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Do you also think its time for a North East Asian Union against US an China

It is absolutely suicidal for Asia to form any alliance against China. China is strengthening and expanding relations with many Asian countries, bringing investment/capital, labor, products, defense, technology, and more.
Singapure, hongkong, macau and taiwan are all richer than korea in gdp per capita. Han chinese proved they can be successful being small in numbers so i dont get your point.

Read my comment again. I said that the only reason South Korea is not a superpower is because of the small population size. Are Hong Kong, Singapore, Macau, or Taiwan superpower/great powers? No, they're not, even though (as East Asians) they have the high intelligence to create prosperous and civilized societies.

What for BS Russia is the biggest receiver of immigration of all eastern european countries more than scandinavians

True, but if given the chance they would much rather come to Korea, where you make double the money, have 1/20 the homicide rate, 1/200th the robbery rate, etc. The only reason they don't is because we don't ALLOW them to.

and poor country

Really? The country with the 27th largest income, projected to be richer than the USA by 2030, is supposedly poor? If we are poor, what does that make you? African?? And why am I racist? Because Korea is homogeneous and we ALL want to keep it that way? We will never accept others and it is our right to do so. Not a single East Asian society would accept others to immigrate and become a part of our 'race' or 'nationality'. It just won't happen.

So what? i can post all kind of stuff showing that russia is at the same level like korea. For example education russia is above every western country

Apparently, if you are any indication of the level of education, Russia is nowhere near Korea in education.

You clearly posted only ONE education study. And? Surprise!! It's the one that Russia does best in! Korea didn't even participate so don't compare us. It's also interesting to note that PIRLS is one of the lesser known international tests, while PISA is widely reputed across the globe.


Korea Math - 4th

Russia Math - 38th

Korea Science - 6th

Russia Science - 39th

Korea Reading - 2nd

Russia Reading - 42nd

Global Innovation Quotient, Bloomberg 2013:

Korea - 2nd

Russia - 14th

Patents, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) 2011:

Korea patent applications - 4th

Russia patent applications - 10th

Korea patents granted - 4th

Russia patents granted - 6th

United Nations Education Index, 2009

Korea - 8th

Russia - 42nd

Global Innovation Index, BCG 2009:

Korea: 2nd

Russia - 49th

another thing i find funny is that korea has now worse income equality than russia

Not funny, just really natural. Wealthier and more prosperous countries tend to have much higher income inequalities than poorer and less developed nations.
You still need the Russian cryogenic engine to power your rocket, eating a bit of humble pie isn't that difficult, isn't it?
You still need the Russian cryogenic engine to power your rocket, eating a bit of humble pie isn't that difficult, isn't it?

Uh-oh, we lose a rocket engine if Russia decides to ban exports because of their inferiority-complex driven mentality.

What shall we do without independent ability to launch satellites into space?!? Our country may collapse into barbaric savagery and endless violence without those mighty and humble Russians "helping" us (everything costs money; we don't 'need' anything).
Uh-oh, we lose a rocket engine if Russia decides to ban exports because of their inferiority-complex driven mentality.

What shall we do without independent ability to launch satellites into space?!? Our country may collapse into barbaric savagery and endless violence without those mighty and humble Russians "helping" us (everything costs money; we don't 'need' anything).

South Korea should mainly focus on the civilian sector, the space program is just too much for a country of your size.

Only Russia/USA/China have the full capability, even EU has given up the space manned mission, Japan couldn't achieve it in the next 15-20 years.

South Korea will live better without excessive national pride for everything.
South Korea should mainly focus on the civilian sector, the space program is just too much for a country of your size.

Only Russia/USA/China have the full capability, even EU has given up the space manned mission, Japan couldn't achieve it in the next 15-20 years.

South Korea will live better without excessive national pride for everything.

East Asia United is the same guy as Karim, he changed his account name. This dumbo is the guy who is obsessed with IQ and insulting and baiting all non east asians. He is also a false flagger, he wasn't born in South Korea and if he is there now, he moved there from a western country. No east asian born in east asia believes in racial unity between east asian countries.
The only reason that Korea is not a "BIG & POWERFUL country" is because of the population size. It has literally nothing to do with being civilized or intelligent. If Koreans lived in China and had the China population size, and Chinese lived on the Korean peninsula with the Korean population size, who do you think would be the "BIG & POWERFUL country"???

In this day and age only barbarians would consider nuclear warheads and militaries to be more important than wealth, prosperity, advancement, and intelligence.

At the end of the day, people are not immigrating to "Great power" of Russia, but would love the chance to get into Korea. People are trying to get into pacifist Sweden over the militarized Iranians.
Things are not that simple as you think. 10 times bigger in population and territory doesn't means 10 times better, man. Things don't work in that way. The marginal return will diminish.

Big countries and small countries all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Big countries have more social problems and more complex diplomatic issues. Most important of all, big countries are always the victims of USA hostile foreign policies. China suffered technology and market block from US and its whole western allies for decades. Even till now, China companies can not import High_Tech products from USA and other western countries. And US government sets up obstacles to prevent some Chinese companies entering its market. On the other hand, Japan and S.Korea were the beneficiaries of US technology transfer policies.

We are proud of China's present achievements, which we got under such hostile international environment. If Chinese and Koreans switched places, believe me, you may not be able to do the work as well as we did.
The only reason that Korea is not a "BIG & POWERFUL country" is because of the population size. It has literally nothing to do with being civilized or intelligent. If Koreans lived in China and had the China population size, and Chinese lived on the Korean peninsula with the Korean population size, who do you think would be the "BIG & POWERFUL country"???

In this day and age only barbarians would consider nuclear warheads and militaries to be more important than wealth, prosperity, advancement, and intelligence.

At the end of the day, people are not immigrating to "Great power" of Russia, but would love the chance to get into Korea. People are trying to get into pacifist Sweden over the militarized Iranians.
Part agree, but small lands and few population is the big flaw for Korea.

The wealth and high per capita GDP can not build a "BIG & POWERFUL country" for example Luxembourg,Switzerland,Norway,Sweden,UAE etc individuals richer than United State, but they'r not as global powerful as U.S and American soft power attract more immigrants coming.

The big lands also can not build a "Big & Powerful country" for example Canadia and Australia, at least right now they have many lands but few population. It looks like both of them not willing to become the "Big & Powerful country".

The huge population is a double-edged sword. if ur government can work effectively not only feed huge ppl but also command millions of ppl work together and country development, the huge population will become a big production machine of "world factory", In the War whole country become a big ordnance factory. But if ur government fail to govern huge ppl, they will become a big burden, lack rich and poor living conditions, at most a regional power not become "Big & Powerful country".

So if I compare Russia with South Korea:
1. Russian lands much bigger than Korea it means unlimited resources and wide strategic depth. In the War Korea so easy to lack necessary resources to support military productions, and so easy to destroy major production cities and military bases.

2. Russian population bigger than Korea it means they have enough soldiers and reserve forces to go through a high-intensity conflict and brutal war. They can fight War for many years and have enough ppl for the great counter-offensive against enemy.

3. Russian military technology, specially submarine, fighter, tank, engines still advanced than Korea. Yes recently Korea develop achievements at shipbuilding industry but main at civil ships. Look at new warship serving in Korea Navy, many sub-system like VLS, radar, missiles, command system purchased from foreign West companies. Even Korea Navy owned the most powerful KDX-3 DDG in Asia, how many this big warship Korea could afford ? Building 3x, other country like Russia and China building 10x-30x domestic submarines or smaller phased array radar DDG. 21 century War is the sky fight, Korea just start developing advanced jet trainer and Russian own more advanced than Korea's aviation industry. Even Korea Airforce owned 200x F-15k, without American helps still lack of advantage on the quantity when face hundreds of Su-27, Su-30, Mig-30, Mig-29 sea.

4. S.Korea no chance in nuke War.

Well my personal opinion, S.Korea can develop as a peaceful and beautiful rich country like Switzerland but not chance in the next World War.

Anyway a stable/peaceful/strong Korean Peninsula is benefit for both Russia and China. U should pay attention to Japan islands there'r over 100million Japanese, during hundred-year of history anytime when Japan get troubles Japanese willing to transfer their own domestic contradictions to foreign wars and always the Korean Peninsula is the first target before coming into mainland, most Japanese like right-wing. Right now S.Korea and Japan r the alliance under command of U.S, but indeed Japanese loves Korean ?

Above ALL, i just tell the truth: the "Big & Powerful country" mainly depend on military power. :pop:

If Koreans lived in China and had the China population size, and Chinese lived on the Korean peninsula with the Korean population size, who do you think would be the "BIG & POWERFUL country"???
I don't think so, coz a multinational state owned more domestic natinoal troubles than a single-national country (P.S Russia and China, U.S all r multinational states), more population size and more multinational communications. The Korean style would be useless when ur people govern China lands, i mean Korean won't face only Han race also need to make contact with other 55x ethnic minorities (some national minorities size > 10million). Korean ruled korean peninsula for thousand year but today it's still a single-national peninsula, u lack enough experience to govern a big lands with many ethnic minorities. China spent one thousand year absorbing other 55 ethnic minorities and growing, Russia spent hundred years absorbing 100+ ethnic minorities, U.S also spent 200 years absorbing foreign immigrants (we all knew American had stains on history, murdered American Indian, civial war for black slaver, equal rights for American Black).
East Asia United is the same guy as Karim, he changed his account name. This dumbo is the guy who is obsessed with IQ and insulting and baiting all non east asians. He is also a false flagger, he wasn't born in South Korea and if he is there now, he moved there from a western country. No east asian born in east asia believes in racial unity between east asian countries.

I already stated multiple times that this name was Karim3343, it was NOT my name. Everyone knows this you idiot! Look at my introduction to the forums.

I was born in Seoul also. Where do you think I am from? I believe not in racial unity, but in a strong bonded between all people of East Asia.

Take your Muslim propaganda somewhere else.

Things are not that simple as you think. 10 times bigger in population and territory doesn't means 10 times better, man. Things don't work in that way. The marginal return will diminish.

Big countries and small countries all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Big countries have more social problems and more complex diplomatic issues. Most important of all, big countries are always the victims of USA hostile foreign policies. China suffered technology and market block from US and its whole western allies for decades. Even till now, China companies can not import High_Tech products from USA and other western countries. And US government sets up obstacles to prevent some Chinese companies entering its market. On the other hand, Japan and S.Korea were the beneficiaries of US technology transfer policies.

We are proud of China's present achievements, which we got under such hostile international environment. If Chinese and Koreans switched places, believe me, you may not be able to do the work as well as we did.

Chinese and Koreans are of the same average intelligence. I'm not declaring my superiority so please don't imply that. I am saying that we would do the same kind of job if we were given the same kind of political system.
I don't think so, coz a multinational state owned more domestic natinoal troubles than a single-national country (P.S Russia and China, U.S all r multinational states), more population size and more multinational communications. The Korean style would be useless when ur people govern China lands, i mean Korean won't face only Han race also need to make contact with other 55x ethnic minorities (some national minorities size > 10million). Korean ruled korean peninsula for thousand year but today it's still a single-national peninsula, u lack enough experience to govern a big lands with many ethnic minorities. China spent one thousand year absorbing other 55 ethnic minorities and growing, Russia spent hundred years absorbing 100+ ethnic minorities, U.S also spent 200 years absorbing foreign immigrants (we all knew American had stains on history, murdered American Indian, civial war for black slaver, equal rights for American Black).

This is really funny. You are basically implying that Korea, if given Chinese population size and land area, cannot be more powerful..... because their is not enough diversity! :cuckoo:

I don't want 92% Korea, and then a few percent Hui, Uyghur, Tibetan, etc. or in the case of Russia only 80% ethnic Russian, or America 63% White (and rapidly falling) with most of the rest being Hispanic and Black.

No, diversity sucks. It leads to conflict and differences in culture spread throughout a country. Korea would do much better, no matter the land area, without diversity. You really telling me that if the Uyghurs didn't exist, and instead they were Han Chinese, you would not be able to survive? If the Tibetans were actually Han Chinese, you would lose your power because of lack of experience with annoying and separatist minorities?

Give me a break man.
This is really funny. You are basically implying that Korea, if given Chinese population size and land area, cannot be more powerful..... because their is not enough diversity! :cuckoo:

I don't want 92% Korea, and then a few percent Hui, Uyghur, Tibetan, etc. or in the case of Russia only 80% ethnic Russian, or America 63% White (and rapidly falling) with most of the rest being Hispanic and Black.

No, diversity sucks. It leads to conflict and differences in culture spread throughout a country. Korea would do much better, no matter the land area, without diversity. You really telling me that if the Uyghurs didn't exist, and instead they were Han Chinese, you would not be able to survive? If the Tibetans were actually Han Chinese, you would lose your power because of lack of experience with annoying and separatist minorities?

Give me a break man.
U misunderstand, i said to govern a multinational state is not as simple as a singal-national country.
Well maybe it's hard for u to understand how to build and manage a multinational state, Korean ppl lack enough experineces in the history just stay in the korean peninsula. The diversity will improve cultural exchanges and civilization development, all old Empire in the history were communication centers between the EAST and WEST, these ethnic minorities were the result of cultural and religious exchanges.

If Korea also has the big lands and many ethnic minorities like Russia U.S China, u will meet natinoal troubles like all of us. But now Korean can stay ouside keep away from cultural and religious conflicts, coz Russia and China block them away from ur ppl.
U misunderstand, i said to govern a multinational state is not as simple as a singal-national country.
Well maybe it's hard for u to understand how to build and manage a multinational state, Korean ppl lack enough experineces in the history just stay in the korean peninsula. The diversity will improve cultural exchanges and civilization development, all old Empire in the history were communication centers between the EAST and WEST, these ethnic minorities were the result of cultural and religious exchanges.

If Korea also has the big lands and many ethnic minorities like Russia U.S China, u will meet natinoal troubles like all of us. But now Korean can stay ouside keep away from cultural and religious conflicts, coz Russia and China block them away from ur ppl.

I'm simply saying that if there were 1.4 billion Koreans we would be a superpower. Korea is not a small power because we are dumb, that's like saying Singapore or Taiwanese or Swiss are dumb. We simply don't have the population size. If any of these small high-IQ states had large population size coupled with fairly large land area to go with it, they would be superpowers.
I'm simply saying that if there were 1.4 billion Koreans we would be a superpower. Korea is not a small power because we are dumb, that's like saying Singapore or Taiwanese or Swiss are dumb. We simply don't have the population size. If any of these small high-IQ states had large population size coupled with fairly large land area to go with it, they would be superpowers.
Small countries have high IQ for a reason because they stay isolated and dont mixed with other people like korea did. You do like korean prosperity and intelligence is granted and your just supperior. but If korea would ever have such a size of population like china in history it wouldnt be homogeneous. And it probably wouldnt be as rich right now.
You imply that chinese or Russians are dumber than koreans. But han chinese have proved in Macau, Hongkong, Taiwan and singapore that they are just as good in small number as they are even have higher gdp per capita than you.
And there are russian regions who have the same gdp per capita as korea or even higher. Moscow has even a higher gdp per capita than you and it has 11 Million people thats a fifth of your countries population size.

List of Russian federal subjects by GDP per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read my comment again. I said that the only reason South Korea is not a superpower is because of the small population size. Are Hong Kong, Singapore, Macau, or Taiwan superpower/great powers? No, they're not, even though (as East Asians) they have the high intelligence to create prosperous and civilized societies.
How they are supposed to have higher IQ than mainland chinese if they are the same race?

True, but if given the chance they would much rather come to Korea, where you make double the money, have 1/20 the homicide rate, 1/200th the robbery rate, etc. The only reason they don't is because we don't ALLOW them to.

Really? The country with the 27th largest income, projected to be richer than the USA by 2030, is supposedly poor? If we are poor, what does that make you? African?? And why am I racist? Because Korea is homogeneous and we ALL want to keep it that way? We will never accept others and it is our right to do so. Not a single East Asian society would accept others to immigrate and become a part of our 'race' or 'nationality'. It just won't happen.
Where in hell are you going to surpass the US in gdp per capita they have 50 thousand you have only 30 thousand?


Korea Math - 4th

Russia Math - 38th

Korea Science - 6th

Russia Science - 39th

Korea Reading - 2nd

Russia Reading - 42nd

Apparently, if you are any indication of the level of education, Russia is nowhere near Korea in education.

You clearly posted only ONE education study. And? Surprise!! It's the one that Russia does best in! Korea didn't even participate so don't compare us. It's also interesting to note that PIRLS is one of the lesser known international tests, while PISA is widely reputed across the globe.
And you crearly chose that one where russia does worse despite being not the latest one. Because Pisa came in 2009 but PIRLS TIMSS came in 2011. And yes Korea did participate in PIRLS and TIMSS.

Global Innovation Quotient, Bloomberg 2013:

Korea - 2nd

Russia - 14th

Patents, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) 2011:

Korea patent applications - 4th

Russia patent applications - 10th

Korea patents granted - 4th

Russia patents granted - 6th
How about you show whos below russia as you say we are poor and have only recources? Because the funny thing is korea and other countries without recourses are dependent on innovation and patents.
Russia having recourses is still above countries like UK, HK, China and israel in innovation and in patents granted its above every european country. All countries who are dependent on this like korea but russia isnt.


If we wouldnt have recourses we would have more patents than you as we would need them in manufacturing and other industries.

United Nations Education Index, 2009

Korea - 8th

Russia - 42nd

Global Innovation Index, BCG 2009:

Korea: 2nd

Russia - 49th

again in 2009. It bogus

Not funny, just really natural. Wealthier and more prosperous countries tend to have much higher income inequalities than poorer and less developed nations.

What for BS. There is no difference in income distribution for developed or poor countries. Look at the various african countries gini index or look at european countries. There are many western european countries who have higher gdp than both korea and russia and have lower gap between rich and poor while america has one of the highest gdp per capita but its gini index is even higher than both korea and russia.
1.Consider the dynamics among them and you would know why the suggestion in the topic is impossible:

a. Both Japan and S Korea remain occupied by US troops ever since WW II / Korean War. No people on earth- except the British perhaps, likes foreign troops on their soil. On the one hand these nations are really not that free, and on the other the people have always wanted foreign troops to exit to terminate Western domination.

b. The Koreans themselves want to unite. That would mean ending of US presence and bossing. Would USA desire that? US presence in the peninsula is her only foothold on the East Asian landmass. S Korea is key to US strategy in the region to counter China as well as Russia.

c. Koreans and the Japanese hate each other as no other two peoples in the world. This goes back into their history and has become cultural. Japan is the last nation to want an united Korea which would surely overtake her in all fields.

d. The Chinese and Japanese have issues between them bringing horrific memories. China rightly believes Japan is being rearmed by USA to create problems for her. In recent times USA seems more inclined to invest hopes in military ambitions through Japan rather than India which has dismayed her. Each time a report of Japanese rearming appears E Asian peoples - and mostly the Chinese remember with horror the atrocities the Imperial Japanese Military had committed in WW II, WW I and pre war years.

2. NE Asians are more likely to quarrel among themselves rather than unite against anyone. And this factor is being exploited by the colonial America.
Small countries have high IQ for a reason because they stay isolated and dont mixed with other people like korea did.

There is literally ZERO correlation between high IQ and land area. What a farce.

Some small countries include: Burundi, Swaziland, Haiti, East Timor, Benin.... do I need to go on?

And it probably wouldnt be as rich right now.

Yes it would, if it embraced the same economic system.

You imply that chinese or Russians are dumber than koreans.

Are you illiterate or something? This is the 2nd time I'm telling you I did no such thing. East Asians all have roughly the same intelligence, because we belong to the same genetic cluster. Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese don't differ all that much in innate intelligence.

And there are russian regions who have the same gdp per capita as korea or even higher.

And there are Korean regions which have the same GDP per capita as the richest Russian regions or even higher. Understand what sampling bias is, and then come back to me.

How they are supposed to have higher IQ than mainland chinese if they are the same race?

They do NOT. My god, it's getting annoying. 3rd time now. The mean East Asian IQ is 106. Both China and South Korea are in this region. The only reason China has not caught up is because of the political and economic system.

Where in hell are you going to surpass the US in gdp per capita they have 50 thousand you have only 30 thousand?

What do you mean where? "Where" refers to a location. Today we have $32,000. At the end of this year we're projected to have $34,000. By 2030 we are projected to surpass the USA because we average higher growth rates than them.

And you crearly chose that one where russia does worse despite being not the latest one. Because Pisa came in 2009 but PIRLS TIMSS came in 2011. And yes Korea did participate in PIRLS and TIMSS.

Show me South Korea's position. And I chose to put out as much information as possible. Not just one selective statistic that is impressive because it's an outlier.

How about you show whos below russia as you say we are poor and have only recources? Because the funny thing is korea and other countries without recourses are dependent on innovation and patents.
Russia having recourses is still above countries like UK, HK, China and israel in innovation and in patents granted its above every european country. All countries who are dependent on this like korea but russia isnt.

Yea, we are dependent on innovations and patents. This is also known as being dependent on using our brains, and you rightfully say that you are more dependent on us resources. We are higher than you on every list.

again in 2009. It bogus

TIMSS was in 2011. Are you really this dumb? So a 2-year difference is going to exponentially increase Russia's intelligence? :yahoo:

What? You're going to go from the 50's and 40's to the top 5? LOL!

There is no difference in income distribution for developed or poor countries

There is a high correlation between development and income inequality. It's as easy as a Google Search.

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