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Do you have any questions about China?

I would like to advise Chinese members that Indians do not make good friends. They come to absorb knowledge and use it against.you. We Pakistanis have experience with Indian people. They are not trustworthy. I may sound ignorant saying these things, but behavior is stronger than sweet words.
it denpends on which cities. in shanghai 2000 USD fixed income is normal. my wife worked in hsbc in shanghai. her fixed income ist around 4000usd.
but the average salary in shanghai is not so high compare with other metro cities.

I have a trading company in shanghai the average salary in my company is only around 700-900USD. my company is very small. only 8 peoples. and only two people of them get more than 2000usd monthly, ( include myself).
and I had a pakistani intern( he can speak several dieferent language.) . he got 700USD in a month,the rent of his appartment (very small) is over 350USD. .(700USD it is not enough for him. and his father has to support him some money:azn:)
in shanghai with $2,000 USD monthly fixed income: means less than comfortable. not so comforable. for example. with only 2000USD monthly salary. is hard for you to buy a appartment.
shanghai has a terrible high house price rate
but people has different view of comfortable. if you dont buy real estate. 2000USD is ok.

in my hometown in anhui, 2000USD monthly is comfortable

he got repected all over china. not as god, but as founder of PRC.

some people still repect him as god. include myself.

I treat him as the Chinese Hitler

tea originates from china but but now is national drink of India. In local language we call it "Chai". I think Indian tea is very different from Chinese. Chinese tea looks like brown colored hot water and I think Chinese tea don't have sugar, milk, cardamom, ginger, tulsi leaves and other spices in it. Indian tea is always sweet in taste

I have seen the movie "the red cliff" it was dubbed in hindi, there was a procedure to make good Chinese tea, when the actress was making tea it looks like if she is doing some yoga with here hands in between making tea. She was more concentrated on the timings and temperature of boiling water rather than the key ingredients. Can you tell me how it actually tastes the Chinese tea? means it is sweet? salted? sour? or no taste at all!!

In A Chinese book茶经, tea is not just a drink, it's an art. Not just drink the tea but enjoy the process of making tea, boil team. the gesture of the making tea process is most important
You will enjoy transportation more in China now. From Beijing to Shenzhen, there will be High-Speed Rail soon, traveling with 300 Km per hour, which is faster than a Lamborghini. I think India should focus more on Infrastructure, many of my Indian friends also agree with me. Just recently, Chinese Govt release 150 billion dollars to stimulus the economy.

yes india did get a wake up call with all the clamouring being done by infosys chief.....following china we are also investion a trillion dollars into infrastracture in 10 years
who can read and translate?
爷爷泡的茶 有一种味道叫做家   陆羽泡的茶 听说名和利都不拿   爷爷泡的茶 有一种味道叫做家   陆羽泡的茶 像幅泼墨的山水画   山泉 在地表蜿蜒   从很久很久以前   我有一张稚气的脸   泉水渗透进 矿层岩   爷爷栽种的樟木树苗在上面   犹记得那年 在一个雨天   那七岁的我 躲在屋檐 却一直想去荡秋千   爷爷抽着烟 说唐朝陆羽写茶经三卷 流传了   * 千年 那天 我翻阅字典   查什么字眼 形容一件事 很遥远   天边 是否在海角对面   直到九岁 才知道浪费时间   这茶桌樟木的横切面 年轮有二十三圈   镜头的另一边 跳接我成熟的脸   经过这些年 爷爷的手茧   泡在水里 会有茶色蔓延   爷爷泡的茶 有一种味道叫做家   没法挑剔它 口感味觉还不差   陆羽泡的茶 听说名和利都不拿   他牵着一匹瘦马 走~天涯   爷爷泡的茶 有一种味道叫做家   他满头白发 喝茶时不准说话   陆羽泡的茶 像幅泼墨的山水画   唐朝千年的风沙 现在还在刮
who can read and translate?
爷爷泡的茶 有一种味道叫做家   陆羽泡的茶 听说名和利都不拿   爷爷泡的茶 有一种味道叫做家   陆羽泡的茶 像幅泼墨的山水画   山泉 在地表蜿蜒   从很久很久以前   我有一张稚气的脸   泉水渗透进 矿层岩   爷爷栽种的樟木树苗在上面   犹记得那年 在一个雨天   那七岁的我 躲在屋檐 却一直想去荡秋千   爷爷抽着烟 说唐朝陆羽写茶经三卷 流传了   * 千年 那天 我翻阅字典   查什么字眼 形容一件事 很遥远   天边 是否在海角对面   直到九岁 才知道浪费时间   这茶桌樟木的横切面 年轮有二十三圈   镜头的另一边 跳接我成熟的脸   经过这些年 爷爷的手茧   泡在水里 会有茶色蔓延   爷爷泡的茶 有一种味道叫做家   没法挑剔它 口感味觉还不差   陆羽泡的茶 听说名和利都不拿   他牵着一匹瘦马 走~天涯   爷爷泡的茶 有一种味道叫做家   他满头白发 喝茶时不准说话   陆羽泡的茶 像幅泼墨的山水画   唐朝千年的风沙 现在还在刮
no one can translate prose poem. toooooo hard even for professionals.
can you share your experience in shenyang?

I liked it . people were damn friendly .....they dont care about politics !and if you were good sport ,they to were.

i prefer South china foods.....the dong bei cuisines are way less spicy for me....but i had to say...i was so impressed by the speed in which Shenyang was changing.......Cranes were visible everywhere !!!

Tried almost every type of food....except scorpion,dog and cockroach stuffs....

travelling was always fun ....i loved dalian the most....god the food there, the nature...!!
you treat Mao as chinese Hitler???:what::what:
without mao, if the corrupt Kuomintang still rule china. china will be a running dog of USA.
actualy kuomintang destroyed themselves.
mao is far better than hitler.

Japan is a watch dog of the USA but it also can bite your master.
we no longer use Mao's idea of economy, politics and international affairs. But he is the founder of PRC, still got respected all over China. Maoist, it no longer has a market in China.

If only the maoist in India understood that ...naxalism stemsfrom maoist ideology !!
We treat preparation of food as an art. Tea itself is a very big art in Pakistan.

Even our street chefs treat food as gold. Many Chinese that have settled in Pakistan are in dental profession. They love our food, but also miss home cooking. So they come up with Chinese food with Pakistani flavoring. Also many Pakistanis that have lived in China, love the cooking and infuse Chinese food with Pakistani spices.

I know for a fact that any Chinese person will have no problem with Pakistani food.
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tea originates from china but but now is national drink of India. In local language we call it "Chai". I think Indian tea is very different from Chinese. Chinese tea looks like brown colored hot water and I think Chinese tea don't have sugar, milk, cardamom, ginger, tulsi leaves and other spices in it. Indian tea is always sweet in taste!!

You cant compare the Indian tea with chinese...
indian tea is very bitter ,hence preparation is done with milk......its actually the english way we adopted !.........but English dont use sugar mcuh...Indians i dont know why use sugar for this !!!..........I too dont use sugar

Chrysanthemum tea....yeww i hate it....too sweet and it has that unique flowery taste.
Green tea is awesome...i dont know why but i always hungry after two cups of green tea :woot:
We treat preparation of food as an art. Tea itself is a very big art in Pakistan.

Even our street chefs treat food as gold. Many Chinese that have settled in Pakistan are in dental profession. They love our food, but also miss home cooking. So they come up with Chinese food with Pakistani flavoring. Also many Pakistanis that have lived in China, love the cooking and infuse Chinese food with Pakistani spices.

I know for a fact that any Chinese person will have no problem with Pakistani food.

pakistani restraunt and india restraunt in shanghai taste very similar.
confuse about the different between pakistani Jabati and india fly pie.
even the name of pakistani and india restraunt make me confusing.
"punjabi" lot of india and pakistani restraunt has this same name.
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pakistani restraunt and india restraunt in shanghai taste very similar.
confuse about the different between pakistani Jabati and india fly pie.
even the name of pakistani and india restraunt make me confusing.
"punjabi" lot of india and pakistani restraunt has this same name.
punjab state was divided between India and pakistan after partition. Some of the punjab is in pakistan and some of its part is in India. Punjab has its own unique culture and foods. The basic difference you will find in Indian and Pakistani punjabi restaurants is Pakistani Punjabi food is generally non-veg. While Indian Punjabi food is vegetarian.

You cant compare the Indian tea with chinese...
indian tea is very bitter ,hence preparation is done with milk......its actually the english way we adopted !.........but English dont use sugar mcuh...Indians i dont know why use sugar for this !!!..........I too dont use sugar

Chrysanthemum tea....yeww i hate it....too sweet and it has that unique flowery taste.
Green tea is awesome...i dont know why but i always hungry after two cups of green tea :woot:

I have never tasted tea without sugar. Here is basic funda in west UP especially in Jaats, more sugar and more milk better will be the tea :)
yes, you must know how to boil milk and when to add tea leaves and sugar in it. I like the tea with chai masaala.
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