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Do Pakistanis Regret That India did not convert?

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This is another incredulous argument.
You know truth is exact opposite of your assumption.

The fact is so called 'untouchables' classified as untouchable during rules of Muslim invaders as they reared pig and pig is classified as dirty in Islamic culture. That's why you so few Dalit castes converted Islam. Even in Pakistan erstwhile dalit castes have become christiani or Masshi instead of converting to Islam as their conversion was discouraged.

You might as well read few books before making grossly wrong argument taken out of pure bigotry for people following your ancestral religion.

Arab historian Andalusī on ancient India


Then India will have release Pakistan from what has consumed it since Arab marauder Bin Qasim conquered it 1200 years ago.
What "argument" have I made that is "incredulous"?

Could those dalits convert to Christianity in your hindutva state? Dalits may escape from brahminism however they choose in Pakistan and under islamically ruled India. Why do you constantly try to indoctrinate people on these threads that Dalits are fine and dandy under brahminism? As a Muslim, I don't wish for dalits to automatically become Muslims. I wish for dalits to be free from oppression - there's a difference there. If they find that freedom in Islam or Christianity or atheism, I really don't care.

As for your rant regarding science and maths, remember your bstard Aryan invaders looted IVC knowledge and wealth centuries before Islam arrived in the subcontinent. As @Rusty points out in his comments, Muslims took your knowledge, but you took it off the IVC whom your forefathers brutalised and attempted to destroy. Pakistan is the revival of the IVC that you dreamed of eradicating. Do you know what Hindus call this ??....karma. Enjoy it.
Isn't this a weird argument. So the whole Pakistan, Persia converted. You don't have a problem with that. But you say that the whole India didn't convert so Islam was not forced. So you are just looking at one side of the picture.
I guess what he meant to say that muslims did not behave like christians they behaved in such a way where other religious practises are given their due freedoms. But with time due to activity of Islamic preachers people converted voluntarily however there were some instances of forceful conversions no denial about that but the conversion was peaceful in majority cases.
A single mosque destroyed and so much bitterness. Hundreds of temples destroyed and conversation at consent. Yeah. Sure.
Because unlike you, we ACTUALLY CARE about our places of worship.

Which would you rather have? (Only Muslims answer this)

1. Fully Islamic India
2. Pakistan
Fully Islamic India.
The topic has spiralled out of control it seems.

@waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM It would be better to close this topic. Shouldn't have started this in the first place I guess.
I will try to answer, living in past would not answer the present realities. As it open for many other possible scenario and one of it can be that India would not have been divided such if there were only one faith it would have been named as Hindustan and it would encompass all geographical barriers. And that is just one situation out of millions and billions possible situations. The answer is only for mental mustarbation it would give some joy and relief but that's it.
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