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Do you have any questions about China?

Interesting thing is that it is hard to find someone dislike Germany, and actually German media is one of the most anti-China ones.
Germany are pragmatic,
We dont care how their medias are anti-China or how the Germans think about China, since we are cooperating in business smoothly and it is a win-win relation, then everything is OK.
My question to our Chinese members.

What is your opinion on the disputed territory South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh?

Dead issue, very rarely talked about by ordinary Chinese.

@S10: dont get the delusional people false hope as if we dont care about our sovereignty over Xizang!

i hope it's not Li hongzhang government now.
Frankly ,if we lose it forever no one will forgive the government .
give me email then i show you what chinese people do against the Japanese on DIAOYU island problem

I think they are more interested in China's claim on South Xizang; not Diaoyu islands!

If the indians want to have a scale of oppositions against them over the disputed border land in south Xizang similar to that of Diaoyu Islands, we can readily create blogs and cultivate the sentiments of the massive netizens here in China. We now let our government to handle the case.Our sovereignty claim over our territory in South Xizang has not any bit diminished!
Very good thread.

Since chinese posters may get confuse by just visiting the PDF for opinion of Indians on China.

The Indian posters on PDF are usually nationalistic posters barring few.

The common Indian walking on streets or driving cars thinks very high of China and usually admires the rapid pace of development of CHina. Indians started believing that if China being large asian country can develop then India can also develop. Nowdays India too is developing fast though at lesser pace as compared with China. Many Indians also admire the strong centralized system of China and its handling.

My questions is, do educated chinese know about following things about India,

1. Rapid development of India
2. India is a secular country
3. India has around 15-20 different languages and cultures
4. Bollywood
5. Indian view on 1962 war
6. India' software industry
7. India's manufacturing industry
8. india's space adventures
8. Partition of India
9. Kashmir issue
10. The strategic situation where China's support to Pakistan is taking toll on trust between Indian and Chinese relationship.

Thanks in advance.
tamen dazi bu shi yige.也不会看贴吧,另外,我这里怎么显示乱码

Because this website's auto title function doesn't support Chinese character I guess, you probably have to do it yourself.

@S10: dont get the delusional people false hope as if we dont care about our sovereignty over Xizang!

I think they are more interested in China's claim on South Xizang; not Diaoyu islands!

If the indians want to have a scale of oppositions against them over the disputed border land in south Xizang similar to that of Diaoyu Islands, we can readily create blogs and cultivate the sentiments of the massive netizens here in China. We now let our government to handle the case.Our sovereignty claim over our territory in South Xizang has not any bit diminished!

The thing about south Tibet is that there is no any progress in this dispute for decades. Everytime when the leaders of both country meet, the issue has not even been properly discuss.
tamen dazi bu shi yige.也不会看贴吧,另外,我这里怎么显示乱码

PDF 中文网站都是乱码的

The thing about south Tibet is that there is no any progress in this dispute for decades. Everytime when the leaders of both country meet, the issue has not even been properly discuss.

correct! It is a stalemate! That's why the increase of deployment of military troops on both sides!
That is not a rumor, those words does appear in Chinese lits before but not in the same context. Something post on bbs doesn't give your enough proof. Credits should be given where it is due.

Funny, you quote a bbs post and believe in it and then you tell the others "70% of the Chinese modern words regarding social and natual science are loan words from Japanese ":what:
I can speak Japanese and When I read that article you posted, I cant help laughing.
For example, 政治(politics),it appears 2000 years ago,政治未毕通也——汉·贾谊《论积贮疏》
I admit some modern words are from Japan,but not "loan",
because those words are 漢語、written in Chinese characters,
No 汉字, No Japanese language.
Very good thread.

Since chinese posters may get confuse by just visiting the PDF for opinion of Indians on China.

The Indian posters on PDF are usually nationalistic posters barring few.

The common Indian walking on streets or driving cars thinks very high of China and usually admires the rapid pace of development of CHina. Indians started believing that if China being large asian country can develop then India can also develop. Nowdays India too is developing fast though at lesser pace as compared with China. Many Indians also admire the strong centralized system of China and its handling.

My questions is, do educated chinese know about following things about India,

1. Rapid development of India
2. India is a secular country
3. India has around 15-20 different languages and cultures
4. Bollywood
5. Indian view on 1962 war
6. India' software industry
7. India's manufacturing industry
8. india's space adventures
8. Partition of India
9. Kashmir issue
10. The strategic situation where China's support to Pakistan is taking toll on trust between Indian and Chinese relationship.

Thanks in advance.

One thing I have to say is most things I have learned about India are actually from this forum(well not from those jingoist Chinese posters or India ones.) So for you questions I will have to answer from my observation of other people in China.
1.Should be well known as India is one of BRIC countries, and BRIC more or less are often mentioned in the press.
2-3 Indian culture is not widely known to common Chinese as they have little access to other cultures without travelling about and talk to people from other cultures, the places that they see other culture is actually from the medias which are mostly filled by US and European contents.

4.They know about the singing and dancing, other than that Indian films are rarely seen in China even with the pirated DVD.

5.I think for most Chinese they won't know the Indian side of story of 1962 war as Indian won't care about Chinese side of story.

6.They know that for sure.

7.Okay, now you are asking too much, but Tata Car should be noticed.

8.That is international big news so it won't go unnoticed.

9. That is rarely discussed, so I can hardly put a judgement on it.

10.The thing is that for most Chinese, they think Pakistan as a friend, so if you are asking China to stop supporting Pakistan in order to get close to India, it won't happen at all. Instead, why doesn't India and Pakistan stop the animosity between them, so China won't have to be in the position of choosing side.
Very good thread.

Since chinese posters may get confuse by just visiting the PDF for opinion of Indians on China.

The Indian posters on PDF are usually nationalistic posters barring few.

wrong! your media and related forums are sources of distortion and flames

My questions is, do educated chinese know about following things about India,

1. Rapid development of India
2. India is a secular country
3. India has around 15-20 different languages and cultures
4. Bollywood
5. Indian view on 1962 war
6. India' software industry
7. India's manufacturing industry
8. india's space adventures
8. Partition of India
9. Kashmir issue
10. The strategic situation where China's support to Pakistan is taking toll on trust between Indian and Chinese relationship.

1. give us the development buz we can do better for your cities
2. false claim. hindus dictate everything
3. not a blessing in india
4. crap
5. an example of indians over-boasting themselves which called for the humiliation. regret we didnt go all the way and took back all the land that belong to us
6. not as good as you claim.
7. weak but boasting big
8. ask timetravel about it
8?: good for Pakistan
9. Let the Pakistanis and Kashmiris decide the fate of the land
10 Pakistanis are valued and time-tested friends. Indians are nasty to us MOST of the time.
Very good thread.

Since chinese posters may get confuse by just visiting the PDF for opinion of Indians on China.

The Indian posters on PDF are usually nationalistic posters barring few.

The common Indian walking on streets or driving cars thinks very high of China and usually admires the rapid pace of development of CHina. Indians started believing that if China being large asian country can develop then India can also develop. Nowdays India too is developing fast though at lesser pace as compared with China. Many Indians also admire the strong centralized system of China and its handling.

My questions is, do educated chinese know about following things about India,

1. Rapid development of India
2. India is a secular country
3. India has around 15-20 different languages and cultures
4. Bollywood
5. Indian view on 1962 war
6. India' software industry
7. India's manufacturing industry
8. india's space adventures
8. Partition of India
9. Kashmir issue
10. The strategic situation where China's support to Pakistan is taking toll on trust between Indian and Chinese relationship.

Thanks in advance.

1. Rapid development of India since 2000
2. India is a secular country?? what's mean of "secular" country
3. most Indian speake English and Hindi, lost Buddhism, believe Hindu
4. Bollywood, I know but only some people know, when I was a child, I watch <Mr India>, and most people know Indian Dance and Yoga, my wife do Yoga for 1 years, 70$ / half year in a club
5. Indian view on 1962 war? No, 99% people even don't know 1962war
6. --7. outsourcing service is developed
8. a little
9. Kashmir issue: 99.99% Chinese don't know kashmir and don't care, and even don't know Pak and India hostility, 60 years ago you were one country, should have a good relation, talk and talk, even talk for 100years, China talk with Bhutan for 28 years and will go on
10. 80% Chinese even don't know Pak, China and pak are friend, but not aim at against India, your enemies friend is not enemy&#65292; hope pak and India improve relations, China will not so uncomfortable, Us also provide weapons to both India and Pak
My questions is, do educated chinese know about following things about India,

1. Rapid development of India
2. India is a secular country
3. India has around 15-20 different languages and cultures
4. Bollywood
5. Indian view on 1962 war
6. India' software industry
7. India's manufacturing industry
8. india's space adventures
8. Partition of India
9. Kashmir issue
10. The strategic situation where China's support to Pakistan is taking toll on trust between Indian and Chinese relationship.

My own point of view:
1.india is rapid too
2.i'm not sure.Ganges RIver .....swimming....
3.why should english be official language
4.films with nice songs and dancing
5.1962...i was not on the earth ,i was on Mars that time :cheesy:
6.proud of india ,really good
7.not so good as software industry
8.great and ambitious,i hope for more milestones
8+&9.chinese rarely talk about it
10.as for me ,i'd like to make friends with both
Funny, you quote a bbs post and believe in it and then you tell the others "70% of the Chinese modern words regarding social and natual science are loan words from Japanese ":what:
I can speak Japanese and When I read that article you posted, I cant help laughing.
For example, &#25919;&#27835;&#65288;politics&#65289;&#65292;it appears 2000 years ago&#65292;&#25919;&#27835;&#26410;&#27605;&#36890;&#20063;&#8212;&#8212;&#27721;·&#36158;&#35850;&#12298;&#35770;&#31215;&#36142;&#30095;&#12299;
I admit some modern words are from Japan&#65292;but not "loan",
because those words are &#28450;&#35486;&#12289;written in Chinese characters,
No &#27721;&#23383;, No Japanese language.

The reason I quote from that site is out of convinience.

For your example the original text was "&#20854;&#39592;&#65292;&#25919;&#27861;&#26410;&#30050;&#36890;&#20063;&#65292;&#36960;&#26041;&#20043;&#30097;&#32773;&#24182;&#33289;&#32780;&#29229;&#36215;&#30691;&#12290;" Somehow people change to &#25919;&#27835; to make this argument. Yan Fu and Liang Qichao also attempted to modernize the Chinese words during the same period of Meiji era. What happened to those words? According to &#12298;&#27721;&#35821;&#22806;&#26469;&#35821;&#35789;&#20856;&#12299;published in 1990 there are 890 loans words from Japan.
æ¼¢èª&#382;ä¸*ç&#353;&#8222;æ&#8212;¥èª&#382;å&#8364;&#376;è©&#382; - ç»´å&#376;ºç&#8482;¾ç§&#8216;ï¼&#338;è&#8225;ªç&#8221;±ç&#353;&#8222;ç&#8482;¾ç§&#8216;å&#8230;¨ä¹¦
We dont talk about india much until you stick your necks out wanting the limelights and assuming the superpower status as if taking it for granted and the most obnoxious "China Killer"

For me there are many appalling issues relating to indians. for one, I dont understand why indians are so horny to the extent of constantly using violence for their sexual gains and yet trumpeting their humanity all the time
1. Rapid development of India since 2000
2. India is a secular country?? what's mean of "secular" country
3. most Indian speake English and Hindi, lost Buddhism, believe Hindu
4. Bollywood, I know but only some people know, when I was a child, I watch <Mr India>, and most people know Indian Dance and Yoga, my wife do Yoga for 1 years, 70$ / half year in a club
5. Indian view on 1962 war? No, 99% people even don't know 1962war
6. --7. outsourcing service is developed
8. a little
9. Kashmir issue: 99.99% Chinese don't know kashmir and don't care, and even don't know Pak and India hostility, 60 years ago you were one country, should have a good relation, talk and talk, even talk for 100years, China talk with Bhutan for 28 years and will go on
10. 80% Chinese even don't know Pak, China and pak are friend, but not aim at against India, your enemies friend is not enemy&#65292; hope pak and India improve relations, China will not so uncomfortable, Us also provide weapons to both India and Pak
Maybe before 2008&#65292;but not now.
in 2008 earthquake many ordinary Chinese internet users watched this photo and cried.

From then ,the China-Pakistan special friendship is well known in all the Chinese internet &#12290;
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