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Do you have any questions about China?

no need to tolerant cigarette. second hand(passiv) smoking will hurt you more.

when I am in restraunt. if someone smoking near me. I will stop him.
Don't want to run into you in a restaurant, hahaha.
I used to wonder why there are/were so many PRC chinese talking nice things about india's culture and her people which I personally think that they are way overrated. e.g. they are hardworkers, loyal friends, beautiful gals etc.

Any PRCians care to explain the possible reasons to us?

Ignorance! and the cause for ignorance is because india / indians are not very visible in China whether in politics, trade, tourists, education, working environemnt, entertainment, products etc.. The influence of india on our folks are Buddhism, curry and yoga. It is a huge misconception about the amount of indian's contribution to Buddhism because india has trashed the religion long time ago

Most of the folks dont know much about india and its tons of shits; dont care much about it either. The Chinese government do pretty much the same thing except on the territorial negotiations and Dollar Lama. The hostilities is more from the indian side on China than vice versa in general.
Where to find beautiful girls in Shanghai and Guangzhou?

Go to night clubs for tht...i went to muse when I was in Shanghai n it was just out of the world experience..animated bachian idhar udhar :P
Where to find beautiful girls in Shanghai and Guangzhou?

Night clubs? Not really been to any of the aforementioned cities but good looking girls are usually found there.
People always look good from far away, but when you have to deal with them on a daily basis, things change. Especially if your cultures are vastly different.

that statement is universal.
I found a karaoke system in Shenzhen where you can input your songs through an interactive terminal. Where can I buy such a system and can I input new songs in the system? Where can I find the best Karaoke bars with beautiful girls around in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen? Apart from the V Bar in Shenzhen, where can I find night clubs/discos in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Shanghai?
I found a karaoke system in Shenzhen where you can input your songs through an interactive terminal. Where can I buy such a system and can I input new songs in the system? Where can I find the best Karaoke bars with beautiful girls around in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen? Apart from the V Bar in Shenzhen, where can I find night clubs/discos in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Shanghai?

thts boring dude...I cant imagine ppl pay for singing in rooms..KTVs are really popular in china..i went dere 3 to 4 times n I always end up promising myself never to go dere again....dude just get the taxi n ask for menu ren da teifan..they will take u dere:P
Ignorance! and the cause for ignorance is because india / indians are not very visible in China whether in politics, trade, tourists, education, working environemnt, entertainment, products etc.. The influence of india on our folks are Buddhism, curry and yoga. It is a huge misconception about the amount of indian's contribution to Buddhism because india has trashed the religion long time ago.

Bingo! I think you are the one with the correct answer! No present from me, LOLOL... and thanks btw.
My venom? Evidence please? BTW, who is the one who spilling the venom here? I was merely pointing out the facts! If you are so sensitive to even the slightest comments, that's is not other's fault, OK?
Facts Ok :)
Sorry had no clue you are/were a Jag owner :tup: I'm just a great admirer of the XJ.
I forgot to mention shanghai in my earlier list i guess. I had been to shanghai.

What a beautiful,well managed city in shanghai. But expensive, really expensive. Beijing you can travel any where in metro and buses with 2RMB, but in shanghai?? uff...

Shanghai has its own well developed mass transit system running by underground trains and public buses which cost about the same as BJ. What are you talking about?
I have three questions for you. Would appreciate if any of the chinese member could answer it for me.

Q.It has been reported that China's SOEs, which use half of the State's fixed assets and 60 percent of bank loans, produce only one third of total industrial output. Is this true? China has adopted the SOE reform since 1986. How are the reforms being carried out and to what effect?

Q: To build a harmonious and well-off society is an ideal that humankind has always pursued. Is it too early, however, for China, a country with a serious wealth gap and significant urban-rural disparity, to propose and strive for the concept of a 'harmonious society?

Q: At present, many people in the West think China practices a one-party system. Is this true? Why doesn't China adopt the same multi-party system as the Western countries, under which various political parties hold the state power by turn?

1.i never heard of it .let us assume it is true,is it good news for indians?would you prefer those companies producing more than one third of total industrial output while using less than one third of the State's fixed assets bank loans?when the day those SOEs become good as they should be comes,is it good for indians?

2.china is not that strong when talking about China Threat Theory,and is not that bad when talking about its social system.your leaders make many beautiful promises for the votes,there is only one in china.so forget it.....

3.i cann't switch china to multi-party mode just as you cann't switch india to one-party mode.no need to augue which is better.you get one side of a corn while lose another
2rmb in beijing is because of state subvention.
but public traffic in shanghai is not really expensive, if you are not going everywhere with taxi.

agreed! I doubt which city has he travelled to.
Shanghai has its own well developed mass transit system running by underground trains and public buses which cost about the same as BJ. What are you talking about?

he is right. The subway price in shanghai is more expensive than the metro ticket in bj.
bj subway is a exception in china (only 2 rmb. )
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