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Do Pakistanis Regret That India did not convert?

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Ok, so this might be a bit of a controversial topic. The mods can close this one down if it gets out of hand. I'm just opening this one for intellectual purposes and so that Pakistanis can think about the possibilities.

The main reason for me to talk about this is that I have observed many Pakistanis talking about Muslim rule. Post Independence, there was the Kashmir dispute that is still going on to this day. Do Pakistanis think that if the whole of India would have been converted to Islam like them by the Turks, Afghans, Uzbeks, etc, that there wouldn't have been any Kashmir headache for them? Do you guys feel that the invaders should have been more serious about Islam and the conversion of kaffirs of the Indian subcontinent to that religion?

Would India and Pakistan still would have been separate? How would the Muslims looked at Hinduism which would have been an extinct religion by now? Would Muslims have an affinity for Hinduism like the Greeks have for the Greek philosophers and the Persians have for the pre-Islamic Persian empires?

Would Indian origin Muslims would have even risen up against foreign Muslim rule? Or would there have been just a continuation of Mughal rule? Would the Turks might have migrated in more numbers to India to consolidate their rule or spread the extent of the Ottoman empire?
Would the Indian Muslims had allowed that?
going back 10 pages just to find the owner being a yindian! Not surprised since only these creatures would open such an ignorant post...

REGRETTING IS NOT AN OPTION AS FORCEFUL CONVERSATIONS ARE A BIG TIME SIN IN ISLAM! you would've known that had you just bothered to do some research on google!

end of discussion!
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There is not much of a tension. We look at everyone as Indians.

I know you say to them you are great Maratha and they are Indians.

Infact you would chant Jai Maharashtra more vigorously than Jai Hind.

Its just your ways.
I know you say to them you are great Maratha and they are Indians.

Infact you would chant Jai Maharashtra more vigorously than Jai Hind.

Its just your ways.
Do you know Marathi people first say Jai Hind and then Jai Maharashtra at the end of a speech.

We are proud of being Indian first and then proud of being Marathi second.
Do you know Marathi people first say Jai Hind and then Jai Maharashtra at the end of a speech.

We are proud of being Indian first and then proud of being Marathi second.

That's not what WhatsApp groups say
He is Rajasthani.
So you will tell others who I am? My ancestors migrated from Rajasthan hundreds of years ago and are now considered as Marathas.

Rajasthan is just a distant past now.

But I don't believe in the caste system. Caste system will be completely uprooted from India in a few years.
So you will tell others who I am? My ancestors migrated from Rajasthan hundreds of years ago and are now considered as Marathas.

Rajasthan is just a distant past now.

So you are refugee in Maharashtra?

What's the going adhaar card rate?
going back 10 pages just to find the owner being a yindian! Not surprised since only these creatures would open such an ignorant post...

REGRETTING IS NOT AN OPTION AS FORCEFUL CONVERSATIONS ARE A BIG TIME SIN IN ISLAM! you would've known that had you just bothered to do some research on google!

end of discussion!

Many people would not be Muslim without Islamic conquest
Because that's what logical commanders would do to enemy positions of power and corruption.

See what the Soviets did to the Reichstag building or the New Reich Chancellery.
LOL Did the communist soviets go around destroying Churches?

Or take the example of the British Raj is in India, British ruled over largest area in the subcontinent for 200 years. And never did in one instance, destroyed a single temple or looted it in those 200 years. Because they were civilized men compared to barbarian Muslim marauders.

I am not even going to the instances of criminal activities in temples. Like the pornographic depictions on temple walls in the past to the rapes of children (remember Kathua?) in the present. The Hindu way of life is beyond any comparison.
You are bigot of worst kind. And there lies reason why there is communal tension in India about which you cry hoarse and play victim card . Tell me why Taliban destroyed Bamiyan statue of Buddha?? Or why Isis destroys ancient tetrapylon monument in Palmyra?? Are they sites of criminal activities too ??

You talk about one Kathua ?? I can give ten examples worse than Kathua done by Muslims.
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