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Does America want Pakistan to fail?



New Recruit

May 30, 2009
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yes/no, with reasons please..
Lots of people keep telling me they do, that they say they want a real democracy in Pakistan, but at the end of the day a sharia law Islamic state and a full democracy would be a threat to "US interests"..
I don't think anyone wants Pakistan to fail, because that would be absolutely disastrous. Despite all the rhetoric and jingoism the outfall of a failed Pakistan will be far, far worse than what it is now and may also prove to be fatal to countries in the surrounding region. It also seems like most people running their own states' affairs are well aware of this fact.

What people do want is for Pakistan to not get side tracked by conspiracy theories regarding foreign nexuses trying to destroy them and just get on, or rather keep on with the job of eliminating this massive base of radicalism and terrorism that exists in Pakistan. They also want to make sure that Pakistan doesn't hold its critical position ransom to garner tangential favors because that would be equally disastrous.
I don't think anyone wants Pakistan to fail, because that would be absolutely disastrous. Despite all the rhetoric and jingoism the outfall of a failed Pakistan will be far, far worse than what it is now and may also prove to be fatal to countries in the surrounding region. It also seems like most people running their own states' affairs are well aware of this fact.

What people do want is for Pakistan to not get side tracked by conspiracy theories regarding foreign nexuses trying to destroy them and just get on, or rather keep on with the job of eliminating this massive base of radicalism and terrorism that exists in Pakistan. They also want to make sure that Pakistan doesn't hold its critical position ransom to garner tangential favors because that would be equally disastrous.

i do think america wants pakistan to fail. if not america surely zinonist wants that to happen. many of the top position are given to zionist
ever heard about the "new world order" one world goverment..

surely they want to make pakistan weak so they can play there next move.
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Funny you mentioned the new world order; the zionists are advancing fast towards that...

Obama's Pakistan Embassy Reveals South Asian Strategy


In order to fight the Taliban and al-Qaeda — perennial enemies with shades of Orwell’s Emmanuel Goldstein, a propaganda fabrication of the Ministry of Truth — the United States will need to stay in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan for the indefinite future. The Taliban and al-Qaeda will be exploited once again in order to accomplish the real objective — the engineered destruction and ultimate balkanization of the Middle East and South and Central Asia at the behest of the New World Order.
i do think america wants pakistan to fail. if not america surely zinonist wants that to happen. many of the top position are given to zionist
ever heard about the "new world order" one world goverment..

surely they want to make pakistan weak so they can play there next move.

Yeah I have heard of zionism and "new world order" :rolleyes:

Ridiculous theories for people who are willing to be fooled. You might as well listen to Zaid Hamid :rolleyes: Alex Jones is the most famous guy who talks about these conspiracy theories. What a fool he turned out to be when he said the Mumbai attacks were staged. When the truth came out he must have been really embarassed :rofl: The people who believe in this stuff are all nuts who are willing to believe something that they desperately want to be true, but is actually complete bs. 'New World Order' and 'One World Government'? The world is as divided as ever, try a new conspiracy theory.

America wants Pakistan to fail so thats why it has given us $10 billion already and has made a commitment of giving $1.5 a year for like the next 10 years? Great logic indeed. Keep the conspiracy theories coming, they sure are proving to be rational :rofl:
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I'm not sure if they want us to fail but i am sure they do want to de-nuke us.
"I'm not sure if they want us to fail but i am sure they do want to de-nuke us."

No desire for failure and no intention to "de-nuke" you. Accomplished fact and an accepted reality.

We get it. Too bad you don't. Too much hysteria attached as there's also too much overweening pride attached. One begets the other.

For America it is what it is. You've nukes and will continue to have them. No more or less.

You're fighting now and the concern that you'd roll over to the militants has gone...for now. You'll need to carry this through for your sakes but that remains to be seen. The nukes, though, are here to stay unless Pakistan decides they aren't desired.

No nation on earth, once acquired, has reversed that decision for themselves. Warheads go up or down but not the possession of such.
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i agree with S-2. i was watching this program on C-Span in which david sanger from NYT said that one thing that the obama administration understands is that they are not going to reverse the nuclear path that pakistan has taken. they would very much like us to slow the pace of development of the nukes which i disagree with completely as this is a issue of sovereignty for pakistan. there are many us academics that are now saying that both india, pakistan and isreal be brought into the NPT by recognizing them as nuclear powers because that is the only way that there is any chance of the NPT surviving.
Totally absurd. The only nations that the US wants to "fail" are Iran and North Korea. And even then, the US doesn't want the people of those nations to fail, but only their governments, who are not really allowing their people to achieve self-determination. The premise of this thread is xenophobic BS.
US want to de nuclearize pakistan and it cannot do it unless pakistan internally collapse
they have forced us in civil war condition

secondly plz be sure US dont want us partner. It sees india as partner. Pakistan is ally of china. .... a competetor of US ..... US is not happy with chinese role in Gawader.
Learn from latin america...how US destroyed it. Learn from Chavez that only survival for US is to be away from US imperials
Chances of me Winning the lotteries are higher then the Americans wanting Pakistan to Fail (oh did i forget to mention i do not play lottery)

Nobody has forced us into a civil war---but if you want to look at the culprit---one can just look at the mirror---the reflection will tell you whom to blame.

Pakistanis for the utmost time gambled on the wrong horse---for the ultimate time their analysis of the situation was flawed and wrong---they just simply didnot have the intellectual capability to understand the significance of the invasion of afghanistan and its affects on the neighbouring country.

It is sad and tragic how ill-prepared my pakistani brethren had been to deal with this threat. Some wanted to make another vietnam of the americas---but they had no clue what ever happened to vietnam itself---how much death and destruction did vietnam had to suffer.

Pakistan could have chosen the high road---gotten rid of al qaeda in time and made the u s pay through and made themselves an asian economic giant---but tragically taking the low road, we have forced misery of death, destruction and world anger at our actions. Economically we are at the verge of bankruptcy, on the world forum---we are getting close to becoming a parriah nation and what for----pakhtunwali----.
Yeah I have heard of zionism and "new world order" :rolleyes:

Ridiculous theories for people who are willing to be fooled. You might as well listen to Zaid Hamid :rolleyes: Alex Jones is the most famous guy who talks about these conspiracy theories. What a fool he turned out to be when he said the Mumbai attacks were staged. When the truth came out he must have been really embarassed :rofl: The people who believe in this stuff are all nuts who are willing to believe something that they desperately want to be true, but is actually complete bs. 'New World Order' and 'One World Government'? The world is as divided as ever, try a new conspiracy theory.

America wants Pakistan to fail so thats why it has given us $10 billion already and has made a commitment of giving $1.5 a year for like the next 10 years? Great logic indeed. Keep the conspiracy theories coming, they sure are proving to be rational :rofl:

unkel gi, it may be that the nwo is a cons teori,even if severl president has said that they are working for nwo. But if your saying that zionist dont control much of america, then u dont know the facts. Why they are giving 1.5 bill? So that pakistan keeps figting the terrorist(wich did not exist befor we joined war on terror) and start a civilwar,wich is started by the way. Surley when america say we will give 15bill over 10 years, its like trowing fuel in the figher. More terrorist will be born if pakistan dont stop begging for money from america. We have lost over 60bill us dollers in this war a war witch WAS not ours. WHY ARE US IN AFGANISTAN? To kill the the afgan taliban "terrorist"? Yeh right? After 8 years of war taliban control 70% of the afganistan. And they stronger then ever befor! (Sorry for my bad english)
What people do want is for Pakistan to not get side tracked by conspiracy theories regarding foreign nexuses trying to destroy them and just get on
It would be rather nice if the Indians did the same as well, and a cessation of the myriad 'conspiracy theories' about the ISI's 'nexus' with every imaginable terrorist organization in the world in the Western and Indian media would be rather welcome as well.

The same goes for the myriad 'think tanks' and 'analysts' writing about how 'Pakistan is an artificial state' and its impending disintegration.

The fear mongering, paranoia and conspiracy theories are not the sole domain of Pakistanis.
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