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Do you have any questions about China?

Thanks, that gives me a rough idea. Now about 'capital gain' taxes- stocks and real estate investment gains or interest incomes like saving accounts and dividend incomes from stocks and businesses?

it is a big problem for me.for individuals,tax of real estate investment is under discussion.no taxes of stocks .taxes of saving accounts were cut off in 2008,i'm no not sure if there is now.may the answers help you....as I'm not professional
you have good knowlege.
what is your view on china -india border dispute?
how can you solve the problem in peace "if" you are India PM?

I want to answer this question

I will give up aksai chin but not sorthen tibet
It does not have any natural resources & has more statergic value for bejing rather than new delhi
Will extract as much as from chinease as i can
Unfortunately I only understand two words "China" and "Vietnam" in the videos. Anyway it is nice to see how both countries overcome differences and work for a better future.

there are occasionally some Vietnamese words on road signs / signboards which you can read! or in your leisure, just view the film. it is quite interesting, like you are actually sightseeing the places with the reporter!
I want to answer this question

I will give up aksai chin but not sorthen tibet
It does not have any natural resources & has more statergic value for bejing rather than new delhi
Will extract as much as from chinease as i can

so bad. then there is no deal!
A quick question, Though China is progressing and it is in much better shape in terms of economic development but I still see that people from China migrate to many countries and if I am not wrong then they are the most. Any specifc reason you people see it.
A quick question, Though China is progressing and it is in much better shape in terms of economic development but I still see that people from China migrate to many countries and if I am not wrong then they are the most. Any specifc reason you people see it.
several reasons i think:
1 although fastly developing for 30 years ,china is still far behind the west .
2 for better jobs and environment
3 for better education of their childre
4 for their business ,with a foreign passport they can get better policy supports in china or more conveniences for trade oversea
5 for food safety and escape from the polution
What is China's foreign policy on the Middle East and what will it do when the US invades Syria or Iran?
What is China's foreign policy on the Middle East and what will it do when the US invades Syria or Iran?

let me give my thoughts on this.

"when the US invades Syria or Iran?"

encourage the americans yet be completely against it in public, let them drain them selves of their economic and military might by entering in yet more wars in the middle east and especially in iran it will be extremely costly in terms of economic and manpower costs, this will sap them of strength to "pivot" to asia and allow china maneuvering room to deal with japan and other minor powers such as vietnam and philippines. mean while prior to the war, build up and establish other sources of materials coming out of the middle east such as oil, by connecting with russia and stockpiling other goods. all this is of course stemming from my belief that the USN will be able to keep the gulf open to traffic(despite the costs), they will bleed on land and not in the waters. when the war is over the US will have been greatly weakened by the wars and china would have gain another 10 years minimum of growth free from american attention, and in that 10 years they would have lost valuable time to counter china as by that point in the 2020s china would have grown a economy at least as large as the Americans and through shear financial power(if not military) can force many of the smaller asean economies to favor chinese policies or face economic blow backs.

in short it will buy time, and at the rate china develops this is time that the americans cant afford to lose.
What is China's foreign policy on the Middle East and what will it do when the US invades Syria or Iran?

China traditionally has not had a big footprint in the Middle East (aside from maybe Iran) and it is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future, since the U.S. overwhelmingly has a monopoly on geopolitics in the region. The Middle East has become increasingly important to China as it increases its consumption and imports of oil, so China would likely want a more stable region, and on top of that governments whom it can do business with.

China's policy on Syria has been for all sides to cease armed conflict and start dialogue. It has met with officials from Assad's regime, as well as the opposition concerning the civil war. China's 3 vetoes on the conflict in Syria are most likely based on external factors instead of the situation in Syria itself, such as not giving the West free reign as they did in Libya, and possibly gaining Russian support for other matters.

Iran, on the other hand, is a much more complicated case. China has a lot of economic interests in Iran. Some oil and gas fields leased to China are under China's obligation to militarily defend in the event of any foreign attacks on the fields. As to what will actually happen if (that's a big IF) the U.S. or Israel attacks Iran, is anyone's guess.
What is China's foreign policy on the Middle East and what will it do when the US invades Syria or Iran?
US govenment is a good govenment for its people ,for it robs all over the world for its people.
china govenment is not good enough,it even can't protect its own people from being robbed,not to mention about helping others
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