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Do Pakistanis Regret That India did not convert?

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You are welcome to put forth your counters to my views and your own insights etc. I welcome discussion :)
I have created a new thread on the same subject - this subject comes up all the time...

In short, it is like this - large parts of Bulgaria and Balkans actually became muslims. There are two nations in the Balkans that are Muslim - Bosnia and Armenia. There would have been more - but for Christian Russia on the border of Bulgaria and The Holy Roman Empire on the border of Balkans.

Muslims of Bulgaria were actually forcefully converted to Christianity in the recent past. Same with Greece. Otherwise the South East Europe would have many many more Muslim people.
People from harsh climate are generally harder to convince to change their ways. That is why whatever transpired in 7th century Arabia is considered a miracle.

Then why is it so hard to convince Indians?
Some had converted. We will definitely see more conversions
Nice joke:-). Earlier, once people converted to Islam, they were not allowed to convert back to Hinduism. Re-conversion to Hinduism might have started in Maharashtra under Shivaji Maharaj who converted Muslims back to Hinduism.

It was not forced. Only those who were willing. I have given example of Netaji Palkar.
It is actually a proof of superiority of caste system. Because of rigid Hindu caste structure, conversion rate was much lower.

Example: Buddhist majority Afghnaistan converted entirely just like all Buddhists in Bengal but fewer hindus in Bengal converted.

Infact majority of muslim converts from Hinduism were from lower caste and not from upper castes like myself.

Hindu inferiority-complex is well known. Everyone talks about it. Even Trump supporters in US (the same Trump your Hindus worship as God)


Not only that, European historians, anthropologists, and even journalists traveling to India have written in detail about the famed Hindu inferiority-complex vis-a-vis Muslims.

Here are some samples.

Atlantic, 1958

New York Times, 1995

Secondly, there was no "Pakistan" back then. It was Hindustan that got conquered and ruled over by Muslims. Muslim overlords of yours didn't rule "Pakistan"----They ruled Delhi, your capital. Your mental masturbations of "oh Pakistan got more conquered than us" won't save you from the reality. Your Hindu lands got conquered---not Muslim lands of Pakistan. :lol:
The vast majority of rural “folk Hindus” (mostly lower castes) living in villages, are polytheists who believe in several deity who has power over their area or region or profession or some other aspects. This can sometimes turn very ugly, and cases of child sacrifice / child marriage / ritual prostitution are not unknown, though they are rarer than they used to be. That is paganism, though the PC brigade won’t like me saying so.

The second category is upper-caste Hindus who have a complex and detailed cosmology and theology. In effect, they are monotheists, but their monotheism is very different from that of the Abrahamic religions. They are often sympathetic but condescending to “folk Hinduism”, and view their own belief systems as being more highly evolved (which they are) and truer (which is also true in a relative, not absolute, sense.) While most of them belive in Para Brahman (supreme one God) but also worship other deities as gods of a lower category.

The third category, emerging these days, is popular among young and middle-aged, middle- and upper-class individuals, and can be charitably termed “New Age Hinduism.” These people reject the more obvious forms of temple worship and ritual, shun superstition in public (but often embrace it in private), but are into Yoga, New Age techniques (reiki, pranic healing, crystals, aromas, etc… :p), and the like. They believe in “God” in an impersonal sense, and often describe themselves as “spiritual, but not religious”. Most popular “gurus” and “yoga teachers” cater to this audience.
They did. There were Maratha prisoners taken in the battle of Panipat who settled in Balochistan. They were converted entirely to Islam.

They belong to the Marhatta Qaumil ittehad.
The Maratha Baloch. Rare case. Guess where Pakistan has a problem now?

Also, just exposes the intolerance.

If Muslims are reconverted back to the Hindu fold, Pakistan should not cry about it.
It is actually a proof of superiority of caste system. Because of rigid Hindu caste structure, conversion rate was much lower.

Example: Buddhist majority Afghnaistan converted entirely just like all Buddhists in Bengal but fewer hindus in Bengal converted.

Infact majority of muslim converts from Hinduism were from lower caste and not from upper castes like myself.


Did Caste-system not exist in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei etc? These regions were 90%+ Hindu and Hinduism got erased by Islam there----without any conquest even.

Islam completely cucked Hindusim. Erased it from vast territories of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia etc. Your holy lands along Sindhu river lies under Islamic domination today. The remaining India was cut-into-pieces and Muslims formed two Islamic states out of it.

Infact, in 1947----16% of Muslims got almost 25% of Indian landmass. You still have 200m+ Muslims while Hindus went from 22% of Bangladesh to 8.5% today.

Sit down, you can not change the absolute domination Islam has had over weak Hinduism. You have been reduced to just one region (India). That's your destiny. You can't change it.
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