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Do Pakistanis Regret That India did not convert?

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That's alright. Do you now promise to call each Pakistani member imbecile who says that Pakistan got way less land. I will tag you in every such comment now. Deal ?
LOL, Jinnah demands were maximalist. He even wanted Junnahgard in Pakistan (which is a Hindu majority land). Jinnah also wanted Calcutta in Pakistan (it was 75% Hindu back then :lol:).

So yes, ideally, British would have accepted everything Jinnah Sahib wanted----but we both know its unreasonable to think that.

In reality, partition was a total Muslim victory. Just 16% Muslims got 25% of the Indian land mass, and that too some of the most strategically important and resourceful lands. That's why Hindus are still resentful of the partition since they lost....alot.

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"Balochistan is of no value"

It is literally THE MOST RESOURCEFUL province of Pakistan in terms of natural resources. But yeah, if that make you feel better.

Balochistan holds just 3% population of Pakistan, so obviously its GDP contribution is low. But without Balohistan, our industries in Punjab wouldn't have the gas to run their factories.

We are glad to have 25% of Indian landmass even though we just were 16% of the population :D

You can try to cope all you want :cry:
Balochistan does not even controbute 30 billion dollar it has a lower GDP than all Indian states ezcept tiny states in North east.
So yes it is of no value
We can quote 100 books showing Islam in extremely bad light. Things written there so blatant that they will seem downright blasphemous too you. Still you wanna get down to this business ? Say yes and we start showing you what is written in books about Islamic conquests. It will be hard for you to read all that though.

How is it relevant? I showed you what a NY Times journalist found in India as he was visiting the country and interviewing people during Babri Mosque demolition fiasco.

I haven't posted anything 'bad' about Hinduism.

I already gave you books and sources confirming that Islam did not spread due to forced conversions. You haven't shown me a single counter-evidence from credible, academic sources.
Why would Pakistanis "regret" that Indians did not convert - to Islam, I suppose? Regret is a very strong word. As an Indian, I don't understand your question. Doesn't it occur to you that like us, they may have a million things to worry about, like paying bills, getting an education, earning money, looking after their families...I don't think they are as obsessed about 1000-year MahaBharat history as BJP IT cell workers.

Why will they honestly care what Indians did or did not do? Why will anyone?

A better way to rephrase your question would be: "Do the Pakistani dislike Indian Hindus" or something like that.

Just trying to help.
It's cute to see you believe that Muslims were so great a force that they would make every single person change their religion to Islam. Come on. They tried. The weaker of the lot did convert. Isn't it a shame that they failed to convert everyone and now you have to shout free will about your ancestors ? Sad.
Have you seen how holding innocent Muslims at knifepoint and with your filthy foot on their throats forces them to say "Jay shree ram"? Do you honestly believe it would have been difficult for an organised group of invaders to forcibly convert all Hindus at the tip of a sword hundreds of years ago when there was no UN, social media videos, police or anyone to cry to for help?

Do you know what happened to Aztecs, Incas, Native Americans, polytheist "barbarians" in Europe at the hands of organised Christian assaults? They were wiped out.

Even Buddhists were wiped out by your weak lot.

So it's perfectly possible to eradicate a nation if the will is there. The will for total "conquistador or crusade" type invasions simply wasn't there for Muslims in south Asia. No pope was directing these invasions.
Secondly, there was no "Pakistan" back then. It was Hindustan that got conquered and ruled over by Muslims. Muslim overlords of yours didn't rule "Pakistan"----They ruled Delhi, your capital. Your mental masturbations of "oh Pakistan got more conquered than us" won't save you from the reality. Your Hindu lands got conquered---not Muslim lands of Pakistan. :lol:

@Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Horus @Zarvan
It's so funny if it wasn't so ironical and pathetic.

People of Indus valley who were conquered by Arab marauders in 714 AD as making fun of Hindus of today's India whose capital Delhi was conquered after 500 years in 1192AD, because they converted to Islam leaving behind the religion of their glorious ancestors for thousands of years who were Hindus or Buddhists.
it wasnt in our fate to drink matas pishi! our ancestor took the smart decision!
Could there be another worst feign to be conquered, slaughter and converted by Muhammad Bin Qasim's Arab marauders? Look what he did to the people of 5000 years old civilization of Indus Valley.
That's alright. Do you now promise to call each Pakistani member imbecile who says that Pakistan got way less land. I will tag you in every such comment now. Deal ?

They aren't imbecile, but perfectionists.

In a perfect world, Pakistan would have gotten even Hindu majority areas under our control. In same perfect world, India would have gotten Karachi and Lahore too. But we both know it was not going to be.

Tag me whenever, don't care much. Btw, British did give some Muslim-majority districts to India and some Hindu-majority districts to Pakistan. There is a whole debate as to why they did that but its a long convo
It's so funny if it wasn't so ironical and pathetic.

People of Indus valley who are conquered by Arab marauders in 714 AD as making fun of Hindus of today's India whose capital Delhi was conquered after 500 years in 1192AD, because they converted to Islam leaving the religion of their glorious ancestors for thousands of years who were Hindus or Buddhists.

Could there be another worst feign to be conquered, slaughter and converted by Muhammad Bin Qasim's Arab marauders? Look what he did to the people of 5000 years old civilization of Indus Valley.
You're just a deliberate idiot on multiple threads I have noticed. The Aryans attempted to eradicate the IVC. This was before Islam even arose.
Why would Pakistanis "regret" that Indians did not convert - to Islam, I suppose? Regret is a very strong word. As an Indian, I don't understand your question. Doesn't it occur to you that like us, they may have a million things to worry about, like paying bills, getting an education, earning money, looking after their families...I don't think they are as obsessed about 1000-year MahaBharat history as BJP IT cell workers.

Why will they honestly care what Indians did or did not do? Why will anyone?

A better way to rephrase your question would be: "Do the Pakistani dislike Indian Hindus" or something like that.

Just trying to help.

You are too smart for BJP Hindutva incels. Let them be----the rest of the world laughs at their hilariously cringe takes. Let them be :D
Hehe no second partition. Absolutely not. You have got the land you want. Be happy with that.

My solution to Kashmir is this:

India accepts Pakistan side Kashmir. Pakistan accepts Indian side of Kashmir. That's it. You keep your land. We keep our land.

If you are showing concern for Indian Muslims, be read to take them. India shows concern for Pakistani Hindus and actually helps them to migrate to India. Pakistan just talks but doesn't do anything.
I'm answering your original question in this antimatter explosion of a thread you started, so relax. I'm illustrating my perfect theoretical solution, not anything realistic.
They aren't imbecile, but perfectionists.

In a perfect world, Pakistan would have gotten even Hindu majority areas under our control. In same perfect world, India would have gotten Karachi and Lahore too. But we both know it was not going to be.

Tag me whenever, don't care much. Btw, British did give some Muslim-majority districts to India and some Hindu-majority districts to Pakistan. There is a whole debate as to why they did that but its a long convo
No. I don't worry for perfection. Aristotle said we must not sacrifice good for best because best is unachievable.

So they are not perfectionists. They are uninformed imbeciles. You stay happy with your karachi and lahore and we stay happy with our Amritsar and Delhi. 1947 is history. Whatever land you got , less or more , that's it. Teach your compatriots to move on.
If you read history properly, it's the region comprising of present day Pakistan that has the most come under foreign domination. Can you tell me about Pakistan based Musllim empires? Pakistan also came under Maurya and Gupta rule.

So it's you who might be having inferiority complex.
Only thing dumb fucks like you forget is that more than half of this country is composed of the same people that were invading and kicking the shit out of your for a thousand years.. while the other half have been muslim for a thousand years with several indigenous states.

Sindh is perhaps the oldest nation state in south asia which has had several indigenous muslim dynasties through out ages.

There are more Pakhtun Baloch Turk etc in Pakistan than anywhere on the fkin planet.

while you moan here hundreds of years back we took dozens of thousands of your people as slaves. The descendants of whom can still be found in my native Balochistan. So perhaps tone down the BS.
The aim behind OP is to project the high caste Hindu knighthood in the sub continent . You guys give him the solace he wants .

However the history of the Muslim rule over subcontinent is well recorded and no Indian textbook board or Bollywood can temper it.
It's so funny if it wasn't so ironical and pathetic.

People of Indus valley who were conquered by Arab marauders in 714 AD as making fun of Hindus of today's India whose capital Delhi was conquered after 500 years in 1192AD, because they converted to Islam leaving behind the religion of their glorious ancestors for thousands of years who were Hindus or Buddhists.

Could there be another worst feign to be conquered, slaughter and converted by Muhammad Bin Qasim's Arab marauders? Look what he did to the people of 5000 years old civilization of Indus Valley.
he freed them from cow worship enlighten them with message of Prophet SAW and Islam

no no no cow is no bhagwan and pishi is no amrit WORD!
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