, it seeks a middle course or truce and not actual war.
And this IS what Arihants with 4K or 5K Agnis are capable of doing.
Reaching US-NATO shores furtively.
Not if India has underwater assets (platforms) in good numbers, or in decent numbers.
Agnis are fine, if they are fitted with MIRVs and mated with them (Submarines).
The need of the hour is miniaturization. Make future Arihant types pregnant with them (Agnis).
Thats the crux of matter.

When the adversary knows that it is under the striking range of enemy fire, it seeks a middle course or truce and not actual war.
And this IS what Arihants with 4K or 5K Agnis are capable of doing.

Reaching US-NATO shores furtively.

4,000 to 5,000 KM SLBM is not enough

We need 6,000 KM SLBM (and DRDO already is developing it) as sea based deterrence and its enough against China

But in future we will need a SLBM with 8,000 KM range
India should better concentrate on MIRV versionn of agni-5/6 and SLBMs rather than going for more long range missiles.....

We need 6,000 KM SLBM (and DRDO already is developing it) as sea based deterrence and its enough against China

But in future we will need a SLBM with 8,000 KM range

brother IMO once India will develop a 6000KM SLBM then it would not be very difficult for India to develope a 8K+ slbm.....Its just that bigger subs would be required imo.
I repeat my question

Does India need 8,000 Km Range missile?

More than a long range version what we need is a couple of Mirved missile tech with capabilities of launching them from Air, sea and land - range of 6000+ is sufficient for now.
India should better concentrate on MIRV versionn of agni-5/6 and SLBMs rather than going for more long range missiles.....

brother IMO once India will develop a 6000KM SLBM then it would not be very difficult for India to develope a 8K+ slbm.....Its just that bigger subs would be required imo.

A 6 will have MIRV

and we will need 8,000 KM Missile-ICBM/SLBM
We need 6,000 KM SLBM (and DRDO already is developing it) as sea based deterrence and its enough against China

6000KM land based would be OK, because from delhi to northern china (Beijing) is just about 3.800KM.

A submarine with 4000KM range agni at Bay of Bengal can hit northers China at ease.
Why squeeze that big Missile when you dont have that kind of a tech at this time and you are wrestling with miniaturization already with yr smaller range YET taller and heavy Agnis.

But in future we will need a SLBM with 8,000 KM range

If the mobile platform does the same job with 4000KM range (MIRV) missile?
Indian sub in the middle of Atlantic sea can attack Europe and US at the same time with ease.

But if it is Terrain based ICBM, then 8000 KM is not sufficient to hit the US, the superpower, so whats the point with 8000Km numbers.
6000KM land based would be OK, because from delhi to northern china (Beijing) is just about 3.800KM.

A submarine with 4000KM range agni at Bay of Bengal can hit northers China at ease.
Why squeeze that big Missile when you dont have that kind of a tech at this time and you are wrestling with miniaturization already with yr smaller range YET taller and heavy Agnis.

If the mobile platform does the same job with K000KM range (MIRV) missile?
Indian sub in the middle of Atlantic sea can attack Europe and US at the same time with ease.

But if it is Terrain based ICBM, then 8000 KM is not sufficient to hit the US, the superpower, so whats the point with 8000Km numbers.

A 6's max range will be around 6,800 KM and thus even if it is fired from south India, it can hit Harbin

Why I said We need 6,000 KM SLBM is with such range Indian SSBNs could fire their missiles from much safer positions, even from home waters
@sancho @Capt.Popeye> your comments are welcome
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I repeat my question

Does India need 8,000 Km Range missile?

Yes , because we cannot ensure when we will face the dilemma of another 7th fleet in IOR.

Geopolitics is always changing . There are no permanent friends or foes only interests .

A 6's max range will be around 6,800 KM and thus even if it is fired from south India, it can hit Harbin

Yes , We should not only have the capablity of hitting entire china from north India but also from the farthest point in India ( south India ).

Why I said We need 6,000 KM SLBM is with such range Indian SSBNs could fire their missiles from much safer positions, even from home waters
@sancho @Capt.Popeye> your comments are welcome

Completely agree.
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A 6's max range will be around 6,800 KM and thus even if it is fired from south India, it can hit Harbin

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...-8-000-km-range-missile-13.html#ixzz2OXo4KCBq

I said ICBM is okey with that range...
Modern ICBMs are kept in Silos, so these silos can be build at the point, where it can hit its adversary to the max range.

Why I said We need 6,000 KM SLBM is with such range Indian SSBNs could fire their missiles from much safer positions, even from home waters

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...-8-000-km-range-missile-13.html#ixzz2OXq5s5Mz

Safer position?
It does not have value if it comes to nuclear war.
Its your country which has much stake than just a submarine with 150 men on board. US maintains pre-empt strike option, so it will come on India, and not on submarine which is already done with its job and unloaded all its fire power in the form of SLBM.

In such scenario of looming nuclear warfare the stakes are high for nation than a single submarine.
the goal is to be able to prove to US, that India CAN strike with nukes, if the need be. And that message would be sufficient.

I have not seen two nuke nations exchanging nukes, neither in my lifetime would I see that I believe.

Let the deterent work, Arihant can travel silently till Atlantic sea, strike and take 180 degree turn.

France has such tech to fit their M-51 with 10K range (12 meters),not India.

It is necessity versus a luxury issue here.
A 6's max range will be around 6,800 KM and thus even if it is fired from south India, it can hit Harbin

Why I said We need 6,000 KM SLBM is with such range Indian SSBNs could fire their missiles from much safer positions, even from home waters
@sancho @Capt.Popeye> your comments are welcome

The most important advantage of an SSBN, besides that it is a mobile nuclear launch plattform, is that it is hard to detect. So we can operate these plattforms closer to China, without beeing detected an having a 2nd strike option. With this advantage, we need missiles with a useful range to hit all important targets, even if they are deeper inside of China, but the longer the missile flys, the more time the opponent has to detect and intercept it. That's why it's more useful to have an SSBN operated in the east, with a medium range SLBM that gives very low response times, than one in Indian waters with a long range SLBM.
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