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Do Pakistanis Regret That India did not convert?

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Hey, gaavti, I know it's hard for you magar can you stop making an *** out of yourself in an international forum like this one. The quoted text is the most insanely stupid comment I ever read - who the hell are you to tell "X" nationality whether or not they should live in "Y" country? I am not being mean but trying to be really helpful.

Consider this good old-fashioned ragging which you are surely aware of as it happens in Indian colleges.

Once a gaavti does not have to mean always a gaavti. It's time to upgrade yourself.
It's gavthi and not gaavti.

You look like a North Indian living in Maharashtra. Can't expect better from you when you use a word to describe villagers as an abuse. Anyway I live in Pune so I'm not a villager.

And I respect gavkaris who farm in villages and give us food unlike you.

And do you comprehend that some polytheist practices back then may have been so vulgar that they needed destruction? This is what advanced nations did to relieve those who were suffering even back then. How would you respond if you came across a land of downtrodden Dalits and children being sacrificed all under the auspices of a ruling clerical class operating with impunity from their temples, exploiting their notion of "religion" simply to exploit the weak? You might just lose it completely if you're enlightened beyond such barbarism. And yet, once the backwards inhumanity was relatively controlled, there was no desire to completely eradicate your people - far from it. As long as a degree of humanity was observed, why would Muslims waste their efforts trying to eradicate Hindus?
I think the US should eradicate Afghanistan then if Afghans are involved in savage practices like bacha baazi, stoning people to death, beheading people, etc.

You post one article of some Godman and consider all Hindus to follow it. Your arguments just make no sense.
So you would be happier to accept that your ancestral Aryan Vedic civilization which was for more than 2000 year old till 714 AD it was conquered by Muhammad Bin Qasim's Arab marauders ? Okay, all right. :)

Are you proud to he a Hindu?
you clearly are
Have you ever considered that the earth is about 4 Billion years old and all life is related to each other?
At one point in that 4 billion years your ancestors were not Hindus.
If at one point your ancestors were not Hindus, then there was a point where they "converted" to Hinduism.
What ever that means.
That is the human condition. We grow, evolve, change.
Your internalized hatred for Muslims is based on such a children fairy tales that even children can see past it.

It's like telling the British "Your ancestors used to eat blood sausages, but now you eat hot dogs and this makes me angry"

What a silly state of life you are in.
Anything you can and will accuse Muslims of doing, your ancestors have done.
That is the human condition. You are not special.
It's gavthi and not gaavti.

You look like a North Indian living in Maharashtra. Can't expect better from you when you use a word to describe villagers as an abuse. Anyway I live in Pune so I'm not a villager.

And I respect gavkaris who farm in villages and give us food unlike you.

Sorry about the misspelling, gavthi. I love Maharashtrians, I really do. It's the best state in India. Aamchi Mumbai is the best place..Pune is a close second. Hell, I'll say Pune is better.

The more important point is you should watch out where you are posting. This is not an India-based forum...everyone's eyes are on Indians. You have to be the best version of yourself, and not come of as less intelligent. I have hopes for you: don't disappoint me.

I am sorry if you felt I insulted the villagers and farmers i.e. your extended family. But you should stop giving me reasons to do that. I just can't help picking on others weaknesses, it comes naturally to me.

. How would you respond if you came across a land of downtrodden Dalits and children being sacrificed all under the auspices of a ruling clerical class operating with impunity from their temples, exploiting their notion of "religion" simply to exploit the weak? You might just lose it completely if you're enlightened beyond such barbarism.

If the medieval conquests of south Asia by various Muslim groups was the equivalent of a nuclear bomb, then these downtrodden sods would have been grateful to be nuked.
This is another incredulous argument.
You know truth is exact opposite of your assumption.

The fact is so called 'untouchables' classified as untouchable during rules of Muslim invaders as they reared pig and pig is classified as dirty in Islamic culture. That's why you so few Dalit castes converted Islam. Even in Pakistan erstwhile dalit castes have become christiani or Masshi instead of converting to Islam as their conversion was discouraged.
You don't actually need to go back thousands of years to realise the things anyone coming to India had to deal with on their collective conscience.
You might as well read few books before making grossly wrong argument taken out of pure bigotry for people following your ancestral religion.

Arab historian Andalusī on ancient India


Just like the present day, Pakistan might have to nuke India with a "Babur" to provide the same release.

Then India will have release Pakistan from what has consumed it since Arab marauder Bin Qasim conquered it 1200 years ago.
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Sorry about the misspelling, gavthi. I love Maharashtrians, I really do. It's the best state in India. Aamchi Mumbai is the best place..Pune is a close second. Hell, I'll say Pune is better.

The more important point is you should watch out where you are posting. This is not an India-based forum...everyone's eyes are on Indians. You have to be the best version of yourself, and not come of as less intelligent. I have hopes for you: don't disappoint me.

I am sorry if you felt I insulted the villagers and farmers i.e. your extended family. But you should stop giving me reasons to do that. I just can't help picking on others weaknesses, it comes naturally to me.

I don't need to prove myself to anyone. Especially not you who insult villagers by abusing them.

I respect North Indians/South Indians who come to Maharashtra and work hard and mix with the locals. But I don't respect people like you.

Yes, my distant relatives still work in villages and that doesn't make me look down on them just because my grandparents migrated to a city.

You certainly look like a fake poster though.
Can you break it into religions?

Religion in India (2011 Census)[54]

Hinduism (79.8%)
Islam (14.2%)
Christianity (2.3%)
Sikhism (1.7%)
Buddhism (0.7%)
Jainism (0.4%)
Zoroastrianism (0.2%)
Judaism (0.2%)
Tribal Religion (0.2%)
Baha'i Faith (0.1%)
Religion not stated (0.2%)

But the real issue is about the division of Hindu population in caste based divide...read that Brahmins are about 3% of Pop.

Other higher castes like Kshatriyas and Vaishya makes about 18-20% of population, So higher castes(three top of them) is about 20-22% of Hindu population. About 45% of Hindu population is OBC/ST/SC, and lower caste Dalits(rather out of the caste).

Religion in India (2011 Census)[54]

Hinduism (79.8%)
Islam (14.2%)
Christianity (2.3%)
Sikhism (1.7%)
Buddhism (0.7%)
Jainism (0.4%)
Zoroastrianism (0.2%)
Judaism (0.2%)
Tribal Religion (0.2%)
Baha'i Faith (0.1%)
Religion not stated (0.2%)

But the real issue is about the division of Hindu population in caste based divide...read that Brahmins are about 3% of Pop.

Other higher castes like Kshatriyas and Vaishya makes about 18-20% of population, So higher castes(three top of them) is about 20-22% of Hindu population.

I thought Muslims didn't believe in caste system.
Are you trying to troll?
What kind of nonsense question is that?
Because I see Muslims more obsessed with the caste system than Hindus.

Oh, not that one again. In what sense I am fake, gavthi? According to you, am I an Indian? A Pakistani? Can you please clarify objectively?
I really don't care. You can go on posting whatever you want. I just said I have my doubts. Many Indian posters will agree on my doubts.
Because I see Muslims more obsessed with the caste system than Hindus.
So in your mind, describing something that exists means your obsessed with it?

Seriously, I am trying not to use strong language but what the hell is wrong with you?

Do you deny that the cast system exists?
So what is wrong describing it?
I really think this thread should be closed now. I had my reservations of whether people would take the question in the right spirit. But apparently not.
Because I see Muslims more obsessed with the caste system than Hindus.

I really don't care. You can go on posting whatever you want. I just said I have my doubts. Many Indian posters will agree on my doubts.

Most of the Indian posters here are stupid, and on drugs, man. Do you want to be like them?

I respect Shivaji maharaj. Now let's discuss how we can upgrade you from gaavthi to civilized person.

What do you exactly doubt? No you can't say you don't care as you started it. Am I an Indian, according to you? A Pakistani? Which one was it? You said North Indian in Maharashtra. Come on figure me out.

(This is more fun that I thought):yahoo:

I really think this thread should be closed now. I had my reservations of whether people would take the question in the right spirit. But apparently not.

You're not the moderator, gaavthi. Again, why do you think the mods should entertain your opinion? Why
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