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Do Pakistanis Regret That India did not convert?

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I asked a simple question. Do you believe if Marathas become Muslims they abandon their culture and tradition and become invaders?
Unlike North Indians, not many Marathas have converted to Islam. You'll very rarely find a Marathi Muslim who's mother tongue is Marathi. Muslims who speak Marathi, actually have Hindi as their mother tongue and have migrated from North India.

Islam just doesn't suit where I live and seeing Maratha Muslims in majority will be just weird.
You talk about Turkic tribes and then say Pakistan ruled India.

Show me where I said that? :rofl:

Now that I've left you speechless with this reply

Your example is stupid. Indian Christians can't claim to be inheritors of British conquest of India because it was British conquest and they never settled here. Muslim conquests of India became localized as Muslim empires settled here, intermarried, and adopted India as their home. Mughals weren't ruling India as a 'foreign territory' from Central Asia (Like British did to India from London). Mughals, especially after Babur, ruled India as their home.

Pakistanis take pride in the Muslim conquest of India. There was no Pakistan back then. Do you remember our DG ISI Ahmed Shuja Pasha? Guess who are Pashas? A Turkic tribe! Guess who were Mughals? Another Turkic tribe. Moreover, we are the largest Pashtun country in the world. Do you want me to list Pashtun generals who conquered Delhi and formed empires in India?

Your inferiority-complex stricken rants won't change history my friend. Pakistan is the natural inheritor of Islamic rule in the subcontinent, and hence we take pride in the Muslim rule of subcontinent that was based locally, not from a foreign capital like British rule was.

You are opting to strawman me. I only talked about why we take pride in Muslim rule of India (not Pakistani rule since there was no Pakistan back then. Today, Turks take pride in the Ottoman rule of Europe/Middle-East---but majority of Turks aren't Ottoman themselves. But Turkey is the natural inheritor of Ottoman empire, just like Pakistan is a natural inheritor of Islamic rule in India).

Stop quoting me now. Thank you.
Why Marathis did not become Muslim?
There were many Bhakti saints in Maharashtra. Also, Maratha empire started in Maharashtra.

There have been instances where Marathas had converted to Islam though. Netaji Palkar who was one of the leading Maratha generals had converted to Islam after joining the Mughals. Later, he rejoined the Maratha army and Shivaji Maharaj reconverted him back to Hinduism. Maybe he was just a spy of Shivaji Maharaj.

Hindu inferiority-complex is well known. Everyone talks about it. Even Trump supporters in US (the same Trump your Hindus worship as God)
Hindu inferiority-Scott Geerer 3.png

Not only that, European historians, anthropologists, and even journalists traveling to India have written in detail about the famed Hindu inferiority-complex vis-a-vis Muslims.

Here are some samples.

Atlantic, 1958

New York Times, 1995
Hindu inferiority-complex NY Times 1.png
Hindu inferiority-complex NY Times 2.png
Hindu inferiority-complex NY Times 3.png

Secondly, there was no "Pakistan" back then. It was Hindustan that got conquered and ruled over by Muslims. Muslim overlords of yours didn't rule "Pakistan"----They ruled Delhi, your capital. Your mental masturbations of "oh Pakistan got more conquered than us" won't save you from the reality. Your Hindu lands got conquered---not Muslim lands of Pakistan. :lol:

@Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Horus @Zarvan


  • Hindu inferiority-complex NY Times 3.png
    Hindu inferiority-complex NY Times 3.png
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Why Marathis did not become Muslim?

Most of the people in Asia follow the religion of their respective kings. Marathas are not forbidden from Islam, its just historically the nationalist xenophobic kings choose to pay tribute to keep their ways.

Its a matter of honor for some tribes to continue their ways despite what age and time or which parallel universe one is in.
You are opting to strawman me. I only talked about why we take pride in Muslim rule of India (not Pakistani rule since there was no Pakistan back then. Today, Turks take pride in the Ottoman rule of Europe/Middle-East---but majority of Turks aren't Ottoman themselves. But Turkey is the natural inheritor of Ottoman empire, just like Pakistan is a natural inheritor of Islamic rule in India).

Stop quoting me now. Thank you.
Ok tell me are you a Turk? If you are a Turk, you can take pride if you want and if it makes you happy lol.
Unlike North Indians, not many Marathas have converted to Islam. You'll very rarely find a Marathi Muslim who's mother tongue is Marathi. Muslims who speak Marathi, actually have Hindi as their mother tongue and have migrated from North India.

Islam just doesn't suit where I live and seeing Maratha Muslims in majority will be just weird.
I know i just explained why.

you are as Jinnah put it. Incorrigible. Maybe it was just his Sindhi bias but it is what it is.

you shall do what your ancestors did and so shall your kin as you did.
But saffron has a sweet scent.

only when you put fire close it it
Most of the people in Asia follow the religion of their respective kings. Marathas are not forbidden from Islam, its just historically the nationalist xenophobic kings choose to pay tribute to keep their ways.

Its a matter of honor for some tribes to continue their ways despite what age and time or which parallel universe one is in.
Hehe how convenient. I know it irks you.

you are as Jinnah put it. Incorrigible. Maybe it was just his Sindhi bias but it is what it is.

you shall do what your ancestors did and so shall your kin as you did.
We have mutual feelings towards Pakistanis. We too feel that some of you are incorrigible.
Ok tell me are you a Turk? If you are a Turk, you can take pride if you want and if it makes you happy lol.


No, I am a Muslim, and hence I take pride in the unprecedented Islamic domination of India. Pakistan is the natural inheritor of Islamic governance/rule in the subcontinent. I am a Pakistani too. So I take pride in Muslim rule of India even more.

Tell me, do North Indians who are not Marathas don't take pride in Maratha rule in some of parts of India that arose after Mughal decline? They do, but they arent Maratha. So why do they do that? :D Same is the reason as to why Pakistanis take pride in Muslim rule of India.
Hehe how convenient. I know it irks you.

Trust me the money has always been worth it

We have mutual feelings towards Pakistanis. We too feel that some of you are incorrigible.

Pakistan you fail to remember is an ideological state.

For you that literally translates into clash of civilisation.

This is where the anxiety is coming from. I wonder if you believe lockdown is some conspiracy and Muslims have encircled you again
Bulgaria, Balkans, and so many other territories didn't convert to Islam even after staying under Muslim rule for centuries. You think Turks give two shits about it? Lol.

Unlike Christians, Muslims did not impose Islam and forcefully converted people. So we don't care whether India converted or not.

Its Hindus' self mental-masturbation where they think that Hindus "resisted" Muslims and didn't "convert" :lol:(Even though there wasn't any effort to convert 100% Hindus to Islam). Seeing the history of complete and total domination/Humiliation of Hindus at the hands of superior Muslims---Hindus invent such narratives to feel less embarrassed about their history of defeats and losses.

The post below is one such effort, IMO. No Turk thinks "Oh we should have converted entire Greece/Bulgaria to Islam"....Similarly, no Pakistani ever thinks that all of India should have converted to islam.

We don't care either ways
Pakistan you fail to remember is an ideological state.

For you that literally translates into clash of civilisation.

This is where the anxiety is coming from. I wonder if you believe lockdown is some conspiracy and Muslims have encircled you again
We don't have any anxiety. You needn't worry about that. Everyone knows who the major power has been in India for atleast 300 years.

Most of the educated elite fighting against the Britishers were Hindus. Heck, the major party for Independence was headed by Hindus.

We have been consistently progressive for so many years now. It actually helps us when you are stuck in your ideology.

I just hope India doesn't get stuck in its ideology.
they changed caste system for those who accepted Islam but for hindus they didnot enforce it as then you hindus would be accusing them of interfering in your religion and forcing change of hindu religion by Muslims
Duh. You must be kidding. The first thing Muslim invaders did was to destroy Hindu temples.
There is hardly any temple left in North India which is more than 400 years old as they are all destroyed. You wont find an old Hindu temple in Delhi which isn't damaged or destroyed.

sample this :
Here is the Persian historian Vassaf relating with elation the reduction of Cambay in Gujarat by the forces of Alauddin Khilji:

" The Muhammadan forces began to kill and slaughter on the right and on the left unmercifully, through the impure land, for the sake of Islam, and blood flowed in ********. They plundered gold and silver to an extent greater than can be conceived … They took captive a great number of handsome and elegant maidens, amounting to 20,000, and children of both sexes, more than the pen can enumerate … In short, the Muhammadan army brought the country to utter ruin, and destroyed the lives of the inhabitants, and plundered the cities, and captured their offspring, so that many temples were deserted and the idols were broken and trodden under foot, the largest of which was one called Somnat, fixed upon stone, polished like a mirror, of charming shape and admirable workmanship. The Muhammadan soldiers plundered all those jewels and rapidly set themselves to demolish the idol. The surviving infidels were deeply affected with grief, and they engaged to pay a thousand pieces of gold as ransom for the idol, but they were indignantly rejected, and the idol was destroyed, and its limbs, which were anointed with ambergris and perfumed, were cut off. The fragments were conveyed to Delhi, and the entrance of the Jama Masjid was paved with them, that people might remember and talk of this brilliant victory. ‘Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds, Amen! "
Duh. You must be kidding. The first thing Muslim invaders did was to destroy Hindu temples.
There is hardly any temple left in North India which is more than 400 years old as they are all destroyed. You wont find an old Hindu temple in Delhi which isn't damaged or destroyed.
Because that's what logical commanders would do to enemy positions of power and corruption.

See what the Soviets did to the Reichstag building or the New Reich Chancellery.

I am not even going to the instances of criminal activities in temples. Like the pornographic depictions on temple walls in the past to the rapes of children (remember Kathua?) in the present. The Hindu way of life is beyond any comparison.
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