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Do Pakistanis Regret That India did not convert?

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The vast majority of rural “folk Hindus” (mostly lower castes) living in villages, are polytheists who believe in several deity who has power over their area or region or profession or some other aspects. This can sometimes turn very ugly, and cases of child sacrifice / child marriage / ritual prostitution are not unknown, though they are rarer than they used to be. That is paganism, though the PC brigade won’t like me saying so.

The second category is upper-caste Hindus who have a complex and detailed cosmology and theology. In effect, they are monotheists, but their monotheism is very different from that of the Abrahamic religions. They are often sympathetic but condescending to “folk Hinduism”, and view their own belief systems as being more highly evolved (which they are) and truer (which is also true in a relative, not absolute, sense.) While most of them belive in Para Brahman (supreme one God) but also worship other deities as gods of a lower category.

The third category, emerging these days, is popular among young and middle-aged, middle- and upper-class individuals, and can be charitably termed “New Age Hinduism.” These people reject the more obvious forms of temple worship and ritual, shun superstition in public (but often embrace it in private), but are into Yoga, New Age techniques (reiki, pranic healing, crystals, aromas, etc… :p), and the like. They believe in “God” in an impersonal sense, and often describe themselves as “spiritual, but not religious”. Most popular “gurus” and “yoga teachers” cater to this audience.
It is quite similar to how Muslims practice Islam too.

I have a feeling that you are Muslim. :D
Muslims were 30% in 1947 so they lower portion of landmass.



Muslims were 30% in ALL of India. But only 16% Muslims ended up taking away 25% of your landmass. It wasn't like all 30% Muslims of India were forced to move to 25% Indian landmass.

Muslims got way higher proportional landmass of India (also the most strategic one!) and hence Hindu resentment never stops since they got royaly screwed yet again by Muslims :cheers:
Right, now you're asking the right questions at long last. Finally finally finally, you lot might be able to consider alternatives to whatever brainwashing you've received over the years.

The answer is - NO. Resoundingly.

Please just sod off out of Jammu and Kashmir and all can be normal on our borders - well, that's where I stood until recently.

There's one other problem that has actually arisen though, which as Pakistanis we never gave a crap about until now, but as human beings even we are compelled to speak up on. The disgusting treatment of Indian muslims and Indian Islamic heritage is now part of the equation. If you refuse to take pride in this particular group of people and their achievements and instead reduce yourselves to renaming their towns, erasing their history and beating them until they abandon their rights and legacy, then that too is my problem and requires an immediate solution. I would recommend a second partition. Get all Muslims out of that hell hole once and for all. Whatever monuments need saving should be recovered brick by brick and placed in the new nation. Once that is done, your hindutva state cannot bother these folks any more and they can walk their streets freely.

This is the future I envisage.

Both Pakistan and this new nation won't have reason to be at odds with hindutva as we will regard your nation as a hindutva holy state - akin to the Vatican - where you may worship whatever you wish and engage in whatever rituals and hobbies you wish to and importantly, study whatever version of history you wish to.

Barring that solution, India will always have 20-30% of its population that it despises and wants to keep within a rigid, suffocating niche, which ultimately that population will not accept - that will lead to perpetual conflict.
Hehe no second partition. Absolutely not. You have got the land you want. Be happy with that.

My solution to Kashmir is this:

India accepts Pakistan side Kashmir. Pakistan accepts Indian side of Kashmir. That's it. You keep your land. We keep our land.

If you are showing concern for Indian Muslims, be read to take them. India shows concern for Pakistani Hindus and actually helps them to migrate to India. Pakistan just talks but doesn't do anything.
All those areas had mostly Buddhist population in 6th to 13 th centuries.
Vast majority of conversions in those ages were from Buddhists.
It is Buddhists who got decimated in those areas (from 25% to 0.5%).

Indonesia was Hindu, not Buddhist. Ps, isn't Buddhism one of your "dharmic" faith too? lmao. Sorry mate, you cant escape the embarrassment of history.
Isn't this a weird argument. So the whole Pakistan, Persia converted. You don't have a problem with that. But you say that the whole India didn't convert so Islam was not forced. So you are just looking at one side of the picture.
No, you're bringing your preconceived brainwashing to the table. Step outside the box. Understand that what you've been taught is wrong.
Indonesia was Hindu, not Buddhist. Ps, isn't Buddhism one of your "dharmic" faith too? lmao. Sorry mate, you cant escape the embarrassment of history.
Even they did not fight back. LOL.

They are also trying to make up for their ancestor's cowardice - myanmar, Sri lanka etc.
In my own caste (very upper caste) first intercaste marriage happened in 1950s, so this proves how unlikely such High castes Hindus were going to convert.

Hindus are like elves of Tolkien world, upper castes are Vanyar and Noldor whereas lower castes are Sindar and others



Muslims were 30% in ALL of India. But only 16% Muslims ended up taking away 25% of your landmass. It wasn't like all 30% Muslims of India were forced to move to 25% Indian landmass.

Muslims got way higher proportional landmass of India (also the most strategic one!) and hence Hindu resentment never stops since they got royaly screwed yet again by Muslims :cheers:
Wrong .
Population density of India as per sq km kf Arable land is lower than Pakistan.
It is because large part of Pakistan (Balochistan) is a desert/arid land of no value.

Even they did not fight back. LOL.

They are also trying to make up for their ancestor's cowardice - myanmar, Sri lanka etc.

No matter how hard they try, they just can not get back to Islam.

Islam has absolutely cucked and dominated Hinduism. It erased Hinduism and other "dharmic" traditions from vast territories. In absence of Islam, Dharmic faith category today would have been the largest religion on the planet---and most likely would have also spread to Central Asia and beyond. But Islam absolutely demolished them.

Alhamdulillah! :)
Denial is the favorite place to live in?
I'm not denying anything. What you see on social media is very different from ground reality. What I am in real life is very different from how I am on PDF.

From my posts, you would feel that I would be against Muslims in real life as well. Nope.

I worked for an NGO where I have taught poor children of labourers and such. Some of them were Muslims. It didn't stop me from praising them if they did good in anything.
As for Indonesia, it suffered from a very weak caste systems and full of issues like intercaste marriages.
Can you show my one post from which you can say that I am RSS Nazi?
What makes you think you are not?
said migration happened hundreds of years ago. So no, we are not refugees.

that seems to be a claim of everyone caught without the adhaar card.

You may as well be an illegal Bangladeshi by the end of this thread.
No matter how hard they try, they just can not get back to Islam.

Islam has absolutely cucked and dominated Hinduism. It erased Hinduism and other "dharmic" traditions from vast territories. In absence of Islam, Dharmic faith category today would have been the largest religion on the planet---and most likely would have also spread to Central Asia and beyond. But Islam absolutely demolished them.

Alhamdulillah! :)
True, that.
If you look at Kashmir now, don't you think that if India was Muslim, there wouldn't have been any dispute with regards to Kashmir?
Why make this assumption that Muslims won't fight each other? This is nonsense and if all of India was Muslim mini-states, they probably would find plenty of other reasons to fight. Indeed, history shows that Muslim rulers fought each other and betrayed each other in south Asia. External Muslim forces invaded native Muslim groups. Are you completely ignorant of your own land's history?
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