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Do you have any questions about China?

Shanghai has its own well developed mass transit system running by underground trains and public buses which cost about the same as BJ. What are you talking about?

he is right. The subway price in shanghai is more expensive than the metro ticket in bj.
beijing subway is a exception in china (only 2 rmb. )
I found a karaoke system in Shenzhen where you can input your songs through an interactive terminal. Where can I buy such a system and can I input new songs in the system? Where can I find the best Karaoke bars with beautiful girls around in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen? Apart from the V Bar in Shenzhen, where can I find night clubs/discos in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Shanghai?

thts boring dude...I cant imagine ppl pay for singing in rooms..KTVs are really popular in china..i went dere 3 to 4 times n I always end up promising myself never to go dere again....dude just get the taxi n ask for menu ren da teifan..they will take u dere:P

what songs did you guys sing in KTV?
thts boring dude...I cant imagine ppl pay for singing in rooms..KTVs are really popular in china..i went dere 3 to 4 times n I always end up promising myself never to go dere again....dude just get the taxi n ask for menu ren da teifan..they will take u dere:P

KTV is really popular in china. but not only because of singing.
in fact how good you can sing does not matter.

I own a trading company ,we even talking business in ktv.
Shanghai has its own well developed mass transit system running by underground trains and public buses which cost about the same as BJ. What are you talking about?

Still BJ was cheaper, In BJ sub way and buses both started from 2RMB, Plus in sub way any point to any point charged only 2.

But shanghai subway also costs more.

he is right. The subway price in shanghai is more expensive than the metro ticket in bj.
beijing subway is a exception in china (only 2 rmb. )

I like you man. Only you know this in china ah??

I travelled shenzhen to BJ one night journey in train. Just to have different exp. I liked it.
Best thing i learned from this journey is. In train guards will lock the toilets 10 minutes before stop and open it 10 min after moved. This will keep the track clean near stattion.

But, Have u compared price of train ticket in India and China? WHy the tickets costs almost like flight?
Why is that online ticketing is not allowed? i dont know now it is possible
Still BJ was cheaper, In BJ sub way and buses both started from 2RMB, Plus in sub way any point to any point charged only 2.

But shanghai subway also costs more.

Damn Beijing subway is way cheaper than Delhi metro !!! 2 rmb....around 14 rupees !!
Damn Beijing subway is way cheaper than Delhi metro !!! 2 rmb....around 14 rupees !!

And the subway in New York is $2.25 one way trip and that's 165 ruppees or 16 rmb, and it loses around a bill dollar every year due to political patronages.
Damn Beijing subway is way cheaper than Delhi metro !!! 2 rmb....around 14 rupees !!
Oh, really ? But I have heard the food and electricity price in India is very cheap.

Still BJ was cheaper, In BJ sub way and buses both started from 2RMB, Plus in sub way any point to any point charged only 2.

But, Have u compared price of train ticket in India and China? WHy the tickets costs almost like flight?
Why is that online ticketing is not allowed? i dont know now it is possible

I do not know the price of India train. How is it ? Online booking in China now is available, very fast. The ticket is like fight ? Are you serious ? From my city ZhengZhou to Shanghai, I remember the Air ticket full price is about 1300RMB. For train ticket, the normal train with a seat is just 70 RMB, with a bed, 220 RMB, High-Speed Rail, about 270 RMB.

Keep asking questions please, I like this thread and waiting here to give you reliable questions.

And the subway in New York is $2.25 one way trip and that's 165 ruppees or 16 rmb, and it loses around a bill dollar every year due to political patronages.

USA is a High income country. I guess 2.25 is OK for New Yorkers.
Oh, really ? But I have heard the food and electricity price in India is very cheap.

Yes in my place electricity and food is definitely cheaper than Shenyang,liaoning ........... dont know about the rest

Electricity Rs3.5/unit
One kg onion is Rs.14

I do not know the price of India train. How is it ? Online booking in China now is available, very fast. The ticket is like fight ? Are you serious ? From my city ZhengZhou to Shanghai, I remember the Air ticket full price is about 1300RMB. For train ticket, the normal train with a seat is just 70 RMB, with a bed, 220 RMB, High-Speed Rail, about 270 RMB.

I prefer Chinese trains.....price to comfort ratio they are definitely cheaper !! Indian trains are slower and there are many classes ........and majority bogeys are non ac........just looking at price india will be cheaper but quality was IR lags way behind

So for comparison only
3AC - 1400 rupees for 2000 km ........
I prefer Chinese trains.....price to comfort ratio they are definitely cheaper !! Indian trains are slower and there are many classes ........and majority bogeys are non ac........just looking at price india will be cheaper but quality was IR lags way behind
You will enjoy transportation more in China now. From Beijing to Shenzhen, there will be High-Speed Rail soon, traveling with 300 Km per hour, which is faster than a Lamborghini. I think India should focus more on Infrastructure, many of my Indian friends also agree with me. Just recently, Chinese Govt release 150 billion dollars to stimulus the economy.
Mate, we are both developing countries, we still got some ways to go. But check it out-We do have clean and comfortable seats which is affordable by everyone. Or if you take China-Railway High speed, that's even better! Maybe you are just a bit too skint?
Still BJ was cheaper, In BJ sub way and buses both started from 2RMB, Plus in sub way any point to any point charged only 2.

But shanghai subway also costs more.

I like you man. Only you know this in china ah??

I travelled shenzhen to BJ one night journey in train. Just to have different exp. I liked it.
Best thing i learned from this journey is. In train guards will lock the toilets 10 minutes before stop and open it 10 min after moved. This will keep the track clean near stattion.

But, Have u compared price of train ticket in India and China? WHy the tickets costs almost like flight?
Why is that online ticketing is not allowed? i dont know now it is possible

Beijing people have prerogative. they are vampire
So what is the Chinese view on athiesm?
gods are everywhere ,they influence everyone silencely whether he/she is atheist.
盘古、女娲、精卫、夸父、少昊、共工、颛顼、伏羲,以及黄帝、炎帝、蚩尤、尧、舜、鲧、禹.元始天尊、灵宝天尊、道德天尊.玉皇大帝.海神、花神、茶神、农神、染神、织神、蚕神、窑神、酒神、喜神、苦神、穷神、土神、狱神、贼神、瘟神、痘神、小儿神、云霄娘娘、碧霄娘娘、琼霄娘娘.门神、厕神、床神(床公、床母)、灶神(灶王爷爷、灶王奶奶). 城隍、土地.《封神演义》里姜子牙持元始天尊敕令封了365个神,,仅是星斗之神就有150位左右;《镜花缘》里的100位名花仙子
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