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Do you support Azadi March?

Do you support Azadi March?

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We basically need fresh of everything :unsure: from EC coz that piece of shit cant evolve we need new Juridical system which is not biased or doesnt have problems with its eyes like ex CJ or isnt a sold out! We need the courts separate so they can actually punish the bad instead of eating from the bad's hands!

Indeed, but we if we do need the fresh of everything it has to come through evolution. Evolution takes place from within the current set up. If we topple the government we are literally going one step backward and you never know how long it will take to have what we have already.

Do we even have a foreign policy? Isnt it called *** licking?
But still the foreign policy of the government that was chosen by the people (rightfully or wrongfully is another debate) is far more agressive and can take stand on issues rather than having a caretaker set up with whom nobody wishes to negotiate. Ensure no foreign investment or serious talks when the caretaker set up is in place. We have not been able to develop anything which will ensure smooth transition of power under current circumstances and more importantly fairness of the next general elections. The last general elections were held under the supervision of judiciary because PTI wanted it, the last general elections were held under the supervision of Army because many political parties wanted it, the last elections were held under the supervision of media and the foreign delegations were also invited. I see no other solution than what we did last time. Just a bit of more transparency is what we need for which toppling the government not needed

The biggest beneficiary of this act will be terrorists themselves as you are not sure if the new government will be able to take the heat of the circumstances and troubles surrounding us right now. This is still a credible government elected and accepted by all parties when it took control back in 2013.

Well, they cant literally take back offers....though if we get our money back from India and those swiss bank crap works out we dont need that big loans....and of course if we dont have corruption (wow I live in heaven) then we def earn enough to live without loans! Its like everytime we manage to pay back more than half the govt gets a seizure and throws a new pile at us!
Well even if they do not take back offers which is highly unlikely in my opinion as they must have the right to review offer any time they will simply not be offering anything more until a fresh government is in place and you are not sure how will the WB/IMF react and how long it may take for them put trust on that government. We are simply talking about wasting another few years of Pakistan

Swiss money is a joke, take it lightly. It may take ages and may bring back almost nothing (little). It is slogan which can only be used by PML-N under current circumstances that they were negotiating with the Swiss government of possibility to transfer that money to Pakistan. No government will be able to bring it back including PML-N. But they can use it for election campaign to gain votes
So just coz we cant start from scratch we shouldnt try?

garbage in garbage out
do whatever you people want to do the end result will always be the same, we blame politician as being corrupt but how about private companies not processing invoices of other private companies unless one's hands are warmed up. poora mashra hi kuta hay yahan to, anyone is willing to anything for money
do it on proper democratic ways.
The option remain is vote of no confidence against ruling party PMLN. I somehow agreed with Janbaaz two different figures with different agenda trying for a revolution, dou mullaon me mughi haram wali baat hai. Both are mlovies one have dhadhi we can see other one has it in his belly.
garbage in garbage out
do whatever you people want to do the end result will always be the same, we blame politician as being corrupt but how about private companies not processing invoices of other private companies unless one's hands are warmed up. poora mashra hi kuta hay yahan to, anyone is willing to anything for money
yeah we stock sugar, rice and wheat when we expect the price to rise... What else can you expect from us when we are hiding the basic needs of people to create artificial shortage and earn more money
The case of Egypt and Libya was different they had puppet govts which just happened to have opposed USA ....I was studying with a few Libyan people they were not sure where the hell their leader came from all they knew was he was teaching in USA and suddenly he came to be head of Libya....
In the same view what does it make NS turning us into slaves with loans over loans yet not an ounce of development except roads / bridges for cement from his cement factories?

There will be no distinction to make between Pakistan, Egypt and Libya should the Azadi March on the 14th succeed in achieving its un-democratic end. Systemic revolutions upset the delicate balance of power on the basis of which the federal government operates. Upsetting or destroying that balance of power brings anarchy and with anarchy comes chaos. In the case of Egypt and Libya that chaos has continued to manifest itself in the form of political disagreement and militancy. Pakistan will follow suit because Pakistan's institutions are not strong enough to sustain themselves in the absence of federal leadership. Any lapse of political direction even for a week will erode the effectiveness of the system and, with it, we will all follow the example of Egypt into a military coup.

IK is playing unfair and the culture of dharnas and long marches has the potential to cost Pakistan dearly in the long-run.

The constitutional procedure for challenging the result of a rigged election is provided under section 52 of the Representation of People Act, 1976 which enables a candidate to file an election petition and call into a question the veracity of any election result wherein he may have been a candidate. The petition is then supported by evidence, both documentary and oral, whereafter the tribunal rules on the admissibility of the result and makes a declaration pursuant to section 67 of the same Act.

The constitutional remedy is not to hold dharnas, call for protests, rally and give fiery speeches.

Source: PTI is establishment's party? Think again!
Indeed, but we if we do need the fresh of everything it has to come through evolution. Evolution takes place from within the current set up. If we topple the government we are literally going one step backward and you never know how long it will take to have what we have already.
True it takes time...60 yrs too late

But still the foreign policy of the government that was chosen by the people (rightfully or wrongfully is another debate) is far more agressive and can take stand on issues rather than having a caretaker set up with whom nobody wishes to negotiate.
True well he can be the muchi of the state and talk to people but the decision making powers need to be stripped off him...if he can develop make him the development minister or something...

Ensure no foreign investment or serious talks when the caretaker set up is in place. We have not been able to develop anything which will ensure smooth transition of power under current circumstances and more importantly fairness of the next general elections.
Yea we havent and according to you we have a govt...its equal to not having one?!

The last general elections were held under the supervision of judiciary because PTI wanted it, the last general elections were held under the supervision of Army because many political parties wanted it, the last elections were held under the supervision of media and the foreign delegations were also invited. I see no other solution than what we did last time. Just a bit of more transparency is what we need for which toppling the government not needed
Well...its more than just transparency ...

The biggest beneficiary of this act will be terrorists themselves as you are not sure if the new government will be able to take the heat of the circumstances and troubles surrounding us right now. This is still a credible government elected and accepted by all parties when it took control back in 2013.
that is the question was it elected meaning was it what people chose?

Upsetting or destroying that balance of power brings anarchy and with anarchy comes chaos. In the case of Egypt and Libya that chaos has continued to manifest itself in the form of political disagreement and militancy. Pakistan will follow suit because Pakistan's institutions are not strong enough to sustain themselves in the absence of federal leadership. Any lapse of political direction even for a week will erode the effectiveness of the system and, with it, we will all follow the example of Egypt into a military coup.
I dont really agree...those countries were run by puppets and people decided to take power...people who didnt know what power is and another foreign figure came in and people didnt like that...we saw a small demo of that in Lahore where the govt (you could equate that to Egypt and Libya too) beat and shot their own people... plus terrorists

IK is playing unfair and the culture of dharnas and long marches has the potential to cost Pakistan dearly in the long-run.
IK is playing a fair game (he wants change) but yes I am a little confused as to how he is playing it....he needs a proper plan while I hate all his planners!!

garbage in garbage out
do whatever you people want to do the end result will always be the same, we blame politician as being corrupt but how about private companies not processing invoices of other private companies unless one's hands are warmed up. poora mashra hi kuta hay yahan to, anyone is willing to anything for money
Yea this thing needs to go...I mean seriously anyone asking for rishwat should be beaten/ whipped/ stocks and left in public for humiliation - waysay bhi if they are going to that AAM khaiga show to get humiliated they might as well do it this way:


he gave others from his party a chance.
or simply he was never in majority coz he only yelled Muhajirs!

Zardari is a crooked thief in fact the biggest thief who led a nuclear armed nation.
Yea from jail to the throne! He can now write a book if he can read and write that is!

NS is a wannabe Amirul momineen, he made his money from selling Pakistan.
Yea and people dont wanna stand up against him!

Which reminds me @Aether
Fine no March if NS is agrees to live a "normal Pakistani lifestyle" , use public transport, no extra security, punishable if wrong, no extra electricity (live like the normal man) ...then I will agree no march is needed!
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True it takes time...60 yrs too late

60 years or 67 The bottom line is, we did not allow a single set up to run its functions. We just played games with each other and continued to destroy ourselves. We have had democratic system, martial law, President led democracy, Prime Minister led democracy, martial law, democracy, martial law, president led democracy, prime minister led democracy and what not.

Changeover of power is not restricted to head of state only. We have had similar changeover in everything meaning totally a confused nation or the nation where strong always overcome the weaker. Now is the time to follow what 90% of the nations in the world is doing, carry on the wheel of democracy and let it evolve. (I know many people in PDF likes martial law instead but this is not an appropriate thread for that).

True well he can be the muchi of the state and talk to people but the decision making powers need to be stripped off him...if he can develop make him the development minister or something...
Head of the state cannot be powerless. If he is like that, it is no difference to having a caretaker set up. Somebody needs to have the power and I am up for the Prime Minister to enjoy all the powers given to him as underlined in the constitution. We have had many revolutions in Pakistan, I want to give a chance to revolution within the boundaries of evolution.

Yea we havent and according to you we have a govt...its equal to not having one?!
Not at all, just one political party backed by some lost and worthless political leaders is backing up the whole anarchy (march). Those who lost the elections now got an opportunity to stand behind those who won to regain some ground for their own benefit. Tahir ul Qadri is being played by Chaudhry brothers, he is just a puppet and will be thrown away when need arises. I don't want Imran to follow up the same suit and save himself from humiliation.
that is the question was it elected meaning was it what people chose?
At that time everybody claimed it was the fairest election in the history of Pakistan. The stubborn behaviour of PML-N led to another anarchy by providing a opportunity to PTI for holding such marches. PTI wants to establish herself in Punjab and they need any excuse for that. They have not been able to find many excuses so far so hence this excuse. I have no problem with the marches as they have the right to gain as many votes as possible but not in the cost of losing the whole set up and taking Pakistan's economy close to bankruptcy once again.
Fine no March if NS is agrees to live a "normal Pakistani lifestyle" , use public transport, no extra security, punishable if wrong, no extra electricity (live like the normal man) ...then I will agree no march is needed!
Mam get out of your dream world.... you know that we have security problems..... I personally am against NS security being lowered or any sort of such thing.... The extra expenses should be lowered not his security..... maybe you forgot Benazair..... This is not a video game where you respawn, even NS has loved ones....
I dont really agree...those countries were run by puppets and people decided to take power...people who didnt know what power is and another foreign figure came in and people didnt like that...we saw a small demo of that in Lahore where the govt (you could equate that to Egypt and Libya too) beat and shot their own people... plus terrorists

In Egypt the revolution was succeeded by democratic elections through which Mohamed Morsi, an Egyptian national, came into power. Prior to his accession to power he was instrumental in ousting ex-president Hosni Mubarak through the rioting in Tahreer Square - read Azadi March, which is exactly what IK is seeking to do to NS.

Upon usurping power, Morsi's policies left many disgruntled and were highly questionable since they appeared to favour the Muslim Brotherhood more than they appeared to help the common Egyptian, therefore the people began rioting anew. (emphasis added)

Except this time, the riots resulted in a military coup as opposed to democratic elections.

What IK is doing is that he is setting an extraordinarily bad example of leadership and his precedent of calling for long marches after losing an election will, and I sure hope I'm wrong, become the SOP for any party which is dissatisfied with the result of any election.

I have said this repeatedly, and I don't know how I will get people to understand it. Follow the procedure, don't feed inqilaabi and revolutionary jargon to the masses. IK is not helping Pakistan but rather helping destroy Pakistan.
Fine no March if NS is agrees to live a "normal Pakistani lifestyle" , use public transport, no extra security, punishable if wrong, no extra electricity (live like the normal man) ...then I will agree no march is needed!
If that is going to be criteria then be ready to vote for Jamat-e-Islami, Maulana Fazlur Rehman and some religious political parties in Pakistan. None of the major political parties would fulfil this criteria as I last time checked even Imran Khan does use helicopters and planes for travelling around the country.
Fine no March if NS is agrees to live a "normal Pakistani lifestyle" , use public transport, no extra security, punishable if wrong, no extra electricity (live like the normal man) ...then I will agree no march is needed!

Why stop at NS? Why not make all the members of national and provincial parliaments, the senior bureaucrats and all the Generals and Chiefs of the Services do that too?
We just played games with each other and continued to destroy ourselves.
Do you know why? Coz only crooks came in to be "elected" by feeding the majority poor and by lying through their teeth and having a mask on...only half way through they came back to their aukaad!

Changeover of power is not restricted to head of state only. We have had similar changeover in everything meaning totally a confused nation or the nation where strong always overcome the weaker. Now is the time to follow what 90% of the nations in the world is doing, carry on the wheel of democracy and let it evolve. (I know many people in PDF likes martial law instead but this is not an appropriate thread for that).
Yaar agar yeh democracy hoti...He wouldnt be living like a KING! And if this is democracy we can overthrow him! or atleast dissolve his "power" THAT is democracy peoples voice heavier than politics!

ead of the state cannot be powerless. If he is like that, it is no difference to having a caretaker set up. Somebody needs to have the power and I am up for the Prime Minister to enjoy all the powers given to him as underlined in the constitution. We have had many revolutions in Pakistan, I want to give a chance to revolution within the boundaries of evolution.
Powerless to make new shit but continue what he has started like in Belgium....

I want to give a chance to revolution within the boundaries of evolution.
Pry do explain this notion and how that is gonna come up without doing anything?

Not at all, just one political party backed by some lost and worthless political leaders is backing up the whole anarchy (march).
Unfortunately it is not 1 political party...

Those who lost the elections now got an opportunity to stand behind those who won to regain some ground for their own benefit. Tahir ul Qadri is being played by Chaudhry brothers, he is just a puppet and will be thrown away when need arises. I don't want Imran to follow up the same suit and save himself from humiliation.
Well If IK is standing for truth only in the eyes of wadera it will sound bad but in the eyes of those who want change it is SOMETHING HAPPENING...not just waiting for shit to fall from the heavens! There is no more MAN-O-SALWA on this planet! We want something do it and be prepared for consequences!

And mind you change was always new and alien to the people!

French revolution was new to everyone!

Throwing over the British was new to India...the people involved were called terrorist! That is what change does to those opposing it!

At that time everybody claimed it was the fairest election in the history of Pakistan.
No IK demanded retrial when NS announced himself winner BEFORE the end of the elections! Magic? Maybe he read his stars!
The stubborn behaviour of PML-N led to another anarchy by providing a opportunity to PTI for holding such marches. PTI wants to establish herself in Punjab and they need any excuse for that. They have not been able to find many excuses so far so hence this excuse. I have no problem with the marches as they have the right to gain as many votes as possible but not in the cost of losing the whole set up and taking Pakistan's economy close to bankruptcy once again.
IF NS refuses such marches then LAHORE INCIDENT will be pasted on his face...If he refuses he will not be considered a democrat not that he did anything to appear as one!
do it on proper democratic ways.
The option remain is vote of no confidence against ruling party PMLN. I somehow agreed with Janbaaz two different figures with different agenda trying for a revolution, dou mullaon me mughi haram wali baat hai. Both are mlovies one have dhadhi we can see other one has it in his belly.
Yes sure Damocrazy process, rigging elections then fake mandate, sure need to go in the parliament of fake mandate holders, I mean bring better joke then that, will you?
Why stop at NS? Why not make all the members of national and provincial parliaments, the senior bureaucrats and all the Generals and Chiefs of the Services do that too?
Yes I would go with that but the "leader" has to start right?

then be ready to vote for Jamat-e-Islami, Maulana Fazlur Rehman and some religious political parties in Pakistan.
These creatures live in luxury too! Tell me 1 thing they have done according to Islam?

last time checked even Imran Khan does use helicopters and planes for travelling around the country.
Yea fair enough that condition should be proposed to him too...Then I want to see how many will "run away from the seat" and how many will stand to lead Pakistan!

In Egypt the revolution was succeeded by democratic elections through which Mohamed Morsi, an Egyptian national, came into power. Prior to his accession to power he was instrumental in ousting ex-president Hosni Mubarak through the rioting in Tahreer Square - read Azadi March, which is exactly what IK is seeking to do to NS.
Hope they learned from that! Not that Pakistanis have any ability to learn any lessons!
Mam get out of your dream world.... you know that we have security problems..... I personally am against NS security being lowered or any sort of such thing.... The extra expenses should be lowered not his security..... maybe you forgot Benazair..... This is not a video game where you respawn, even NS has loved ones....
If the same thing happened to Noora Kingo what happened to be nazia , then it would be the best of the interstes of the pakistanis as whole?
Both crouptors, sent to he'll?
Security situation, was much more worse when fake & Noora sponsored lies moment was lunced, no body was crying then, today it's far more better then that?
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