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Do you have any questions about China?

Can we please stick to the topic ? the SCS discussions have a thread for it.

You are rigth, there is a thread for it, and I am aware of many other ones related to the dispute, too.
The reason for my post is because a Chinese member asked for my opinion. And to be honest, the thread "SCS discussions" has slowly become a trolling ground.
Q1: How Chinese look at the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Middle East in General ?

Q2: How Chinese look at the relations with Saudi Arabia ?
Q1: How Chinese look at the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Middle East in General ?

Q2: How Chinese look at the relations with Saudi Arabia ?

1. China supports a two-state solution between the Palestinians and the Israelis. China has traditionally been sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. Though this is a pretty complex issue so there are no easy solutions, and the peace process has stalled as of late. As for the Middle East, it is pretty important, not only for the oil but for business relations as well (the GCC states in particular for business).

2. Relations with Saudi Arabia have been mutually beneficial. Saudi Arabia sells oil to China while China invests in infrastructure and other projects in Saudi Arabia. There are also cultural relations; thousands of Chinese Muslims go on the Hajj annually :enjoy:
Q1: How Chinese look at the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Middle East in General ?

Q2: How Chinese look at the relations with Saudi Arabia ?
1. USA likes to depress and blame China, for normal Chinese, maybe they have no idea about Middle East, for people interested in politics, they tend to support Palestin and Muslim rather than Isrial.
2. Complicated, Saudi is an America ally, but in our history text book, it is recorded that China has a good relation with Arab countries. prophet muhammad used to say "Seek for knowledge as far as China." I am very confused why Saudi is so close to USA, Can you answer me ?

How do you (you specifically) spend your Chinese new year?
Similar to Chrismas, stay with family, visit friends, send some gifts, usually we give real money to kids in a small red pack.
How do you (you specifically) spend your Chinese new year?
most people have a seven-day holiday which we called Spring Festival Golden Week.When the arrival of the Spring Festival, every Chinese person, no matter where he is, get home as much as possible to accompany parents.Then we meet with friends and relatives, and mutual blessing.we drink much for friendship ,health and all other good wishes. happy and busy....When the holidays drawing to a close, people have to be prepared to return to the city they work and live.
I can tell you,Most chinese peoples are the educated people. The europe like the sand on the sandbank,Although they have a lot of adv tec . US is an axis of evil, Where is the war,Where is the US

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...y-questions-about-china-56.html#ixzz27dEQ9DFa

I can tell you,Most chinese peoples are the educated people. The europe like the sand on the sandbank,Although they have a lot of adv tec . US is an axis of evil, Where is the war,Where is the US

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-far-east/206583-do-you-have-any-questions-about-china-56.html#ixzz27dGV6fGu
thanks... also what do chinese educated people think of india?
why do chinese think of europe and US?
If you really want to do,you can speek Chinese well.Like the US ambassador to Beijing.He's name is 'peng bo pei'
i have heard that chinese is a difficult language too learn. In your opinion,is it possible for a person who is not born in china to learn and speak chinese as fluently as a china born?

sorry i can't translate it completely with my crippled English.both the 2 are about China-Egypt cooperation.
China will continue to improved Red Arrows -8-style anti-tank missiles for Egypt and Egypt hope to buy more weapons such as J-10 ,FC-1.and to help improve the old tanks.west medias guess there are non-public technical cooperations
I am wondering when our Chinese gov stop colonising Tibet and retreat its troops back to China.
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