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Do Pakistanis like America?

Apart from a line or two about indians the rest of my comment is about Pakistanis and USA's immigrants in general...Try to read our comments completely before shouting at our faces..

Oh please, my post was intended at those one or two lines. They weren't needed in the first place.
Oh please, my post was intended at those one or two lines. They weren't needed in the first place.

well you did mention Pakistanis..along with others..so it was only fair for me to do the same..Although my comments have been much more detailed than your one and two liners...So next time try to read comments before lashing out.
well you did mention Pakistanis..along with others..so it was only fair for me to do the same..Although my comments have been much more detailed than your one and two liners...So next time try to read comments before lashing out.

In other words you just repeated, what I already said in the first place !

That is why I said, no need to be obsessed with 'rebutting' anything/everything an Indian says , even though you are going to only say the same thing as the Indian.

Well you earned your brownie point and let me not be obsessed with further replying to you as you would anyway say the same thing as me.
In other words you just repeated, what I already said in the first place !

That is why I said, no need to be obsessed with 'rebutting' anything/everything an Indian says , even though you are going to only say the same thing as the Indian.

Well you earned your brownie point and let me not be obsessed with further replying to you as you would anyway say the same thing as me.

Good :tup:
@safriz & bilalhaider,

I ask you guys, do you know how to read (& understand) plain English ?

Before anyone starts venting off his steam here, let me add that is true world over especially in the developing countries & that includes India.

I knew the fit that would be thrown and that is why I wrote the above line... So again, why so much steam ? Don't post 'rebuttals' just for the sake of my flags. Not everything an Indian writes needs to be argued with.

You failed to understand that my post was not a rebuttal to your post (I did not think you were just talking about Pakistanis, because you clearly mentioned developing countries including India), but more a clarification that it is futile to talk about how many immigrate here (or want to), speaking as a legal immigrant here myself, I can say that I don't owe anything (besides my taxes & other legal requirements) to this nation, because I fulfilled my legal requirements to become a citizen, & gave a lot of myself for this country. So I got something from America, & they got a lot out of me & my family.
Yes and we all know how he was re-elected.
Took them weeks to manipulate the vote count.

You know wrong. He was re-elected by a comfortable margin. You were talking about the first election, not the second.

---------- Post added at 07:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 AM ----------

Why is it that it only the Americans who are brainwashed, why can't it be that you guys are the ones who have had the wash job?
This is my take. Most Pakistani's don't hate US. Pakistani's hate US policies but I am sure that a common Pakistani does not hate a common American, not at all or else they wouldn't be migrating to US every year.

Similarly, few dumb Americans hate Pakistan blindly because they have been watching too much CNN lately but the smart one's know that Pakistan is a smart country with smart people and what media portray about Pakistan is not always true.

Everybody must watch these videos. An American who moved to Pakistan for good cause!
World: The Improbable American - nytimes.com/video - YouTube


Dil Dil Pakistan by Todd Shea Post by Zagham - YouTube
who here wants to hear to the truth?

Do Pakistanis hate America? overwhelming majority in Pakistan do, its kinda understandable honestly from their perspective.. does not mean it is warranted.

I would not fall for the we don't hate american public just govt --- a bomb goes off in america and most of them will be smiling internally and some will openly. ( why bs - it is what it is)

do ' most' Pakistani Americans hate the US? yes - they do, but dare not say it if an American polling company calls them and asks.

Again, they want the opportunity in the US, they covet the freedom , they love the lifestyle and standard of living.

Look- this not a 'pulling out a hat assumption' from me- look at them here... you even had a few ( correct that 98% of pakistani americans ), wishing for Americas destruction '' @ the very hand that feeds them'

that's the honest truth

HAVING SAID THAT: I always tell my friends that America assimilates people from all of the world by far the best. Pakistani Brits are by far the most radical of all I've met( again majority of the younger generation)- the US Pakistanis on the other hand are by far a more muted and live and let live bunch . I've know US Pakistani group for long nd they themselves say they get astonished at the radicalism of the Pakistanis in UK. I'm not making this stuff up! ...
We don't hate Americans.. We just hate this "War on terror"

We have been on a roller coaster ride together.. we have had our ups and downs.
We don't hate anyone but we love our sovereignty most , who ever comes to ruin it don't matter they are terrorist or some state we are determined to protect it , no matter its America or any other country.

1. First of all is it true that majority of Pakistanis want to immigrate to America?
nope, they only want prosperous life to live and every one has desire to get it they can get it here also if country develops.

2. If it is true then why is that? Does money takes precedence over everything?Is it hypocrisy?
Not true.
I like Americans but i don't like their govt its pure full of ZIONIST Israeli "Muslim killers" infact do each and everything in favor of Israel. Even they damn care about their own people (Americans) that's what actually US govt is!
Indians when it suits them start talking behalf of west and now they r talking on our behalf?

we don't hate americans we have issues on their foreign policy ( specially in our muslim world )

There's way more Indians in US than there are Pakistanis so Indians shouldn't make propaganda against Pakistanis because the regular American Joe can not tell a Pakistani apart from an Indian, Afghan, Iranian, Arab, etc.. (although we Pakistanis can tell us apart), but regular ignorant American Joe can not tell us apart from others from our region.

Remember after 9/11, more Indian Sikhs were targeted than Pakistanis. And there is more of a chance bumping into an Indian in USA than a Pakistani. Over 1 million Indians live in the U.S., while only 250,000 Pakistanis live in the U.S. There are way more Pakistanis in UK, UAE, and Saudi Arabia than there are in U.S., and most Pakistani-Americans have been living in U.S. since the 70's and 80's when Pak-US. relations were good, now days you see Indians coming from Delhi and Mumbai everyday.
There's way more Indians in US than there are Pakistanis so Indians shouldn't make propaganda against Pakistanis because the regular American Joe can not tell a Pakistani apart from an Indian, Afghan, Iranian, Arab, etc.. (although we Pakistanis can tell us apart), but regular ignorant American Joe can not tell us apart from others from our region.

Remember after 9/11, more Indian Sikhs were targeted than Pakistanis. And there is more of a chance bumping into an Indian in USA than a Pakistani. Over 1 million Indians live in the U.S., while only 250,000 Pakistanis live in the U.S. There are way more Pakistanis in UK, UAE, and Saudi Arabia.

sorry bro.. but actuall figure is about 500,000 this not including Pakistani's born in the U.S.
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