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Discussion: Illegal crackdown on PTI

That's why I said I have heard it shows last 24 hours activity.. otherwise trends won't give way to other current trends ever..

Imagine this trend.. if everyone stops tweeting it, even then it will remain on top for the years to come.. Current trend means you have to see the current numbers.

Important thing is that, people are not letting it slip.. oonch neech aayegi, but overall, it will remain over 2 million for the next couple of days at least.
But the phenomenon is hourly, one hour ago tweets will be 3.5 million, next hour they will be 3.2, also few hours later 1.6 million.
But the phenomenon is hourly, one hour ago tweets will be 3.5 million, next hour they will be 3.2, also few hours later 1.6 million.
Yes, so those hours where the trend slows down, it is because 24 hours back, the activity slowed down It could be due to people taking rest etc..
Good to see you back brother. It is about time you guys made a comeback on PDF.

This is only the beginning of tyranny that will be launched against PTI. These tyrants want to erase PTI and its leadership. They have engaged in total war. They have started something very sinister. As long as Imran Khan exists these stooges will feel insecure and threatened.

Don't be surprised if the majority of the Pak army and security apparatus turned against Bajwa. I am just giving a hint. How long can a soldier stand quiet and undermine his country? What you will see now is how Bajwa and his henchmen will go to extreme lenghts to secure their treachery. For how long?

You mean General Bajwa, not the Institution.
Why are you guys placing imran over the institution. People like IK come and go.

Bhutto, zia, ayub, musharaf all went away but the institution remained. If you're running smear campaigns against the army on this forum then i am reporting it.

I guess some heat need to be applied to this forum as well.
Brother, welcome to the state of mind and same experience opposition had been complaining about in years gone by. Journalists picked up, kangaroo courts set up, ECL and NAB employed without reason on trumped up charges, illegal detentions, implicit threats, media blackout via phone calls to owners or via PEMRA.

This is NOT new. We've been seeing this Pakistan for years. I'm sorry to say PTI folks are only now seeing it because they are no longer beneficiaries but on the receiving end.
I believe when state institutes are used for political purposes this then leads to chaos. Pti also been doing the same. When people spoke against Generals they were labelled as security threat, arrested etc. The exact is happening with Pti. This may be abit too much for some people but Tlp might have been extreme and blund but they were patriotic Pakistanis, nor they were terrorists. You watch old videos from 2001 till now. Tlp and co always protested against terrorism, they sacrificed lives and scholars when noone would defend army. The same people were declared as terrorist by Pti government. They too wanted IK to say absolutely NOT to Europe when they made cartoons on Holy Prophet peace be upon him, when they mocked him. Fawad Ch on record said we dont own social media so can't stop this but anything anti army was removed. Now Pti is on the opposite end.

We should not have double standards. Today army is bad because Pti lost power, and Usa is condemned because Pti lost power. When Holy Prophet peace be upon him was mocked then people were worried about image and trade.

Pti needs to control its people, call for new elections and then try to win the next elections. We all are against what happened to IK but elections is the only solution. Let the people decide.

Why are you guys placing imran over the institution. People like IK come and go.

Bhutto, zia, ayub, musharaf all went away but the institution remained. If you're running smear campaigns against the army on this forum then i am reporting it.

I guess some heat need to be applied to this forum as well.
I was saying the same thing. We should not attack the army institution. We maybe have valid points but normal public is going mental.
I was saying the same thing. We should not attack the army institution. We maybe have valid points but normal public is going mental.

No one is attacking any institution or instigating violence.

It is establishment that broke the rules by siding the the foreign puppets.

Since childhood, I thought that they were protectors of Pakistan, it turned out they are same as the PDM foreign puppets. And now they're all sitting together targeting patriotic Pakistanis who are willing to give anything for freedom.

Hosh ka nakhun lena chahye, don't repeat 1971
No, This is real 5th generation warfare

LOL, fanboys here lecturing real patriots on 5th gen warfare when the Army itself has miserably failed at containing it. Just look at the deterrence deficit with India (especially in terms of proxy warfare) swinging convincingly in India's favor.
LOL, fanboys here lecturing real patriots on 5th gen warfare when the Army itself has miserably failed at containing it. Just look at the deterrence deficit with India (especially in terms of proxy warfare) swinging convincingly in India's favor.

Kulbhushan is still alive btw, efforts are being made to return him safely to India.

Uskay support mein cases laray ja rahay thay bhai.
The whole GHQ have been compromised i think

Maybe the other corps commanders can prevail some sense or they're also waiting for plot

It's mainly nexus of 3 i.e. Bajwa, Anjum & Azhar.

I forgot which thread it was but around a year back I asked a question here on the forum that isn't there a system in place inside army similar to US 25th amendment where the cabinet can denotify the president if found unable to discharge the duties of the office.

A similar system at the level of core commanders MUST exist to take out such spawns of satan.
Patriots are being hunted down and treated like terrorists. 170m Pakistani youth has been split from the military. HIAs could only dream of doing this.

The entire country is under a climate of fear.
PPS. long while ago I said here that khafee and panzer kiel were fakes. I think it was @AgNoStiC MuSliM who told me "not to insult our professionals" because they are verified.

they both used to PM me and in them PMs they both failed very basic tests that I set them.

moral of the post is that DO NOT TRUST any one on PDF or internet. though bajwa and the rent boy heading ISI are doing US bidding, do not riot against them lest you become libya or shaam. either of the 2 scenarios --become indian satellite in whole or break-up in to pieces-- will suit the US
How many years have you been contracted giving these tests?
Was it a rorschach test, how to dismantle a MP5 or whether a picture represents a Biryani or pulao?

Patriots are being hunted down and treated like terrorists. 170m Pakistani youth has been split from the military. HIAs could only dream of doing this.

The entire country is under a climate of fear.
To fix fractured bones sometimes you have to break them further to reset them.

Things will get better - maybe these are the days Faiz talked about in Hum dekhien ge..

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