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Do Pakistanis Regret That India did not convert?

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In my own caste (very upper caste) first intercaste marriage happened in 1950s, so this proves how unlikely such High castes Hindus were going to convert.

Hindus are like elves of Tolkien world, upper castes are Vanyar and Noldor whereas lower castes are Sindar and others

Wrong .
Population density of India as per sq km kf Arable land is lower than Pakistan.
It is because large part of Pakistan (Balochistan) is a desert/arid land of no value.



What does it have to do with the fact that 16% Muslims got way higher proportional Indian land at 25% of the total land?

And Balochistan is literally THE MOST RESOURCEFUL province of Pakistan. Its not just 'desert' :rofl::rofl: Google Sui Gas reserves. PS, Pakistan also holds the strategic land access routes to Central Asia and Energy rich Middle-East.

Sorry mate, 16% Muslims took 25% of Indian land, and that too----some of the most strategically important one. Must hurt but it is what it is :)


Muslims were 30% in ALL of India. But only 16% Muslims ended up taking away 25% of your landmass. It wasn't like all 30% Muslims of India were forced to move to 25% Indian landmass.

Muslims got way higher proportional landmass of India (also the most strategic one!) and hence Hindu resentment never stops since they got royaly screwed yet again by Muslims :cheers:
You contradict your own countrymen. All we Indians see here are complaints from Pakistani members about how they didn't get enough land. Why you guys are never on a same page ? You should decide it for once and all whether you got too much or too little land.
I didn't bring it in the first place. Read the posts properly.

Then why is it so hard to convince Indians?

Its not. They always give tribute.

When it comes to matters of faith. No Muslim wants to take this risk and the responsibility of converting others to his faith. Those who do are brave people indeed.

Faith can move mountains. But mountains come with local inhabitants as stow away too

What does it have to do with the fact that 16% Muslims got way higher proportional Indian land at 25% of the total land?

And Balochistan is literally THE MOST RESOURCEFUL province of Pakistan. Its not just 'desert' :rofl::rofl: Google Sui Gas reserves. PS, Pakistan also holds the strategic land access routes to Central Asia and Energy rich Middle-East.

Sorry mate, 16% Muslims took 25% of Indian land, and that too----some of the most strategically important one. Must hurt but it is what it is :)
It means Pakistan got land of no value.
Guven Balochistan does no contribute even 15% of Pak GDPs, it's natural resources is way overestimated
You contradict your own countrymen. All we Indians see here are complaints from Pakistani members about how they didn't get enough land. Why you guys are never on a same page ? You should decide it for once and all whether you got too much or too little land.

LOL, Jinnah demands were maximalist. He even wanted Junnahgard in Pakistan (which is a Hindu majority land). Jinnah also wanted Calcutta in Pakistan (it was 75% Hindu back then :lol:).

So yes, ideally, British would have accepted everything Jinnah Sahib wanted----but we both know its unreasonable to think that.

In reality, partition was a total Muslim victory. Just 16% Muslims got 25% of the Indian land mass, and that too some of the most strategically important and resourceful lands. That's why Hindus are still resentful of the partition since they lost....alot.

Hindu inferiority-complex NY Times 2.png
Hehe no second partition. Absolutely not. You have got the land you want. Be happy with that.

My solution to Kashmir is this:

India accepts Pakistan side Kashmir. Pakistan accepts Indian side of Kashmir. That's it. You keep your land. We keep our land.

If you are showing concern for Indian Muslims, be read to take them. India shows concern for Pakistani Hindus and actually helps them to migrate to India. Pakistan just talks but doesn't do anything.
Not a single persecuted harassed beleaguered Indian Muslim leaves for Pakistan. Not even a goddamn single one ( except for few marriage alliances )

Their excuse ? Pakistanis dont want any Indian Muslim refugees. To bhai aap application hi dikha dein ki logo ne ki aur aapne reject kar di ki nahi chahiye refugee.

India is hell for muslims and pakistan is heaven. Yet no Indian muslims even TRIES to migrate to Pakistan. On the other side, the Pakistani Hindus just won't stop crossing over to India.

It means Pakistan got land of no value.
Guven Balochistan does no contribute even 15% of Pak GDPs, it's natural resources is way overestimated


"Balochistan is of no value"

It is literally THE MOST RESOURCEFUL province of Pakistan in terms of natural resources. But yeah, if that make you feel better.

Balochistan holds just 3% population of Pakistan, so obviously its GDP contribution is low. But without Balohistan, our industries in Punjab wouldn't have the gas to run their factories.

We are glad to have 25% of Indian landmass even though we just were 16% of the population :D

You can try to cope all you want :cry:
LOL, Jinnah demands were maximalist. He even wanted Junnahgard in Pakistan (which is a Hindu majority land). Jinnah also wanted Calcutta in Pakistan (it was 75% Hindu back then :lol:).

So yes, ideally, British would have accepted everything Jinnah Sahib wanted----but we both know its unreasonable to think that.

In reality, partition was a total Muslim victory. Just 16% Muslims got 25% of the Indian land mass, and that too some of the most strategically important and resourceful lands. That's why Hindus are still resentful of the partition since they lost....alot.

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We can quote 100 books showing Islam in extremely bad light. Things written there so blatant that they will seem downright blasphemous too you. Still you wanna get down to this business ? Say yes and we start showing you what is written in books about Islamic conquests. It will be hard for you to read all that though.
Brahmins- Vanyar elves
Other high castes- Noldor and Sindar elves.

Lower castes- Silvan and Laiquendi elves
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