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Do you support Imran Khan? (poll)

Do you support Imran Khan?

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I support Imran Khan because he's probably the best man right now to lead Pakistan out of our economic mess. He talks about Education, Health, Land, Agricultural reforms which were never known to Pakistani politics before rise of PTI. He's honest, educated and a brave guy.

On the other hand, IK's foreign policy especially about TTP and War in FATA is a total mess. I hate his stance on WoT.
Because he listens to what people say. Read my entire sentence.

If your friend tells u something bad to do and you do it. Are you not responsible for it? Even though you had good intentions you did bad.
you obviously hate anything good for pakistan and love all that is bad...
even if imran khan listened to wrong people he is still better then nawaz, zardari and the rest of the goons you support.

list exactly what imran khan did that was wrong... make a simple list.
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Imran Khan is the least corrupt politician of all others in Pakistan - who else is there, Zardari? Nawaz Sharif? Altaf Hussain?
We've seen enough of their performance.
Plus, he talks sense, his logic makes sense and most of his policies make sense. A lot better than our beloved parliamentarians who spend their sessions telling stories about peoples' pets and opposing things like electronic voting machines.
On the other hand, IK's foreign policy especially about TTP and War in FATA is a total mess. I hate his stance on WoT.
Why is that?
Personally I believe his stance on the Internal terrorism is reasonable - I have some differences of opinion but overall his stance is reasonable. He doesn't want to just talk to TTP or accept their demands or anything, far from it. What he wants is an intelligent solution to terrorism - obviously, occasional military operations aren't working.

What is required is a comprehensive and joint approach that would involve all this:
-Negotiate with tribes/militants willing to negotiate, eliminate them from the terrorism equation and use those who are willing to help as assets
-Improve relations with the relatively peaceful people to eliminate the Taliban support base (providing education and work being one of the main steps here)
-Conduct military operations against those unwilling to negotiate (such as the Taliban themselves or any hardline supporters)
-Ensure that the area is given attention in the long-term to prevent any terrorism issues from arising again.
And when you look at it, it makes sense. Only military operations or only talks are both wrong approaches - a strategically applied mixture of both is required.
Why is that?
Personally I believe his stance on the Internal terrorism is reasonable - I have some differences of opinion but overall his stance is reasonable. He doesn't want to just talk to TTP or accept their demands or anything, far from it. What he wants is an intelligent solution to terrorism - obviously, occasional military operations aren't working.

What you've written is understandable and I'm aware of all this. But don't forget we are dealing with TTP who don't respect the treaties and are just mad butchers. The only language they understand is of guns.

IK's statements that he will call back the army from Waziristan and will raise an army from tribal areas to fight with TTP aren't helping and are just ridiculous. Arming Tribal people is gonna create another mess. What needs to be done instead is to whip TTP away from FATA, seal the border with Afghanistan so that those scumbags won't come back, disarm tribal people (enough with this weapons keeping traditions), make FATA a province to bring them back to mainstream and then let the development do the wonders there.

Only education and development in FATA is the solution of this decades old mess.
No, he is terrorist TTP and looter of Punjabis money !!!

I don't agree with foreign policy and security policies. But how is he looting Punjabis or anyone for that matter? IK is one of the completely non-racist mainstream politicians.

NS used the Jaag Punjabi jaag slogan. Zardari has used Sindh card in the past, but reclaimed himself with Pakistan khappay.
What you've written is understandable and I'm aware of all this. But don't forget we are dealing with TTP who don't respect the treaties and are just mad butchers. The only language they understand is of guns.
I'm in favor of eradicating TTP with military force, my problem is that we never really eradicate them, we just weaken them and after the operation ends, they another chance to prey on the local population, get recruits and rebuild their infrastructure of terrorism. Which is why providing education and jobs to the people there, maintaining good relations and giving attention in the long term is required.

IK's statements that he will call back the army from Waziristan and will raise an army from tribal areas to fight with TTP aren't helping and are just ridiculous
Agreed 100%, that's just ridiculous, sounds more like political rhetoric than actual statements. Supporting militants to fight militants is like throwing dirt at dirt, all you get is more dirt.

What needs to be done instead is to whip TTP away from FATA, seal the border with Afghanistan so that those scumbags won't come back, disarm tribal people (enough with this weapons keeping traditions), make FATA a province to bring them back to mainstream and then let the development do the wonders there.

Only education and development in FATA is the solution of this decades old mess.
They've already sealed part of the border with Afghanistan, sealing it entirely would take a while.
Countering terrorism: FC digs trench along Pak-Afghan border – The Express Tribune

As for keeping weapons, once FATA is integrated properly, they should be allowed get their weapons licensed and keep them like the rest of the country's people - though until it's integrated, a temporary ban on weapons may be required.
I'm in favor of eradicating TTP with military force, my problem is that we never really eradicate them, we just weaken them and after the operation ends, they another chance to prey on the local population, get recruits and rebuild their infrastructure of terrorism. Which is why providing education and jobs to the people there, maintaining good relations and giving attention in the long term is required.

For the first time, Op Zarb e Azb is looking good to tear them apart. Lets hope for the best.
I vote for raheel sharif as PM of pakistan.:D
No I don't support him, because his ethos are not democratic, after the revelations by javed hashmi & the exposing of the London Conspiracy , I feel Imran khan has lost credibility in the eyes of a 'lot of people, that might have had any hope from PTI
to change the system you have to be in the system , the place for PTI to be is the parliament & not the politics of street power & conspiracy with the establishment ,it is the worst thing any political party can do as regards to its credibility
No I don't support him, because his ethos are not democratic, after the revelations by javed hashmi & the exposing of the London Conspiracy , I feel Imran khan has lost credibility in the eyes of a 'lot of people, that might have had any hope from PTI
Moron, sit-ins and marches are democratic:
Sit-in - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
protest march definition, meaning - what is protest march in the British English Dictionary & Thesaurus - Cambridge Dictionaries Online

Your profile photo idiot did the same before and after elections of 1970! :D

Besides, what "revelations" of Hashmi are you talking about? Did he present any evidence? Were his accusations confirmed by any third person of PTI? :D

to change the system you have to be in the system , the place for PTI to be is the parliament & not the politics of street power & conspiracy with the establishment ,it is the worst thing any political party can do as regards to its credibility
Why should PTI sit in a rigged and corrupt parliament that refuses to audit past elections which brought them to power in the first place? :D
Moron, sit-ins and marches are democratic:
Sit-in - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
protest march definition, meaning - what is protest march in the British English Dictionary & Thesaurus - Cambridge Dictionaries Online

Your profile photo idiot did the same before and after elections of 1970! :D

Besides, what "revelations" of Hashmi are you talking about? Did he present any evidence? Were his accusations confirmed by any third person of PTI? :D

Why should PTI sit in a rigged and corrupt parliament that refuses to audit past elections which brought them to power in the first place? :D
easy there with the language ok , I Do Not support PTI & for that I don't owe you or anybody for that matter any explanation
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