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Do you have any questions about China?

I have heard Chinese eat lots of non veg, though non veg is not that popular in India but dishes like chowmin is highly popular they have lot of spices and sauce, then Manchurian is also available in some restaurants but I believe they are much different from the dishes which are eaten in china.
Indians indianizes all the foreign items in such a way that even their native countrymen can not identify them :lol:
Different province in China has different cooking style and taste, Sichuan or Chongqi food are far more spicy than India food, I used to eat my indian friends cooking, I ask for extra spicy, but it is still not enough for me. People around Shanghai eat quite sweet, Cantonese they do not like spicy, in North China, the food is generally salty, especially the Mongolian food.
Different province in China has different cooking style and taste, Sichuan or Chongqi food are far more spicy than India food, I used to eat my indian friends cooking, I ask for extra spicy, but it is still not enough for me. People around Shanghai eat quite sweet, Cantonese they do not like spicy, in North China, the food is generally salty, especially the Mongolian food.
Nope sichuan is spicy but not very much.....South indians mainly Andhra people uses lots of spices....Sichuan is damn tasty and spicy but not much........hmm never tried chongqi !!!
No no...okay let me precise my wish: As Chinese, how do you see others such as Vietnam, India, etc...? general views?
Myself and my countrymen have opened some threads like Vietnam-China relations, etc...just for info and for fun.

VN is not a topic for most chinese.it can't attract people's attention,india is not either as i said before.VN rice is good.:tup:
some people traval there ,but more choose Thailand and Malaysia.i guess what you most want to know is how i think of south china sea.The answer clearly on the map --Chinese version of cause.

there are such threads...not hot...
Nope sichuan is spicy but not very much.....South indians mainly Andhra people uses lots of spices....Sichuan is damn tasty and spicy but not much........hmm never tried chongqi !!!
lol. I like spicy food, fish curry with extra spicy and bastima rice is my favorite. I ALWAYS have that in UK. If indian infrastructure got developed, I'd like to massive travel around India.
Thanks to the OP and all the chinese members here to clear our various doubts or questions regarding china without it being turned to a troll thread

Indian media always tries to sensationalize things .... but as a matter of fact indians in general do have a high regards of the chinese infrastructure development .....even when the mumbai worli sea link was completed first of its kind in india ...there was a news how in the same time china had completed 7 of such structures

Most of our view on china comes from chinese movies ...... our media ......

I have seen here many chinese members claim that indians host chinese separatist leader dalai lama ..... but as a matter of fac we here consider dalai lama to be some religious person and nothing more than that
Thanks to the OP and all the chinese members here to clear our various doubts or questions regarding china without it being turned to a troll thread
Indian media always tries to sensationalize things .... but as a matter of fact indians in general do have a high regards of the chinese infrastructure development .....even when the mumbai worli sea link was completed first of its kind in india ...there was a news how in the same time china had completed 7 of such structures
Most of our view on china comes from chinese movies ...... our media ......
I have seen here many chinese members claim that indians host chinese separatist leader dalai lama ..... but as a matter of fac we here consider dalai lama to be some religious person and nothing more than that

We have got a strong government, they make clear decision, no negotiation, once they want, they get it. Dalai lama is not a just a religious person, if just that, China will not bother. He keeps trying to send troops and cause problems in Tibet.
Wr have got a strong government, they make clear decision, no negotiation, once they want, they get it. Dalai lama is not a just a religious person, if just that, China will not bother. He keeps trying to send troops and cause problems in Tibet.

That part is never heard of here or in any papers so dont know much about it
pakistani restraunt and india restraunt in shanghai taste very similar.
confuse about the different between pakistani Jabati and india fly pie.
even the name of pakistani and india restraunt make me confusing.
"punjabi" lot of india and pakistani restraunt has this same name.

You will only know the difference until you come to Pakistan. Pakistani food is yummy. Indian food is at times too watery and way too spicy.
I wish similar Thread can be open in other forum like question about India, Pakistan, Viet etc. Most people know about USA.
Thanks to the OP and all the chinese members here to clear our various doubts or questions regarding china without it being turned to a troll thread

Indian media always tries to sensationalize things .... but as a matter of fact indians in general do have a high regards of the chinese infrastructure development .....even when the mumbai worli sea link was completed first of its kind in india ...there was a news how in the same time china had completed 7 of such structures

Most of our view on china comes from chinese movies ...... our media ......

I have seen here many chinese members claim that indians host chinese separatist leader dalai lama ..... but as a matter of fac we here consider dalai lama to be some religious person and nothing more than that
Please name the Chinese movies you watched. I always believe Chinese movies suck.
I wish similar Thread can be open in other forum like question about India, Pakistan, Viet etc. Most people know about USA.
as indians are so lively in this forum ,i decide to post a new thread "questions to indians,from china",will it be welcome?
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