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Do you have any questions about China?

Sorry can't help it this people are getting on my nerves

Join the club.

But also remember that they are the masters of the universe. They don't owe us explanations.

And you say you don't troll ................:hitwall:

He's not trolling.

He's re-adjusting the world's clocks to Beijing time.
How is the General Aviation industry in China?

for commercial aviation industry, we are progressing with the development of :




a larger narrow body jet-liner COMAC C-919



And the turboprop MA-60 has been launched and sold to the world some years ago.



As for our private jets, electric planes and commercial helicopters, more info will be forthcoming.
Z-9 series or H-425:


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AC 313 Civilian Chopper



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Z-8 or AC312 13-seater

Avicopter%252520AC-312%252520China%25252015%252520Sep%25252011%252520  %252528Fengxiaoxi%252529.jpg

More pix of the model:


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1. As I have written, you probably belong to the first group of people who hate Japan for historical actions around 1940, and there are some Chinese people who also admire Japan as a worthy rival/adversary with similar sense about nature, balance, martial arts, honour, dignity, social order, progress and so on.

My impression is that the Chinese have a mixed feeling towards the Japanese:

a) hatred/dis-likeness. The Japanese killed millions of Chinese during their WWII atrocities. Many families were vanished or broken apart forever. One of my remote uncles was killed by a Japanese Bomber when he was only in his early teens. OK, past is past. The problem is the Japanese never apologized for their crimes committed against the Chinese. Unlike the Germany whose leaders keep apologizing all over the place whenever there is a chance, instead the Japanese keep worshiping their war criminals in their military temples; keep claiming that they did not invade China but "entered" China; keep modifying their textbooks, telling their youngsters they did not commit crimes in China; keep denying Nanking massacre.... All those sorts of evil behavior cause many Chinese (and the people of Japan's other neighbor countries) fear that if the Japanese can whitewash their crimes they can also launch yet another invasion, bringing the Asian yet more disasters.

b) respect. The Japanese are very disciplined with collective spirits, emphasizing education and contribution. Even being defeated, yet they rose faster and make themselves again an economic shinning start in Asia. Their products: cars, electronics (used to be), etc. are the best. The neatness of their cities, the respect their show to themselves... The Chinese are learning from them as well as get helped from them.

BTW, I am in China now, in the days where anti-Japanese activities are everywhere. I traveled with a group of Japanese (3-5 people) from Beijing to Hangzhou. They have their passport publicly shown and nobody attempts to harass them. I did read that in some places the Japanese were harassed, but, hey, China is so big and there are 1.3 billion brains and 1.3 thoughts.

2. Why only Uighur want to separate from China? Why do not other 50+ ethnicities want to separate from China? Is it because of language? Is it because of some policies or history? This is a sensitive issue and I hope all parties can find a peaceful and just solution.


"only Uighur want to separate"

I guess either you haven't though carefully before writing your sentences or your religion propensity compromised your judgment.

Haven't you heard a crowd of Tibetans in India want an independent Tibet?

Haven't you heard a crowd in Taiwan want an independent Taiwan?

Haven't you heard from our hilarious Vietnamese friends showing Manchurian (NE China) independent movement? :lol:

Uighur independence is a complex issue. It is about cultural difference; it is about the definition and practice of autonomy; it is about equal and preferential treatment; more than anything else it is about global geopolitik. It is about almost everything but religion.

My gut feeling is that Chinese central government should do more to equally treat the Uighur and the rest of the Chinese by revoking some of the preferential policies towards the Uighur. Meanwhile CPC should provide more education tailored to Uighur's needs. I remember there is a Chinese proverb: teaching them fishing rather than feeding them with fishes.

Again secularism and cultural contact (not cultural isolation) are the only ways to harmonize the Chinese society. CPC did well from 50s to 70s, but didn't do so well in recent 30 years.
China's population will go down if we still stick to the one child policy. So we do not worry about the high number but low number that may be in 50 years.

About taiwan, China will reclaim it sooner or later. However, if taiwan dare to declare independence, China will make the reclaim process start right away.

in china are you worried about the high number of population and what it would be like in 50 years ?
is a military action in taiwan possible like what happened in georgia by russia ?
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