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Does Imran Khan Really Understand The Concept of National Integrity and Solidarity?

You are idiot and mentally slave of pti/Ik if you are comparing gandhi and jinnah with idiot and chawal imran khan. Imran is not even dirt of feet of jinnah and he never been the ruler of Pakistan so thatswhy you cannot say that he will be currupt or not..whoever ruled pakistan was labelled as corrupt and imran is not corrupt because he never got the chance to be PM of Pakistan..stop worshipping him
and then you are propagating Islam by having this Display Pic? Doesnt Islam talk about Manners?

Although i agree following someone blindly is kind of wrong!

In this profane language you communicate with people in England? Three and a half line para and full of spelling and punctuation mistakes. Taxi chalatey ho England mein? Baat karney ki tameez bhi nahin post karney aa jatey hein. Reported!
and then you are propagating Islam by having this Display Pic? Doesnt Islam talk about Manners?

Although i agree following someone blindly is kind of wrong!
Read the post whom i responded. Did you see any manner in his posts? Dont be hypocrites like syedali to thanks his post and to criticise mine when contents are same in boht posts. You deserve respect only if you give it first. Islam dont talk about double standards
They support them as they want the corrupt status quo so they can continue to earn haram money!
why as pakistanis we let this happen we deserve the situation we are in
No surprise that people like you are now even quoting the likes of Zardari. The joke is on you but only if you realize.

Read the post whom i responded. Did you see any manner in his posts? Dont be hypocrites like syedali to thanks his post and to criticise mine when contents are same in boht posts. You deserve respect only if you give it first. Islam dont talk about double standards
Yeh sab ek he thali key chattay battay hain :)
Read the post whom i responded. Did you see any manner in his posts? Dont be hypocrites like syedali to thanks his post and to criticise mine when contents are same in boht posts. You deserve respect only if you give it first. Islam dont talk about double standards
Yeah i read it...but since you seem to propagate Islam here often so the responsibility is more on you....Dono He Eik Jesey!

and that's no one's concern whose post im thanking and whose not! cant believe you even went to see who thanked that post,either me or someone else haha
and then you are propagating Islam by having this Display Pic? Doesnt Islam talk about Manners?

Although i agree following someone blindly is kind of wrong!
Mullah's Mullah's everywhere......
What’s the deal with Imran Khan? Looking from the neutral pedestal, everything that IK has ever said and done gives a blatant impression that he is all-talks-no-brain kind of person. I am painfully at loss to conceive the calibre and political acumen of his advisors and coteries, which appear to be extremely shallow and regrettably abyssal. After 60 days of so called Pseudo-Azadi march in connivance with ultimate gods of honesty and justice commonly known as Chaudhry Shujaat, Pervez Ilahi, Tahir Qadri, Sheikh Rasheed, SMQ, and tacit – or not so tacit – support of Peer Altaf Hussain, my perception of IK has solidified with the passage of every single day. So, here is the deal in this latest ordeal: according to a well thought out plan, Modi is threatening the solidarity of Pakistan and trying to threaten with cross-border provocative firings on innocent Kashmiris on Pakistan side like an angry vulture. Any blind person can find a link between his doings after returning from UNO and it appears to be a direct result of NS's clear and categorical mention of Kashmir dispute in his UN speech - this has been one of the major preconditions of India for the last couple of decades to remain in touch on Kashmir Issue if Pakistan would not utter the K word in UN's Annual General Assembly session. But considering the domestic political upheaval and Modi's rapidly changing mood swings, ANYONE who has even an iota of loyalty and bond with Pakistan will stop being a tenacious demagogue and will do his best to bring the indispensable consensus amongst all the political, military and civil segments of Pakistani society. To the contrary - and I believe to the utmost shock of any saner element - he is hell bent to destabilize every inch of the country and exaggerate even the would-be-cracks in the internal polity and national security. He has really proved himself to be a "political-buffoon" who has no clue of national security and solidarity. May Allah SWT save Pakistan from intelligent devils and foolish Imran Khan and TuQ!

Very well said but you are being very conservative, I will go further and openly say Imran is a total chutia and those following him are even bigger chutias, this guy doesnt even have one ounce of brain I feel so bad for supporting PTI in initial years financially but at least I wised up after I started hearing Imran speak, thank you for opening your mouth Imran you saved me some dough.
Very well said but you are being very conservative, I will go further and openly say Imran is a total chutia and those following him are even bigger chutias, this guy doesnt even have one ounce of brain I feel so bad for supporting PTI in initial years financially but at least I wised up after I started hearing Imran speak, thank you for opening your mouth Imran you saved me some dough.
so wt u would like to see same faces again and again destroying this country
Yeah i read it...but since you seem to propagate Islam here often so the responsibility is more on you....Dono He Eik Jesey!

and that's no one's concern whose post im thanking and whose not! cant believe you even went to see who thanked that post,either me or someone else haha
I never talked about your thanks but Mr preacher syed ali who criticised my English and manners but appreciated same contents and brilliant english of jzaib by thanking him

Secondly its your misunderstanding if you think i am here to propogate or to preach Islam. Its pic of actor in my display and he is not some mullah
You are a CA, I bet!?#$ I guess you should just crunch numbers, and not tax the capacity of your limited brain, which, by the looks of your pointless rant is barely sufficient for basic addition, subtraction. Leave politics and strategies to people who've the wisdom and vision to see beyond balance sheets.

Btw, you don't have a saner element. You, in all probability, are one of the Butts abroad. Fool.

What’s the deal with Imran Khan? Looking from the neutral pedestal, everything that IK has ever said and done gives a blatant impression that he is all-talks-no-brain kind of person. I am painfully at loss to conceive the calibre and political acumen of his advisors and coteries, which appear to be extremely shallow and regrettably abyssal. After 60 days of so called Pseudo-Azadi march in connivance with ultimate gods of honesty and justice commonly known as Chaudhry Shujaat, Pervez Ilahi, Tahir Qadri, Sheikh Rasheed, SMQ, and tacit – or not so tacit – support of Peer Altaf Hussain, my perception of IK has solidified with the passage of every single day. So, here is the deal in this latest ordeal: according to a well thought out plan, Modi is threatening the solidarity of Pakistan and trying to threaten with cross-border provocative firings on innocent Kashmiris on Pakistan side like an angry vulture. Any blind person can find a link between his doings after returning from UNO and it appears to be a direct result of NS's clear and categorical mention of Kashmir dispute in his UN speech - this has been one of the major preconditions of India for the last couple of decades to remain in touch on Kashmir Issue if Pakistan would not utter the K word in UN's Annual General Assembly session. But considering the domestic political upheaval and Modi's rapidly changing mood swings, ANYONE who has even an iota of loyalty and bond with Pakistan will stop being a tenacious demagogue and will do his best to bring the indispensable consensus amongst all the political, military and civil segments of Pakistani society. To the contrary - and I believe to the utmost shock of any saner element - he is hell bent to destabilize every inch of the country and exaggerate even the would-be-cracks in the internal polity and national security. He has really proved himself to be a "political-buffoon" who has no clue of national security and solidarity. May Allah SWT save Pakistan from intelligent devils and foolish Imran Khan and TuQ!
so wt u would like to see same faces again and again destroying this country

work on educating and bring awareness to people and eventually thing will change, nothing changes over night and God help you if it does it will be very painful. Even prophets went thru so much pain to teach people otherwise Allah could just make everyone muslim over night. What Imran is promising every kid who passes high school will be made CEO of some company, its not possible, come down to earth and work for change. Push govt, be a positive and hard opposition if you really want to change, no govt can keep resisting to a strong and popular opposition but Imran can only bring change if you make him PM while he is surrounded by cronies!
I never talked about your thanks but Mr preacher syed ali who criticised my English and manners but appreciated same contents and brilliant english of jzaib by thanking him

Secondly its your misunderstanding if you think i am here to propogate or to preach Islam. Its pic of actor in my display and he is not some mullah
OK Mr Syed did wrong....he should have corrected the other member's English too lol.....

Happy or you gunna give Phansi to me now?:tongue:
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